General Chat: Thoughts on DC Universe Infinite? ❤️? 💔?

mixed, more comics yay, needing to get HBO max i was prob going to do it anyway, still kinda saddish


I’m surprised by the level of positivity here. Perhaps it’s because so many people were afraid the service would be cancelled outright or they’d be forced to buy HBOMax. I didn’t really think either of those were likely options, so I don’t have that sense of relief.

With that in mind, I guess I’m very mildly disappointed, but I’m majorly confused about other people’s enthusiasm. We pay the same price, we lose all the video content, and the comics stay mostly the same. Unless I’m missing something, the only big positive change is that we get comics in six months instead of a year, and we get the promise of unspecified “select” series, and first access to “a collection of titles.” The “select” series and “collection of titles” could be awesome, or it could be lame. I mean, DCU boasted about exclusive comics in advertisements, and they release like two, so I’m not going to get super stoked on something so vague. As far as the year to six month thing, that’s a really nice quality of life improvement, but I’m old enough that six months doesn’t really seem like that long a wait anymore, so it’s not that big a deal.

Anyway, I’m here for the comics. I love some of the DC video stuff, but lots of the originals have been misses for me, and I really don’t watch a ton of TV anymore, so it’s not the end of the world. I’m just surprised most people are reacting with joy instead of mild disappointment.


For me when you’re paying monthly like I am, and you’re only reading comics through services like this one $8 a month is still a bargain and was a steal with the video content included. I had no expectations that they would cut the price especially when a similar service costs more monthly already


Fair enough. I’d pay this and more for the comics. I’m not mad at DCU for making these changes. I get they are trying to find the best way to get these products to customers. I just think it’s funny that people are responding mostly positively to a net downgrade in content.

Also, it’s funny they called it Infinite when it seems you are getting less.

It’s like if when they went from the Nintendo to SuperNintendo, Nintendo then released a new console with one of the buttons removed and called it the SuperHyperNintendo. It’s like…nah. That didn’t fool me. :laughing:


I feel like this is a good change. I use DCU primarily for comics and reading about characters I haven’t seen in the mainstream. If I wanted to watch h something the app is a pain to cast to a TV anyway. HBOMax would fix that issue entirely. I’ll be happy to sub to both services!


I get the brand name being amusing but im not sure what you call it that doesn’t lame anyway. I would have just kept the same name tbh

Oh and plenty of people are mad (which is their right) its just mostly in the other thread

From where this service began with rotating comics in and out, small selection etc…im happy on that end

Never really thought the all in one approach would work considering they went half in on it in the first place and you barely saw advertising.


I’m “meh” about it. I was hoping it would truly expand the selection with all the sub label titles and not just “select” ones from the black line.

If they actually focus on comics with the app I would be now excited. There should be a “pull list” concept at the very least.

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Oh, here’s a good question. Is the basic website/app going to be the same. DCU was crazy glitchy for the first year on all platforms, Iphone, Mac, Windows, ect., and it’s still kinda meh. My phone app still likes to do goofy things like randomly jump from the bottom of the page to the top of the page on the home screen of DCU. Granted, I’m rocking an IPhone 6, so I’m sure it’s better optimized for newer phones, but still, I’ve got plenty of apps that work great on this phone.

Anyway, don’t know if I should hope for us keeping the same basic infrastructure now that they’ve worked out many of the kinks or if I should hope they will build a brand new site with the knowledge of what didn’t work from the first round.

I will say the community 2.0 is quite nice. Also, considering they said the boards will remain unaltered, I guess that indicates the same basis system just with all video removed and the word Infinite slapped on it.

Oh, and I guess I’ll give them some credit that naming this DCU Infinite at least gives it a more clear identity since there was that DCU video game, and DCU was just a bit generic. At least this service now has a distinct name.

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Not true, really. We’re getting more comics (Black Label, Milestone, select graphic novels) and quicker! What’s not to love?


NGL, I dislike it. DCUI is such a bad name, it makes HBO Max sound incredible. What exactly is the “infinite” in reference to? It’s pretty finite as a service.

I only read comics on my Amazon Fire TV and my Kindle, but now neither of those will be supported. To have to buy an extra device just for this app is really inconvenient. I’m not buying an entire iPad just to read comics on the go. Besides, the iPhone/iOS app is glitchy and doesn’t register the comics I’ve read. It will say I’m on page 1 when I’m done with it. The web browser skips pages or has the pages out of order and will sometimes zoom in too far in panel to panel view. Having to clear my cache and cookies then affects every other site I visit, which is an added inconvenience since this isn’t the only site I visit in the day.

The community is definitely a highlight. I’m glad that’s still going to be around because there are so many people that have made this experience great for me. The only thing is, much of my enjoyment from the community comes from the watch-along sub-community, and with the video content going away, it’ll be boiled down to “bring-your-own movie/TV show” and that’s more expenses and inconveniences.

All in all, I dislike it, but I don’t hate it. The writing has been on the wall IMO since they reverted their decision to premiere animated movies day and date with the physical release. I’ve come to terms with it. I just still don’t get the name change because the “Infinite” makes the already clunky name even clunkier and doesn’t really represent the service, in my opinion. I guess I’m too invested to leave now, but the thought has been crossing my mind a lot.


Ah, I forgot they rotated comics at first. That did suck. I thought from memory that they just had a small library and expanded, but now that you say that, I remember, I did lose a few series I was in the midst of reading because it would just get pulled.

I agree with what Old Man Jonah said. If the video didn’t get shipped to HBOMax, then they would have been shut down entirely since this service obviously isn’t pulling in the numbers to justify those shows, so I get it and I’m glad the shows live on.

Doesn’t mean this isn’t a downgrade.

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Like i said before, when you’re going all in comics, the reader has to be top notch, interface all of it and i think tweaks can be made without overhauling the entire app. Use the resources you have to learn how to better appease the comic reader


Well, I have to say that I have been expecting this. I am very happy at the thought of an expanded comic book library. The only thing I dislike is the loss of original series. For me, at least, HBO Max is prohibitively expensive. I figure the only way I am going to get to see the third season of Doom Patrol now is to wait until it is complete and then get an HBO Max subscription for one month.


Well, the loss of all the video content. That’s a pretty big deal. I honestly didn’t use it very much compared to the comics, and again I love the comics so much I’d probably pay twice this to keep just the comics, but even so the videos were a pretty big plus. I love Doom Patrol. I love being able to see the new Animated Movies. Young Justice and Stargirl are pretty good. I’d occasionally dive into the back library. I share my account with friends and lots of them enjoy the back catalogue too.

Like I said, getting the comics sooner is nice, but I really don’t mind waiting a year. It does suck that the biggest reveals often get spoiled early on discussion boards and YouTube videos, but other than that, I’ll enjoy a comic just as much a year after it was published than as if I read it the day of. I’ve been reading back issues for years, so it’s no big deal to me, and again, I’m in my thirties. I feel like six months goes by in about two months. No big deal.

Now are we getting all Black Label and Milestone? That’s pretty nice. Doesn’t quite equal the lost video content, but it goes a long way to salve the wound. However, is that confirmed we have all black label or is it just some black label, and I saw fans speculating that we might be getting Milestone, but I haven’t heard that officially. Very well might have missed it.

I would like both those very much.


I think what we’re getting in terms of the imprints and the backlog is still TBD. I dont know how much that has to be worked out with creators and such but I guess we have to wait and see


I’ve been thinking the same thing. Wait for a year or so then get HBO Max and watch everything you want.

I really don’t get why people whine about having a bunch of different services because you can do exactly this. Pick one service every month, watch everything you want, move on. Besides, most of us have enough friends who will share with us anyway. I have a half dozen streaming services. I pay for two. Each one has enough to keep me entertained for years. Each one specializes in a specific type of entertainement. It’s a dream world and people act like it’s Hell.


When DCU was first announced, I was a little…uncertain about the first trailer shown for Titans, but semi-curious. The thing that got me to bite the bullet to subscribe was the curated collection of comics. I figured that even if Titans sucked (and thankfully it didn’t), then at least I was sure I could read a lot of cool comics that I either hadn’t read before or hadn’t read in a long time.

So needless to say, while I’m sad to see the video component go away, I am very excited to see not just more comics added, but original titles as well. That part has me very excited.

One thing I am sad/annoyed with is the Roku situation with HBO Max. My parents have actually been watching the original programming – specifically Doom Patrol and Harley Quinn – on DCU, which is on their Roku. So I’m hoping that when the video content goes away, by that time those corporate heads will come to some sort of arrangement to get HBO Max on there, so they can continue to watch it too. :slight_smile:


DCU in its original incarnation was one of the greatest values on which I’ve ever spent hard-earned money. Of course, it couldn’t last in that form, it was like a firework, too bright for our poor human eyes, flaming to life and lighting up the Darkest of Knights.

In less than two years of operation, we got TEN+ seasons worth of Original Programming, including the much-missed DC Daily, not to mention a couple of nifty documentaries and hi-res upgrades to some of the most beloved DC shows ever. I will remember this era and speak of it fondly as a golden age.

I’d do it all over again if I could, and I will have no regrets continuing my subscription under the new (infinite) paradigm.

I do worry that HBO Max won’t deign to put the more obscure video titles on their service (such as the 1970’s Shazam!, The Human Target or the Filmation Superman/Batman/Aquaman cartoons) as though such past gems are beneath their notice. But that ball is in HBO’s court now. Disappointing, but there’s not much DCUI can do about that…


Seems interesting the only thing I’m worried about is if I can Still use the community page Without A Subscription or not Since I’m probably not gonna get it but I still want to use the community page