I’m The Question, hero of Hub City. AMA

The Masked Singer was designed by Nick Cannon to distract audiences with an obvious mystery from the targeted coded messages broadcasted via Wild n Out.

If we build a wall around the Phantom Zone, will that keep the follows of Jax-Ur out?

Behemoth: Selective breeding. All royal families do it. Except instead of hemophilia, the Atlantean royal family gets ichthyotelepathy. A solid deal, I’d say.

The idea for Yoda was implanted by extraterrestrials in order to help accustom the human race to wizened green aliens who can move heavy objects with their mind. You may recognize one of them on the Justice League.

MisfitHighlander: Considering that the Phantom Zone exists in another dimensional plane, we already have the wall of reality built around it. Any additional effort to construct a wall would be wasted money on a pointless boondoggle meant only to convey the illusion of security and stoke general xenophobia to better manipulate an already frightened and misinformed people. What were we talking about again?


Whatever it was, I think you covered the bases.

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Ok if Doom Patrol comic book story is weird, wonder if they ever copy The Bride of Frankenstein? Robotman wants a wife or a woman robot, he one day ask the Chief to make him one, so they find a fresh dead body of a woman, and put her brain in a female robot, when it comes to life, she hates him! Has this ever happen? Maybe I’m watching way to many old classic films. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have a new one. Why is it you look through everybody’s trash, and what kind of trash have you found in Batman’s trash bin?

Reaganfan: Robotman has long considered his condition a curse, and would rather get a human body again than subject another to his fate. As such, there’s never been a “Bride of Robotman” story.

But if you’re interested in the Bride of FRANKENSTEIN, she does play a significant role in “Frankenstein: Agent of SHADE.” Seek it out.


Ravenlord, you’d be surprised what you can learn about a person based on what they throw away. I’ve gotten some of my best leads dumpster diving.

Consequentially, the only thing I usually find in Batman’s trash is a post-it note that says “Stop being a creep, Question.”


Hi Question, I have a question, today I was watching the Adventures of Superman, episode ‘My Friend Superman’ The diner owner name Tony reminds me of Bibbo who owns ace of club, Was Bibbo and Ace o club based on him and the diner?

HubCityQuestion, I’m going to list a few things, could you please tell me of they are related to the greater conspiracy and if so, how?
-Toy Story 2
-Baskin Robbins
-Lady Gaga’s acting career
-Chicago style pizza
-And finally, Ford trucks

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Haha, wow. You’ve gained quite the following here. I really only come on here for shows. What’s your favorite thing to do in this DC Universe streaming service?

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Reaganfan: Bibbo Bibbowski debuted in 1987, decades after “My Friend Superman.” According to Bibbo’s creator, Jerry Ordway, he based the character on his real life friend Jo Jo Kaminsky. But it’s entirely possible that Ordway watched that episode growing up and internalized it. After all, there are no coincidences.

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Okay, Tornadosoup. Grand conspiracy breakdown.

N’Sync: Like most boy bands of their time, members were genetically grown to generate maximum appeal and broadcast commercial messages to the widest possible margin of teens with disposable income. For more information see the documentary film “Josie and the Pussycats.”

Toy Story 2: Psy-op to invoke sentimentality over the play objects of our own childhood, encouraging us to overvalue our nostalgia and return to the things which keep us placated and childlike.

Baskin Robbins: Partially controlled by an anti-alien cell. “Flavor of the Month” usually poisonous to extra-terrestrials and designed to expose them.

Lady Gaga’s Acting Career: Not part of the conspiracy. She’s really just talented enough to have captured America’s hearts. Some of her costume designers have supervillain clients, though.

Chicago style pizza: A myth. There’s no such thing as Chicago style pizza, and every shop that claims to serve it is an organized mob front. Ask for it, and you’ll either be admitted into a back room for their business meeting, or if they don’t trust you, be served an insultingly pizza-adjacent casserole.

Ford trucks: Simply one toxically masculine piece of a grand global conspiracy to suppress the electric car.


Suerbayat: My favorite part of the app is the ability it gives me to read a vast library of comics anywhere I go. The more it expands, the better.


Thankyou Question. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks for the breakdown, HubCityQuestion. Now out of curiosity, what is the strangest part of the conspiracy that you’ve uncovered?

Strangeness is in the eye of the beholder. The strangest part to me, for instance, is that the masses fail to see that it even exists. The signs are literally everywhere.

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Who is smarter in the universe, Luthor or Mr. Terrific?

You can’t truly quantify intelligence the way you would one’s height or weight. The very concept of the intelligence quotient is itself part of the conspiracy to keep people complacent and to stay within the bounds of their socially engineered roles.

When Mr. Terrific calls himself “The World’s Third Smartest Man,” it’s not a fact, but a joke. A sort of humble brag. An indication that “I’m very smart, but I suppose there’s a chance you might meet someone smarter.”

What Luthor lacks in such humility, however, he makes up for in cunning. A more devious mind is hard to find.

So to answer your question as best as I‘m able without falling prey to the intelligence ranking trap, I’ll satisfy you in this regard: if Mr. Terrific and Lex Luthor were competing in a science fair- supposing the judges could not be bribed- Terrific would win. But if they were playing chess, Luthor would win.


What’s your favorite DC quote?