How would you improve Titans?

1 suit up on missions

2 lose the chronic anger/angst

3 make the heroes HEROES (Stop with the killing and other crimes)

4 improve pacing and continuity

5 ditch the gratuitous language and nudity


I totally agree with you in the part about the casting of the characters they look perfect it just everything else about the show that gets me. Like gar I get that he just got his powers and he cant just turn into anything but after 2 seasons he should be able to do at least a little bit more than just a tiger. When is that going to happen? Also why would they show us him turning into a snake for 30 second during the trigon fight then nothing after that. It’s too much of the writers just trying to fill up time with useless ■■■■ and not enough character development. Like after 2 seasons we still dont get nightwing? We still know pretty much nothing about all of the characters. I just want a good show!! If they could just care about it a little more or actually try to make it good this show could be a million times better


Well, they are trying, I don’t think anyone is phoning it in. Nightwing is definitely coming, but I’m starting to think it won’t be until the last episode or two.

As for Beast Boy, well, um…we got to see him wash dishes!



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Costumes are important but the shows flaws are deeper than that. It’s the TONE! This show is too determined to be dark and edgy. The titans are fun friendly super heroes not angry losers.

  1. Replace Hawk and Dove with Roy and Wally. I would include Garth as well if they hadn’t needlessly killed him. I think Hawk and Dove were a hard sell for me to begin with because they’re less well known, and their characters just get worse and worse as the show goes on. Dawn is too self righteous and looks down her nose at everybody, and I don’t buy Hank as a hero whatsoever. He’s addicted to the violence, not to actually helping people, and his constant anger is just annoying. Not to mention, the two are serious hypocrites.

  2. As others have said, tone down the drama and make this show more about A) Family and B) Being superheroes. It’s seriously bizarre that we’ve now had Trigon, Deathstroke, Blackfire, and Doctor Light, and yet…? I feel like we’ve hardly seen any actual superhero-ing.

  3. Stop harping on the past and let’s move on already. Season one was meant to set the stage for Raven, Starfire, and Beast Boy coming together as Dick transitioned to Nightwing. When are we gonna get a move on with this?

  4. I was not offended by Bruce’s “bat-tusi” dance, since it was all an illusion anyway, but I’m not a fan of the casting of Bruce. Maybe they were going for an Adam West vibe, but that seems so out-of-place is this ridiculously dark show. Too late to really change this, but there it is.


I’m thoroughly enjoying the show, but this waiting a week for the next episode is driving me mad, and seems foolish. Why not just release all episodes at once. We live in a binge watching world.


Pacing. Dedicate an episode to a certain idea, theme, or plotline and follow through. Aside from Atonement, where pacing was all over the place, the show has been getting better at this. Keep sideplots at a minimum or just give them their own episode to flesh them out, and definitely don’t keep jumping between plots. Atonement has too many cuts. First 10 minutes breaking everyone up, 3 keeping Gar busy, 1 with Hank and Dawn, 3 back with Gar, 1 with Starfire, 1 back with Gar, 4 back with Hank and Dawn, 3 back with Gar, 6 with Dick, 4 back with Gar, 2 back with Starfire, 2 back with Hank and Dawn, 2 back with Starfire, 1 with Dick, 1 with Hank, 1 back with Gar, and finally the last few minutes with Dick. The most time we had in one place was when Dick confronts Jericho’s mother and Slade, and it was probably the best part of the episode. Jumping so often and between different characters in different emotional states keeps the audience from establishing proper emotional response.


That, and it keeps people coming back to the app each week.

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@Twogun_DC I am at a point with Titans where I am losing interest. I do NOT want to lose interest but I have to be honest. Last season was way too many things happening and the writing was alright. This season they improved with everything, but things just seems to be prolonged or stalled in ways I feel did not need to be.
I also think because of so many characters being shown so quickly, we lose a lot of character building. Don’t get me wrong, they have loads of it, but what I mean is this: start the season with building the main characters fully before adding others. In addition, throwing in side stories and giving us fans a future show such as Blackfire, Deathstroke, Trigon, etc. in a season is a bit much. I would prefer them focusing on one baddie. The seasons do that, but then it just doesn’t give me a good climax or a big brawl. I also feel like the show seems to stretch more than it needs to like the waiting on Dick finally tell people about Jericho, the slow build is just too slow for me.
However, I do have a couple favorite episodes like Bruce Wayne and Aqualad because it was interesting and deep. Bruce Wayne episode was the best of the series for me.
These are just my rant/opinion. I’m hoping they end this season strongly with an actual end.


I love the show but…

I have an idea for a rewrite of the show from the ground up.

