Game: Your Comic Fate

@Kelex roll 3d20

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:game_die: 1, 4, 7

Superstrength vs Matter Eater Lad on New Genesis. Well that’ll be an interesting battle.


@Kelex roll 3d20

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:game_die: 11, 12, 12

Bad Luck vs Catwoman in pre-explosion Krypton? Could be worse, and Krypton seems pretty cool. Besides, Bad Luck is a pretty cool power


A black cat crosses your path and then your entire planet blows up? That is bad luck.


@Kelex roll 3d20

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:game_die: 8, 2, 19

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So I have… the power of stink, against Lex Luthor, on Darkworld. What am I gonna do, be a skunk until Luthor dies? Ruin his reputation by giving him terrible breath?

That’s not a bad idea, actually.


@Kelex roll 3d20

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:game_die: 14, 5, 11

So I can shape shift, my nemesis is Joker, and I live on Apokolips. Yikes, looks like I have my work cut out for me. I suppose my shape shifting could help me blend in and help innocents get off planet. Joker would probably thrive in the chaos of Apokolips so I guess I’d have to stop him from making even more anarchy than there already is.

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@Kelex roll3d20

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@Kelex roll 3d20

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:game_die: 11, 18, 19

My super power is bad luck, sounds about right. I’m very accident prone.
My nemesis is the clock king. Maybe I can defeat him with my black cat and throwing some broken mirrors.
And we are located in Dark World. Maybe I can find someone to conjure liquid luck.


@Kelex roll 3d20

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:game_die: 11, 18, 17