💬 General DC Collecting Chit-Chat 💬

In the words of Adam Sandler, “Not too shabby.” :+1:t2:


Honestly, it was a little tough wrapping my head around the idea of buying a Barbie doll for myself, what with me being a grown-ass man and all, but once I saw this Justice League Wonder Woman I had to get it:

I didn’t want to dig her out so here is a stock photo:


Having bought one, it became easy for it to become a trend:

The price on these Mattel WW 84 dolls was so cheap. I paid $20 for Diana in her uniform, and $10 each for the other three. I would have been a fool not to buy them at that price! I kept them in the box for a bit, but with space being at a premium, I opened them up and I am glad I did. They look so much better in person, so to speak.

You can also see Alice peeking up from the lower shelf. Just picked her up at the Orlando airport, surprisingly. I have a decent size Alice collection going on as well.

I have been checking eBay periodically for Hippolyta and Antiope Barbies, but the price has been too steep. There is a huge difference between Mattel WW 84 dolls and official Barbie goodies. Someday I hope to come across them at a reasonable price. I should add them to @moro’s thread of grails!

So yeah, I am somehow a Barbie enthusiast. Did not see that coming. :laughing:

I should be going crazy for this Golden Age WW, but the price keeps scaring me away!


Pah to those who have a problem with it! Pah, I say!

Its your money, time and shelf space so enjoy as you see fit, good sir (and clearly, you have :wink:).


If I should buy the 2003 Supergirl Barbie at a specialty shop and the cashier says, “So, is this for your girlfriend or wife or a female relative?”, I’d say “Nope, its for me.” :nerd_face:


:smiley: :hugs:


:star_struck: :purple_heart:


Mattel really did a solid job here with Gal G. Barbie. :+1:


but everyone says its a mullet so even if it wasn’t meant to be I think it now is kinda like when name brands take over band aid qtip duck tap


To quote many a conversation that I’m sure was had in the '80s when Mullet Mania was alive and well:

“Just because it looks like a mullet, doesn’t mean it is one.”

In my four eyes, a mullet has thinner hair in the back, while the front is often cropped.

Superman’s long hair wasn’t thin in the back or cropped in the front. Technically-speaking, I would consider it to simply be “long hair”.


my dad had mullet was around when it was the craze to his four eyes its a mullet
and it should be called a mullet because it is a mullet :rofl:


:smile: If Jurgens says it isn’t one, I’m listening to him, because Jurgens is God when it comes to Superman.


This scene in the Flash marketing material that highlights the Flying Fox…

The Flash GIF by Warner Bros. Pictures

…reminded me of this playset of the same, released as a Walmart exclusive by Mattel in 2017 as part of their Justice League movie line (and the second of two large playsets in the line):

6-inch in scale, so it won’t work with the McFarlane or Spin Master Flash movie figures and Batcycles, but its still an impressive piece and a fun set to noodle with while waiting for its imminent return to the big screen in The Flash.


I didn’t notice it on your other posts, because that thread often gets so busy, but those two cheetahs are real finds. I actually think in some ways those are actually better looking (in terms of the character of Barbara and Cheetah) than the actress looked in the trailer and the commercials - I still have the movie on my To See virtual pile because I’m hoping to catch it theatrically in a re-release).

In the 1990s, someone did a Karen Carpenter bio-pic that became very notorious and is hard to find due to rights clearance for the music, but it would be really interesting if some of the people who make those fan films using things like action figures would ever do one with Barbies particularly say Wonder Woman ones and make an entire Themyscira themed short film. I mean, since WB and Barbie/Mattel are in each other pockets at the moment, I hope someone @ the proper media accounts on social with this suggestion. I miss those DC Nation shorts, this would also be a great idea for one of those.


Thanks! I am very glad I “splurged” for them.

I am 100% down for a Wonder Woman Barbie fan film.


