Harley’s Crew ♦ HARLEY QUINN TV Series Discussion 🚨 Spoilers Ahead!

Or is that… clay-rvoyant? :eyes:



:drum: IT IS NOW @Mae!! :white_check_mark: :clayface_grinhqtas:


I luv the more nurturing side of the Joker :blush:


I have not been liking Harley Quinn TAS season 3 very much at all, and I’ve got to be honest, I hated episode 6.
I don’t get on the DC community site often, but I feel like I need to know what other Harley fans are thinking.
Were there any big changes in the creative team from season one and two to season three? What’s going on?


One of the executive producers left. I think the rest stayed, so maybe that guy was responsible for the stuff you liked.


Ok…yes, we have never seen The Joker like this ever before.

:nauseated_face: WTF WHY DOES THE JOKER…THE JOKER GET TO BE IN A HAPPY LOVEING RELATIONSHIP YET BATCAT DOES NOT :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:


100% this!


I won’t say that I hated this episode but… it’s definitely my least favorite. Honestly, it wasn’t what I was expecting, especially after last episode. Once it kinda revealed that this episode would be more Joker centric I was like, “Okay, I mean I guess it would make some sense to ‘check in’ with him”, but I was expecting a continuation from last episode, though knowing the tone of this show… this episode doesn’t surprise me.


OK, who had socialist Joker on their season 3 bingo cards? :laughing:


I win!



Interesting episode.

Joker focused. Nice seeing him and his family. Nice stuff there. Fun references and the sitcom opening. All this to help his family and get back at Debby :laughing:. And now mayor. Interesting.

Gordon looses it and gains it at the end only to loose his job. At least it seem like he patched thing up with Babs.

Harley and Ivy’s reaction to returning was great :laughing:.

What will become of Gotham? What about Gordon? What’s next for Harley and crew? All this and more Same HarlIvy Time Same HarlIvy Channel


Is the Joker really no longer a villain?


I’mma post my recap of episodes 4, 5, and 6 after our :harleys_crew: WAL on Monday. :smiley: :+1:


Technically no, just not in the same way he was before.

I don’t really see him kidnapping and murdering people for his enjoyment and to attract Batman like he used to, but I can definitely see where he could use his new position of power to do things that pertain to his own self interest (even if it’s technically for his new family, but only caring about what you or only those close to you want while not caring how it can affect others can still be considered selfish reasons). I guess we’ll have to wait and see just how Joker will do as mayor, but since it is a character like the Joker I would imagine it would go into chaos, because why wouldn’t it? Considering that he wanted to become mayor just to be able to “conquer” a rival, who knows what will happen? Also getting rid of the police department is going to be great news to all the criminals in Gotham, because then they can get away with almost anything without police intervention. However, Batman and his family are the only heroes who will probably still try to catch them (since vigilantism is technically illegal), but the criminals might just get released pretty easily if there’s a key part of the Justice process missing.

:warning:And no I’m not at all trying to get political here, I just genuinely don’t know what would happen to criminals if it was just up to vigilantes and the courts to decide punishment​:warning:

TL;DR, we will find out and see what happens I suppose.


Technically I think it depends what your definition of “villain” is: :purple_heart: Somebody gotta do sumthin’ bout that Batman:speak_no_evil:


I’m all caught up now.:partying_face:

Episode 5:

Lots of characters to juggle - I’m positive I missed all sorts of gags, but :memo: here’s what caught my attention for now:

-I need more Zen-Ivy (& giant-Ivy) in my life
-Oh no. :see_no_evil: Harls has chips
-Ew, Bruce. Do better than Martha the cat, and stop buying cheap sheets!
-Granola-bro Swampy
-I :green_heart: Ivy’s big 80’s hair
-Swampy and Nora are gonna do sex things.
-Selina and her bubble bath Cheetos :laughing:
-Alfred The Macaroni totally let Music Meister in :notes: (Well done, again, Music Dept!)
-:harleyquinn_hqas::diamonds:“As your GF AND a psychologist” I want Harls to say this all the time now
-Constantine!! :raised_hands:
-Nora (the reckless widow) out-drinking Constantine
-Nora in general. :cobb_squad: (Thank you for your service, Rachel Dratch)
-I hope Zatanna cameos again.
-Ivy & Alec should socialize more
-:poisonivy_hqas: Ah, ■■■■. I hate when the power was inside me all along. :laughing:
-GASP! I knew it was you, Batsy…

(Ivy when she finds out you went after her family :green_heart:).

Episode 6:

I can’t believe we’re already passed the halfway mark. We better get another season :diamonds:…otherwise…uhm why is there no Harley or crew in this episode? I’m here to watch a Harls interact w/ various villains who hilariously act like normal people. :purple_heart:

-Joker having a nightmare that everyone hated his lemon squares—then waking up w/ a C-Pap :rofl: Thank you for that.
-Gordo. Again: Listen to your daughter!
-Don’t change Benicio. That’s how the bullies win.
-Debbie suUUX
-Gotham is a hateful a-hole :laughing: Yep.
-Mayor-Joker kinda makes sense
-Suave, the news guy.
-I’d vote for Joker. :joker_hv_1: You all heard Cheryl. Gotham is a dumpster fire. There’s no where to go but up. :face_with_monocle: This is facts.
-A-Ha! Babs would too! (Babs does need a bell. :full_moon_with_face: She be sneaky. That’s why I like her).
-They killed Scarecrow off, don’t think they won’t do the same to you Two Face!
-Gutters :see_no_evil: I heard that.
-Roller coaster action sequence: C’mon Gordo! You can save them!
-:eyes: Don’t make Bethany angry, y’all
-Hi Amy Sedaris! I thought that was you!
-Wait, WHAT?:diamonds:You made us miss Mardi Gras w/ Harls & Ivy!? Noooo! (Their shirts tho :laughing:)


Batman spending all those years training with the wisest masters and sages just so he can run amok in the hood every night. Yeah, sure- sounds equitable. The punishment is supposed to fit the crime, not exponentially exceed it- in comics side Gordo would be the first to tell you that Batman. :unamused:

Also- you crossed the line when you kidnapped Frank. :angry:


Now that Harley got Bruce, I think Selina is gonna kidnap Batgirl and hold her at gunpoint as leverage during interrogation to locate Frank. Harley will argue with Selina while Ivy keeps torturing the sh1t outta Bruce. Ivy will think Harley is leaving her for Babs but by the end of the season, Ivy will realize Harley’s growing sense of ethics and learn that sometimes, even the most passionate of lovers sometimes have to restrain themselves for each other.


I was so disappointed after watching episode 6, but episode 7 was perfect. What a great show! I can’t wait to see how this develops.


I would love for there to be an animated emoji of HQ Catwoman like they have with :harleyquinn_hqas: and :poisonivy_hqas: