Harley Quinn S2, E3 Reaction Thread - 🚨 WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD 🚨

Ah, kinda figured they’d never ship Harley x Ivy in this show, the red herring about their relationship in the s2 & s1 trailers were just that, red herrings. It irks me to a degree that they baited something from the comics that they had no intention of following up in the show in any shape or form.

That being said, Kiteman x Ivy does work for what this show is going for, even though I do agree with Harley that Kiteman is a scrub and she deserves better, but their relationship DOES work in the context of this show. And I like how despite Harley’s issues with Kiteman, she does support her BFF Ivy, and wants to see her happy.

But more importantly, Frank is back. Always need more Frank.

Now the rest of the episode continues the same level of quality you’ve come to expect, and it doesn’t disappoint. Also loved the B plot with Psycho and Riddlers, that was great.

Though, it does bother me a little how they race-swapped Catwoman again. I understand why they’re doing it, they’re trying promote the new Catwoman in the Matt Reeves Batman film. But I don’t see why they feel the need to push that in a show that has nothing to do with that movie, but EVERYONE seems to do that when there’s an upcoming movie featuring a particular character. It’s tiresome, but I get it. However, with all my gripes, I do like Catwoman’s look & personality in this show. It’s that young Audry Hepburn-look that Adam Hughes uses whenever he draws Catwoman. And I liked how Ivy was fangirling around her. That was funny.


BOOM. :boom: All the nutrients Ivy needs right there!


If there was an emoji of the Look™ Selina gave Harley while Ivy was babbling (lovingly, of course), that would be my response. Since there’s not, this one will have to do: :catwoman_hv_3:


She dumped more chemicals into the water, though. She wasn’t just making them swim in the water. She was dousing them with chemicals while over the water. More poison was dumped into the water. That the water was already contaminated doesn’t really make it okay to dump more.

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@J3D28F.17202 How do you know it’s “more”? And not just barrels they already dumped? :thinking: Barrels that leak, rust and degrade, mind you.
They were poisoning people, animals and plant life w/o consequence or accountability…plus (the most important detail): She’s a villain! Her moral correctness is skewed a bit—that’s the point.

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As I remember the episode, Ivy poured chemicals on the men while dangling them over the water. She separated the chemicals from the water, put them back in the barrels, and poured them on the men, introducing the chemicals back into the water? I feel like it makes more sense to assume that she poured new chemicals on the men. Also, I now she’s a villain, I’m just commenting on the apparent hypocrisy of dumping chemicals yourself in order to punish people you blame for dumping chemicals.


@J3D28F.17202 Fair enough. Obviously I didn’t view the scene the same way—but that’s ok, right? I just hope those details you noticed don’t dampen your enjoyment overall. Laughing is good for the soul. :facepunch: :grinning:


:kitemanhqtas: :ring: :poisonivy_hqas:
Hell yeahhhh

Hahaha Riddler is such a badass, good episode. Happy 80th Catwoman! (Fitting Cameo Timing)
everyone happy now? Frank is back


The end made this the best episode yet. Love me some Kite Man and I’ve.


Kite man and Ivy together are the only reason I am keeping my subscription to DC Unlimited. Can’t get enough.


I LOVE this show!! I love how petty these big name characters are. I love how Catwoman is all about herself and how Ivy’s insecurities took off. The friendship between Ivy and Harley is so organic and real. I didn’t know Frank had a butt!! And, yes, Kite Man grows on you. It’s true. He’s just cute in his dedication to Ivy. I was happy when Ivy made him propose one last time.


I’ll be totally flustered if I met Catwoman. I’m not a big fan of Kiteman and Ivy together, so I’m just patiently waiting for the Harley and Ivy relationship to develop further.


Damn, I forgot about Powerless. That was a funny show!


To Ivy, I’m pretty sure so.

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As a huge Chase fan, I knew who he was. I just did not know he had appeared in other comics, let alone a Harley Quinn comic.


Honestly, I thought they where going to say they dated before lol. Im glad she didnt dump Kite since they been through a lot and ugh im so happy with how it ended


Dumping more chemicals into the water will only further harm all the algae and undersea plants beneath the surface, something which Ivy would never willingly do. It’s a characterization inconsistency, a “whoops” on the writers’ part.


One thing I wasn’t expecting: the Egghead cameo in the museum. Like, I was under the impression that DC wasn’t allowed to use the characters originally from the Adam West show because of copyright issues with Fox/Disney.


Dope episode


Harley Quinn is the best show right now. I really like Ivy’s and Harley’s relationship. Wish they would make a comic book about this show.