Game: Your Comic Fate

Fate can be a tricky thing, sometimes it can feel like a roll of the dice. And, for today’s game, it is! Below are three lists which will come together to form your DC fate. Everything from your powers, to your arch nemesis, to the city or planet that you either protect or villainize.

Type @Kelex 3D20 to have Kelex help you find your scenario. The first roll will be your super ability, the second roll your arch nemesis, and finally the spot you call home. What does your comic fate look like? Is it a dream come true or is your nightmare just starting? Let’s find out!



  1. Superstrength
  2. Detachable Arms
  3. cigaM
  4. Kite Gliding
  5. Teleportation
  6. Infectious Diseases
  7. Flight
  8. Power of Stink
  9. Super Speed
  10. Matter Ingestion
  11. Bad Luck
  12. Invincibility
  13. Plant Manipulation
  14. Shape Shifting
  15. Density Control
  16. Talking to animals
  17. Talking to plants
  18. Superhuman Combat
  19. Empathic Abilities
  20. Cybernetic Upgrades


  1. Wonder Woman
  2. Lex Luthor
  3. Condiment Man
  4. Matter Eater Lad
  5. The Joker
  6. Amanda Waller
  7. The Question
  8. Harley Quinn
  9. Larfleeze
  10. Superman
  11. Darkseid
  12. Cat Woman
  13. Maxwell Lord
  14. Captain Cold
  15. Klarion
  16. Kite Man
  17. Zatanna
  18. Clock King
  19. Gentleman Ghost
  20. Batman


  1. Gotham City
  2. Azarath
  3. Star City
  4. Atlantis
  5. Tamaran
  6. Smallville
  7. New Genesis
  8. Themyscira
  9. Central City
  10. Barren Earth
  11. Apokolips
  12. Krypton (Pre-explosion)
  13. Blüdhaven
  14. Metropolis
  15. Markovia
  16. Space
  17. Okaara
  18. Jump City
  19. Darkworld

@Kelex Roll 3d20

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:game_die: 14, 13, 16

So I’m a shape-shifter in space taking on Maxwell Lord. I’m imagining a scenario where I have to be a villain to the public initially when Max is part of the JLI, but I know I’m a hero because I found out that he’s secretly evil. I see how his actions on Earth will hurt the whole galaxy, so I use my powers to infiltrate Checkmate, try to stop him before Infinite Crisis, save Blue Beetle in the process (hopefully w/ better results than when Ted survived in the Dark Multiverse) and become a hero to the universe. This has the makings of a potentially very interesting story, plus having shape-shifting powers would just be so awesome!

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Hello! I am Kelex. I can assist you with matters like community features and more. To find out everything I can do, say @Kelex display help.

@Kelex roll 3d20

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:game_die: 13, 20, 17

Looks like I’m an Okaaran with plant manipulation powers. Oh, and I fight BATMAN on the regular. Yeah, I’m screwed, but maybe Poison Ivy’s hiring…


:game_die: 20, 10, 11

@Kelex Roll 3D20

:game_die: 13, 17, 5

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Ok, so my power is plant manipulation and I fight Zatanna on Tamaran. Interesting!

@Kelex roll 3d20

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:game_die: 2, 20, 7

Well, crap.


@Kelex roll 3d20

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:game_die: 2, 1, 9

I have an… interesting life ahead of me, it seems! :rofl:


We should start a team of hideously outmatched villains with detachable arms.


It would be a team-up for the ages, that’s for sure!