Season 1:

Keep Kory walking around with no memory but have her speak Tamaranian from time to time and when she speaks English, let her diction, grammar and pronunciation feel like a non-native English-speaker, establishing how alien she really is. Also, give her a better costume, that wig may be slightly accurate to the New Teen Titans hair but it looks incredibly unnatural, and that fur coat was just ugly.

Keep Raven’s storyline mostly the same but reveal through dream sequences that she used to be in Azarath before being banished and her mind being wiped due to her father’s influence over her growing stronger.

Dick should be kept pretty much the same for that season but let him keep the Robin suit longer.

Trigon tells Rachel her birthname, “Raven”, and convinces her to take over the world.

Season 2:

Raven remembers Azarath and, more importantly, how to banish Trigon and does just that, though only at the end of the first episode instead of halfway through.

Cast an older Englishman as Wintergreen and have him act as the voice of reason for Slade like in the comics (absolutely despised the show’s version of him).

Show Adeline shooting Slade in the face after Jericho’s throat is cut, mention Grant several times.

Don’t kill off Dr Light after only a handful of episodes and make him dumber and less competent like his comic self or what Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man was like on Doom Patrol.

Show (or imply) that Speedy and Kid Flash were among the old Titans. Show that on one of their earliest missions, a mercenary calling himself Ravager attacked the Titans and got himself killed before revealing him to be Grant Wilson, sparking Deathstroke’s initial feud with the Titans, making Garth’s death a retaliation.

Changes to the overall show: a brighter color scheme, more uses of powers (particularly from Starfire’s non-flame powers and Gar changing into other animals), none of the heroes kill anyone (Dick and Jason can brutally beat people within an inch of their lives, though), Dick lightens up a bit more (the “f*** Batman” line is fine but his overall broodiness is a bit much) and they actually use their codenames and costumes a lot more.

I realize the rough rewrite needs a bit of work, but it’s just what I’d been hoping for from the show.


The last few episodes the show(which, to be clear I’m still enjoying.) has started to wander into the dangerous territory of going too “Arrow.” Lots of whining, lots of self-doubt, lots of equivocation and navel gazing and not a whole lot of…Titans. The show is called Titans…that’s kind of what I hope to see. Titans being the Titans, not wandering around adrift in there own individual ennui. It’s not overly bad right now, but I’m really hoping it picks up soon. I’d improve the show by remembering what the draw of a hero show is. That’s heroes.


Cancel it. Which sucks cuz I like all the actors but the direction and writing are just terrible and at this point there’s no way to fix that.

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I hope that the rest of the season turns itself around and concentrates on one or two plot lines

  1. I don’t like the batman, he is more like alfred. 2. More Alien like Star. 3. more action 4. WE NEEDS IMPULSE ( and a smallville ref)
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The best episodes are the ones that don’t focus on the younger Titans. Next season they should do a backwards time shift and focus on the original Titans. The older team just clicks, the older actors just don’t jell with the younger members. Starfire is ok by herself, and should probably be given her own, 1season mini-series on her home world.

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Wow, I think the exact opposite. I would love the series to take some time to focus on the younger heroes and see them start to gel together. The older Titans are a bit too bitter at this point.


I like the show and find it entertaining. My only criticism is a big one though. Season 2 is almost over and there’s still no “team” in the true sense of the word. While I have enjoyed all the backstory and drama, I think the show can benefit from some traditional team-up action.


All the characters are becoming unlikable. Honestly I was tolerating it until Conner blew up a bunch of cops in an otherwise pleasent subplot. Like the writers felt obliged to make everything a misery fest. The team breaks up too often. Everyone is a murderer. Which sucks since I’m a big Titans fanboy but this show has some of my favorite characters- and it sucks.

I’m sick of Dick’s solo adventures where he goes to “find himself” which happens every other episode. And Hank and Dawn’s life outside the team. WAAAAAAY too much screentime is used on the Original Team and its dull.

I liked how the show handled the Wilson family though. They feel right out of the comics. Slade and Jericho especially i like seen done right after Arrow was really inaccurate to their comic versions.


Exactly. I’m actually more sympathetic towards Slade and his family situation than most of the Titans since they’re always ready to throw someone under the bus even though morally most of them are pretty sh*t ( * cough * Kory) or keeping secrets themselves ( * cough * Rachel). Granted Kory didn’t turn on Dick like Rachel but Kory’s killed several innocent people in Season 1 that wasn’t really tackled by the rest of the group which is another issue with the writing of her character. Remember the plot thread from Season 1 they completely dropped that she was wanted by the government for attacking cops and then she killed serveral FBI agents. But we’re suppose to feel sad for her killing her friend last episode :laughing: