Favorite DC Movie Moment

BvS the warehouse fight to save Martha was awesome.

Definitely a good one! That reminds me. Has anyone here seen this!? Someone remixed it with the song from The Lego Batman Movie, it’s scary how well it meshes with the scene.


The Warehouse scene from BVS was easily the standout of that movie for me, as well as one of my “It’s the Freaking Bat!” Moments. It’s legitimately just a nonstop mouth dropping scene.

“You wouldn’t hit a guy with Glasses would you?” Is also a moment I constantly bring up from the 89’ Batman. Gotta love Jack Nicholson


I have one that sticks in my head from the first time watched BVS in the Cinema. It was our first scene of him, the scene when he is hiding in the corner of the room when the Police are checking around. It’s nothing special, but it was our first time seeing him in the Movie and it put a massive smile on my face. Man, I just want to watch the Movie now I’ve been talking about it!


My Girl HQ in Birds of Pray because she is the Queen :crown::crown::crown:

Gotta go with the Richard Donner Superman movie. The scene where Jor-El is tutoring him, he says,

“They can be a great people, Kal-El, they wish to be. They only lack the light to guide the way. For this reason, above all, I have sent them you… my only son.”

Gives me goosebumps every time I hear it lol!


Is there a six foot bat in Gotham City? And if so, is he on the police payroll? And if so…what’s he pullin’ down? After taxes?


I’ll list a few favorites:
Batman 1966- “They may be drinkers, Robin, but they’re human beings.”

Superman 1978- Clark saving Lois from getting mugged, then doing that knowing aside glance at the camera. To me that just encapsulates the amount of charm Reeve put into the character.

Batman 1989- The chemical plant raid. That whole segment to me, defines what I expect of classic Batman. He has a menacing presence through the whole scene, Jack shows glints of his gleefully psychotic nature that will fully bloom later. It feels like it’s panels from the early 40’s brought to life.

Batman driving Vicki to the Batcave. A lot of this is just because it showcases the Batmobile and has great music (Elfman’s “Descent into Mystery”).

Batman Returns 1992- Selina Kyle coming home after Schreck pushed her out the window and just losing her mind. Still scares the crap out of me to this day.

Bruce and Selina dancing at the ball and realizing who they are. “Does this mean we have to start fighting?” It’s a pretty heartbreaking moment.

Batman Forever 1995- Bruce talking to Dick about revenge. It’s a subtle, smaller scene, but I feel if taken in (loose) continuity with 89 and Returns it sort of reconciles Batman having no qualms about killing in those films as well as puts forth a guiding principal going forward.


So my favorite movie scene is my Girl Harley Quinn in Suicide Squad when Harley Quinn is sitting on the hood of a car in the rain and quotes hi guys I’m back and I missed you. Love it, :umbrella:

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HQ in Suicide Squad where she just starts changing clothes for the mission right there on the ground and the first look in the new costume walking past the GIs. The reaction shot of the GIs and and her turning her head and in a completely normal voice saying “What? That was a great montage.

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That is also a good, but there is just sitting and she lifts her arm and says hi. I’m back I missed you​:+1:

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I loved the fight scene Batman had with the thugs before saving Martha in BvS.

This is irrelevant, but I had to say I love your name bat-pug

By the end of this scene I was floating above the seat in the cinema. The music is perfect.

Superman 1978 opening Krypton

The Dark Knight’s Interrogation Scene