Hello collectors :wave:
Had a question for y’all- a family friend of mine has this in her garage and she said it was her son’s when they were kids (they probably would have had it in the late 90s or early 2000s), and I was wondering if anyone knew anything about what line it was from or anything

Thats all and thanks for any info in advance :thumbs_up_batman:



paging Super Cool @Vroom


wakes up in his Advanced Typing class (an easy A get-together) as his Motorola-brand pager vibrates

Oh neat, a page!

asks the teacher if I can please go to the restroom, a comedic ballet of “I don’t know, can you?” ensues between them and myself and I eventually make my way to a pay phone on campus

Okay, I’ve got my 7-11 phone card in-hand and a bottle of Fruitopia next to the phone, so let’s see who paged.

Thefifthelement 5th GIF - Thefifthelement 5th Leeloo GIFs

Got you covered, Skip!

That figure is Air Assault Batman, released by Kenner in 1995 as part of the inaugural product launch in their Crime Squad refresh of the Batman: The Animated Series line.

In-package photos:

If your family friend finds any other da bomb dot com offerings from the '90s in their garage and you need 'em identified, :notes: “you know who to call!” :notes:

hangs up the phone and takes a swig from his Fruitopia, then noodles about on campus for a few before returning to Advanced Typing to resume his nap


Typing class just about killed your girl. And it was just the 101 beginner version! :eyes:

I am sooo bad at it. Kudos to you Super Cool @Vroom. :+1:


Awesome! Thanks for the info @Vroom!


Typing classes were among my go-tos for easy As, as I’ve always been a natural at typing.

What follows is my train of thought from my 7th grade Tech Lab class, one of the first times taxpayer-funded typing instruction was offered to me in a public education setting:

“Home row, huh? Well, as Lieutenant Dan said in last year’s box office hit Forrest Gump, kiss my ass! :smile: My fingers are moving across the keyboard ala those of the delightful Angela Lansbury, as seen in the opening of Murder, She Wrote. I don’t need no steenking home row.”

In high school, the teacher of a typing class often mentioned that she typed at 50 WPM (a solid rate, no doubt) using the home row approach.

Meanwhile, I was cruising along at a cool 75 WPM.

Did I tell her I could type that fast?

Nah, because why take the wind out of her sails? That’d be a dick move, and I’m not a dick, so there we go.

I used home row when she was walking around the class observing us and, when she’d inquire about my speed, I’d feign it and say “I must be clocking in at about…30 WPM or so.”, to which she said “Good. Keep it up and you’ll eventually get to my level.”

“Uh-huh.” I said to myself as I returned to 75 WPM after she had left my station and turned the corner.

She and my Tech Lab teacher were both wicked-rad people and great teachers (Hi Mr. Henkel, in the extremely unlikely event you’re reading! :wave:t2: :clark_hv_4:), but yeah, I smoked 'em when it came to typing prowess.

Home row, schmome row, just let the fingers fly! The keyboard is your orchestra while you are its conductor! :smile:

I would have leaned over and said “Don’t use that home row stuff. Just do what feels natural and comfortable to you.” while the teacher was at their desk.

Oh, and then asked if you’d want the demo disc from a recent issue of PC Gamer, because I had played the Unreal Tournament demo to death and was ready to hand that CD-ROM over to whoever wanted it, free of charge.

'Member getting demo discs in bagged mags? Good times.

I’ll bet you’ve mastered it by now and are a typing champ, as this lady appears to be:

cowsandstars coffee work office computer GIF

She may want to lay off of the coffee for just a bit. :smile:

No problemo, always happy to help. :slight_smile:

Oh, and if you or anyone need a typing teacher, I work for cheap: Mountain Dew (or Dr. Pepper) and beef jerky.

Student: “So, am I doing better, now?”

Me (as I finish a bag of teriyaki beef jerky while watching the student type): "Oh, yeah. You’re easily doing 10 more WPM than you were before. Keep up the great work!

Say, ya got any more Dr. Pepper?"

Student: “Yep! There’s a fresh twelver in the fridge with your name on it.”

Me: “Thanks!”

moseys into the kitchen, opens the fridge and sees a twelver with a piece of masking tape on it that reads “Your name on it.”

Ah, the rewards of teaching! :laughing:

You’re quite welcome. :superman_hv_4:

