Everything You Need to Know About Batman/Fortnite: Zero Point!


Heya, everyone! Thank you for checking in to see what the deal is with your codes, and letting us know you’re not receiving them. We’ve alerted our team so that they will see these reports first thing in the morning.

To everyone who has still not received their code in their e-mail inbox 15-20 minutes after reaching the last page of BATMAN/FORTNITE: ZERO POINT: Chances are our servers are overwhelmed and the deliveries to your e-mail have been delayed until we can poke them with sticks tomorrow morning.

Offices open at DC Universe Infinite tomorrow at 9:00am EST. In the meantime, you can open a ticket with Customer Support just in case by going to this link: yourdcu.com/submit

Please also make sure to check your Spam/Promotions/Social folders in your e-mail accounts. :white_check_mark:

In other news: I’m digging this image a lot from the comic:

Screen Shot 2021-04-19 at 11.48.02 PM

Shout-out to @BaByDoLL.TenZs.Waifu for the knowledge share assist! :batparrot: