Have We Met?

Moderator Shayera Hol has that Hive 5 thread on-line. Got me to wondering how the Fearsome Five would make out against the Fatal 5 from the LSH. I think they’d get their butts kicked. But it sure would be an interesting face-off. :grinning:

Hmmm, I’m thinking now I should have unloaded this one over at “Who Would Win?”


Has Zatanna ever faced off against Circe?


Has Greg Saunders, the original (western themed) modern-day Vigilante, ever had any run-ins with any of the several others who have likewise assumed the name?


Last November HCQ made me aware of the Council of Immortals. Something didn’t click in for me then, but it has now. The Thorn has been gifted with immortality (since Rebirth, and various other followings). Has she as yet encountered any of them? I dread the thought of her making an enemy of Vandal Savage. But it might make for some great stories!


Are any of the Rocket Red Brigade still active in the DCU? If so, have Dimitri Pushkin or Gavril Ivanovich ever met or teamed with the Red Star, Leonid Kovar? With everything going on in the Ukraine of late, it’s hard to remember a time when DC gave us Russian characters who were deemed as heroes by the Teen Titans and Justice League.


Man, I don’t know where this stuff is comin’ from, but I gotta’ run with it. Has Dr. Occult ever run up against Dr. Terry Thirteen? And has the duel personalitied Occult, ever met either Harvey Dent, or the Thorn?


Has Impulse ever met Tommy Monaghan? I know the flash has, but im not sure about good ol’ Bart.


This one just hit me! Have any of the Green Lanterns (past or present) ever come up against Mr. Mxyzptlk? That I suspect, would make for some very interesting visuals!


In Emperor Joker


I’m back! I’ll try to answer a few of these as I have time. Please bear with me.

I see your comments on the “Scooby-Doo Exception,” and I will take that into account for future “Meetings.” If you’d like to resubmit one that I’ve only provided Scooby for, please feel free.

Raven and Cindy’s* first interaction with each other was in DC Challenge #9 (1986), when Superman rallies both the Teen Titans and Justice League Detroit to aid in defending Earth from the invading Molantian race. Raven uses her psychic abilities to discover a hidden Molantian – Cindy isn’t too impressed.

…And, to date, that’s the only time they’ve directly interacted!

(The two heroes have also been present for certain “all-hands” scenes such as the battle against the Anti-Monitor in Crisis on Infinite Earths #7, Mister Miracle’s funeral in Justice League America #40, the battle between Earth’s active female heroes and the forces of Circe in Wonder Woman #174-175 (2001), the battle against the Secret Society of Super-Villains in Infinite Crisis #7, and the Superboy memorial in 52 #1, but didn’t have anything to say to each other.)

*I don’t like the name.


He has not. I don’t think Tommy has interacted with any of DC’s younger heroes.


That makes sense. Wouldn’t want the next-generation heroes to be killers.

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Thanks for the latest update on Gypsy. You also (inadvertently) answered another HWM query I asked earlier, about Zatanna and Circe. That happened in a cross-over with the Joker’s Last Laugh storyline from WW #174-5 (vol. 2), which you mentioned. Seems like everybody (and their grandmother) was in that. Far to many to include here, but, the Mistress of Magic was among them. Thanks!


I should also note to that effect that Circe is a significant enemy throughout the 2018 Justice League Dark series, which frequently sets her against Zatanna as a member of the team.


Because it’s come up a few times now, I’d like to explain why I dislike the Cynthia Reynolds codename. It’s an artifact from a time when creators did not really consider the perspective of the Romani people to which the title is traditionally applied, and is frequently considered to be a mild to significant slur, particularly when used by outsiders. As a non-Romani person myself, I don’t have a say in whether it’s appropriate or not, but I do know I would prefer not to call a character who once represented a broad stereotype of an entire culture a name which might make any member of that culture who might engage in a DC Comic feel disrespected.

If anyone would like to know more about the cultural connotations of the “G” word, here’s a pretty informative piece on the subject.


Has Superman met captain atom


Many times. As they have often interacted as members of the Justice League, in times past. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank u @HubCityQuestion and @wrightline1.42741


Any day you can learn something new about your world, and the people on it, is a good day. Like many other folks my age, I grew up taking in the world from the media available to me. TV, movies, magazines comic books, etc. Most, if not all, were merely reflections of each other. Fewer among them were actual drivers of social change. What I knew of “Gypsies” came from those sources. Later, as I got older, I learned more about them. Mostly, that they, like the Jews, Blacks and anyone who didn’t fall under Hitler’s vision of a “pure Aryan master race,” had to go. And that even those who fought against the Nazis, still brought a lot of that thinking home with them. Unfortunately, too much of that kind of prejudice and bigotry is still alive and thriving in the world today.

So, anything that updates my base of knowledge (being “woke,” if you will) about any group of people still looked down on or marginalized, is a good thing. For that sir, I thank you!