Female-Led Plastic Man Movie In Development


I don’t know Plastic Man well enough to have an opinion on this. It will be interesting to see what happens


I love the fact that Plastic Man is getting a movie. Don’t feel so great about the gender swap though. Mainly cause Plastic Man is one of the funnier DC Superheroes.


I would need to know SOMETHING about the actual pitch to have an opinion. The phrase “female-led” is a buzzword that gets Hollywood execs excited and misogynistic fanboys riled, but it doesn’t really tell me much of anything.


To be perfectly clear, I have nothing against female led movies. However, I don’t really like the idea of a gender-swapped Plastic Man. I’d prefer if they kept regular Plastic Man, and also made movies about more female characters who aren’t gender-swapped male characters. That said, as long as they’re gender-swapping characters, I’d like to see Danny DeVito star in a Batgirl movie.


Yeah, you’re probably right. We should reserve judgement until at least a trailer drops. That said, I’m still a little concerned about the project.


Not familiar with the writer. If it does end up getting made I hope it’s successful. While I don’t really care about the gender swap, not having the same personal attachment to the character as I do with others, I just don’t see the need for it really. While they don’t all get utilized or shine in the spot light as much as they should (but neither does Plastic Man really), there are a bunch of great DC female characters they could use if they want to make a female lead superhero movie. IDK I guess I feel it’s a bit of a disservice to Plastic Man fans to have the first movie not be O’Brian. Perhaps it will still have him as Plastic Man but the female led and point of view for the story is through Ramona.


Yeah it’s too soon to have an opinion, but how many movies does DC have in development now. Some even have a director like New Gods. I would just like to hear some of them have entered production.


Why would that matter? There’s nothing preventing Plastic Woman from being as funny as Plastic Man, so long as the proper care and effort is put into the character


To be fair, we don’t know for sure if that’s the case. For all we know Plastic Man will still be Plastic Man and this movie could have a female character as the main star.

That said, if we do get a “Plastic Woman,” then we should all get ready for the onslaught of “are they real HYUK HYUK HYUK” comments.


Oh god, my eyes are already rolling into the back of my head at this hypothetical scenario that would absolutely happen. I wouldn’t even put it past a Plastic Woman movie to at least hint at that kind of joke


I guess Plas is gonna be second fiddle in his own movie?


You’re absolutely right that she could be done well with good writing and I can’t be too harsh cause I don’t know the actress yet but the DCEU writing hasn’t been consistently good and they are already making things more difficult for themesleves. Plus with him being a woman now you won’t get this kind of humor.


Love plasticman was excited when I heard rumors floating around last year about this. Female led I don’t have a problem with because like other have stated we could still have plastic man as a co-star or something like that. If they are gender swamping plastic man I’m not a fan. You have plenty of female superhero’s to chose from if you want a female super hero movie.


I thought I was on an acid trip at first when I read this title. :mushroom:

I had no IDEA that Rita Farr is getting her own MOVIE!

(This is a joke, do not attack, have a laugh instead)

But seriously… um… who thought that this was a good idea??? Yes, literally nothing is known, but if this is true, then Hollywood… what is you doing? If I wanted a female Plastic Man, I would turn to Doom Patrol to see Rita, just sayin’, she already exists.


That actually would be kinda fitting and hilarious now that I think about it. :sweat_smile:


Sounds like a gimmick to create “controversy” than anything else.


This could be good if they do something roughly on the lines with EVS’s idea.

Make it about the love interest of Plastic Man


I agree. That and to push the agenda that woman could do anything a man could do. They would never take a female comic character and make her the lead of a movie and have her gender swapped to male.


Exec: Male lead Batwoman movie.

Other exec: Do we call it “Batman”?