:00_green_arrow_rebirth: Green Arrow and Black Canary :00_black_canary:| Monday, 7/18 | 6 PM Pacific/9 PM Eastern 🎯

Well truth be told, I’m not all that into rap.

When the mood strikes though, I lean towards the Beastie Boys.


Sorry to have run late for part 1 @DCAnimatedClub and @JusticeLeagueBookClub, but part 2 of the WAL will start on-time at :30 after. :slight_smile:


Well, Beastie Boys are one of my favorite all time anything musically. So you choose well for it not being your preferred genre!!! Sleep schedule got warped. Asleep at 5-7, then right back to sleep & up at midnight. I was all the way ready to go to. Fought so hard, even the Dr. Of Peppers couldn’t write me a proper rx for non-drowsiness…:pensive:

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