has there been a character in a movie, show, or game that you thought was better than the comic version?

I usually compare characters in other mediums to the comic version so sometimes they just don’t stack up and others I think are represented great on screen. Is there any character you think you enjoyed the screen version of more than the comic version.


Scarecrow in Arkham Asylum.

Also, kind of Dick Grayson in Young Justice, but only as Robin. Not because I don’t like him as Nightwing, but because it’s a better fleshing out of his personality when he was young than we got in the comics.


@BatJamags Definitely agree with Scarecrow. The Arkham games use him so well. And so does Injustice 2 (albeit to a lesser extent). I guess the medium of video games is a better fit for the character than the medium of comics.

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General Zod and Faora.


I like Wonder Woman more on tv than comics and more in movies than on tv.

Elongated man is 1 of my favorite characters and I enjoy him more on the flash than all his comic appearances, except for Identity Crisis.

Ihave never read a Supergirl comic so to see her on tv has to be better, right?

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Halo in Young Justice is an enormous improvement over the original version. I hope she becomes the new standard for the character.


Doom Patrol, took Morrison’s great concepts and put them in a more coherent story with a better over arching theme and more consistent quality.
Hubcityquestion calls Halo correctly, the original Gabby had remained a captive of the time period in which she was written, regardless of which changes you decided to make, changes had to be made


Tony Stark is great in the movies but in the comic he is a straight up douchebag but Robert downy Jr is able to make him a loveable duchebag


As @msgtv said. Doom Patrol. The show added so much more personality to that wacky world and I loved all the actors portrayal of the characters. Personally (incoming super unpopular opinion :grimacing:) the Doom Patrol version of Cyborg is my favorite interpretation of him because he is way more human in his emotions and issues. He isn’t just a super computer with a weapon or a frustrated teen. He is a young man with trust issues, a desire to be a hero and do right, he has family issues, etc. I find him very relatable and I haven’t seen that in the comics. (Feel free to recommend me some cyborg comics if I wrong tho :grin:)


I really enjoy green arrow from Justice league unlimited. He’s on par with some of his better comics if not better.


Vibe from the Arrowverse is way better than the original version


Eabard Thawne from CW Flash, which really surprised me.

Animated versions of Cosmic Boy.
Dr Manhattan in Watchmen (I got more a sense of disconnection than a Jungian super-ego. Made him much more relatable)

Jimmy Olson in Superman 78. He’s the only take on that character I didn’t want to slap.

Perry White from The Adventures of Superman tv show.

Frank Gorshin’s Batman 66 Riddler. He is the archetype for that character.

I’ll throw this out there since, YJ Halo is such a reimagining of her from her original Batman and the Outsiders, I’m not sure it’s much to compare/contrast against. Just like that 1st incarnation of Halo, and I like the new YJ Halo, but I wonder if she’s gonna have “legs” and not be just a product of a specific time/sociopolitical environment.


Maybe not more, but batman the brave and the bold’s aquaman is pretty good.


I agree about Doom Patrol. I almost didn’t watch it because I really disliked what I’d read of Morrison’s run.

And yes, Doom Patrol Cyborg is the best Cyborg.


Non DC related answer but Howard the Duck!


@awesome_squid I can’t say I’ve read a lot of vibe but I have seen him in a cartoon or two and totally agree.

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@Thelegendkillerx OUTRAGEOUS!!!


I have to agree with trutsimutsi on the opinion that cyborg is much better maybe even the best in doom patrol rather than in many comics and other shows


@Harleys Puddin

Howard has me very conflicted. There were some great comics, but the movie is awesome on my top 5 of all time greats. If anything it might be the Thomas Dolby connection that puts the movie ever so slightly ahead of the comic for me.

Unrelated, I’d also say Hawkgirl from JL/JLU. It really gave a sense of just what a kick butt, take names, and one of the best representations of a strong female heroine I think ever done. Anybody (male or female) that don’t take no agro or manipulation from Batman. That is a strong character that understands themselves and their power.


These are all great examples! Especially JLU Hawkgirl, and I don’t know about better, but JLU GA and Brave&Bold Aquaman are my favorite versions.

Most of all, though, is Rita Farr. The show took a kind of confused comic character and made her an identifiable, 3 dimensional human being.