Flashpoint Paradox

Why remove this movie? I watch half one night just to come back and its like the mivie never existed…

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Yeah I wanted to finish the aquaman, such a ripoff

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You remember that time in third grade when you pushed little Jenny Crabtree into the mud at recess? Yeah, that’s why DCU took the movie away. :smirk:

In all seriousness, you may want to keep up with the posts in the Watchtower forum. We’ve been told what was leaving for nearly half a month: Coming Soon & Last Chance: January, 2020

You should also check out the Community Events forum. On Monday night, the community watched Flashpoint Paradox together: LAST CHANCE WATCH-ALONG, 12/30 9:00 PM EST: Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox



You can always read the comic if you haven’t already. It’s only 5 issues long.


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How is it a rip off, if I may ask?