How Do You Feel About Teen Titans Go?

I enjoy the show overall. It was overplayed on CN for awhile and I understand why some people despise it. But man when they hit the mark they hit it well and it can be pretty darn funny!


And how can anyone not be amused by the sight of Black Manta in his helmet while wearing his everyday clothes, complete with gut hanging out, in the Finding Aquaman episode?


:laughing: That was soo funny!


I’ve seen plenty and plenty of clips but never actually watched a full episode. Although, it came off pretty damn funny. Comparing to the 2003 show I always felt was ridiculous. It’s okay to like both - I know there are people who love the serious Batman ala Keaton, Bale, Affleck etc. BUT who also love Adam West. Guess what? It’s okay and you can like both lol. Plus, fans of the old show look back and hold it up in the same context as say Batman: The Animated Series. Yet, the original Teen Titans show could be pretty damn silly at times.

I did see the movie and I LOVED it! Interestingly enough, my brother and his wife wouldn’t let the kids see it - acting as if the movie is dumb and will somehow make the kids dumb or something.


I also like how Weird Al plays Darkseid. Perfect casting :laughing:


WHAT?!?!? I need to see this now lol


Here you go!


That was kinda unsettling lol


The first series was meant to be serious and I appreciated that. But there was something missing to it. We never saw them mingling with other heroes and with the exceptions of Slade, Tara and Trigon I never recognized any other characters. The streets were always empty as if they were the only people in the city. As silly as the newer series is at least we see other people, other heroes and lots of villains’ I recognize. Yes, I would prefer a more series show, but for now I like Titans Go! better.


:notes: Shrimps and prime rib Shrimps and prime rib :notes:



One of most fave segments with Star here:

“Alright you bags of dirt.” :laughing:


You know what I noticed, I’ve noticed that the people who hate TTG actually grew up loving SpongeBob. Granted they prefer the older episodes of SpongeBob, but still…

Don’t get me wrong, I understand that for them they prefer the original Teen Titans because they had actual storylines each season, but I think that when they got the greenlight to reboot the series they took a different approach, and now TTG has 7 seasons, way more than the original got.


The kids (my niece & nephew) didn’t grow up on Teen Titans, they like Sponge Bob but their parents wouldn’t let them watch it because…it’s too stupid they say.


how nice to have stumbled upon this thread
teen titans go was one of the first dc shows I got into as a kid and i love it to this day
teen titans go to the movies is a cinematic masterpiece
it also introduced me to starfire, who I’ve had a massive crush on ever since
top teir show


No matter how many times I have tried, I just can’t enjoy this series. Its just not for me. Which is sad as I really loved the org cartoon.


I mean I actually never watched the OG Teen Titans show cuz it came out before I was born. Now, I’m 17 and TTG has been on air for years. I personally don’t hate it, but I’m not interested in the childish and light-hearted DC properties. It’s just not for me. The jokes are too corny and as I said before, just “childish”. The best animated series I’m watching that’s still currently running is Harley Quinn and you obviously can’t even compare that to TTG.


And one gag scene should be included in the TTG/Jellystone crossover, is when Raven was not so impressed when she noticed Yakky appearing (or sort of) as her in a scene from the Jellystone episode “The Box Thief”.


I don’t like it but only because it’s not my style of humor usually. Fart jokes and the like annoy me greatly so even though there are some genuinely funny bits (Al’s Darkseid for example from above) I can’t generally appreciate a full episode. I get that it is other people’s humor though so it’s great for other people, just not me. Honestly, I should probably give it more of a try than I did.

Also feel like people can’t separate it from og TT. It’s its own thing. TT was really good but I didn’t grow up with it so I don’t have those tinted glasses that say, “these are the definitive titans, anything else is not.” (Same applies to B:tas, since you asked).


I’m not really that familiar with the original Teen Titans animated series; I only know those characters from the movie, and I only saw the movie from baby sitting and only bits of it. But while I’m also not triggered, probably for that reason. I’m not a fan of what I’ve seen, which is mostly clips with the random full episodes, since they are so short in duration.

I think animation, even when produced for kids or teenagers, can be enjoyed by adults. The example I always point to is the Lego direct to DVD DC Superhero movies, which I think in some ways were better (as far as stories) than the then DC Animated direct to DVD movies that were based on the New 52 stories, like Flashpoint Paradox or Throne of Atlantis. I do agree with those here who think the toilet humor, fart humor in TTG denigrates this and makes is much more of a kiddie show than it should or could be,

I also agree that CN over plays it and it’s a bit sad that for many people it is their sole or main introduction into the DCU.



This is def why I love DC Superhero Girls (ver 2) and TTG! so much. :smiley: