Doom Patrol Season 3 Discussion (Warning: Here There Be Spoilers)

I think we could discuss that episode!


For some reason I thought this week was the finale. I’m two weeks off. :laughing:

But still a good episode. I’m happy to learn how Rita got her memories back.

I am very nervous for Jane now though. But didn’t Shelly have a way out for her? Or at least offer her one when they met at the previous episode? It’ll be interesting to see what happens next.


What an emotional ride ~ they really took ‘confronting oneself’ to the next level. The inner-self vs outer-self stuff reminded me of Kingdom Hearts if you’ve followed that series. Loved how they did it here as well and the switcheroo that everyone following Larry’s nice moment ended up sad or heart-breaking.

Depending on the episodes left this’ll probably be my favorite Season of the show.


Okay, before anything else, I have to say Diane Guerrero is gorgeous. Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, I have to say this was an amazing episode, maybe the best so far this season. I love the idea of The Doom Patrol having to confront themselves. In some respects, I think Jane’s was the most painful. And I am really worried about Jane’s fate. I really hope that if Kay no longer needs her other personality states, she at least figures out a way to integrate Jane into her own personality. It would make sense if she did, as I think Jane is the closest to Kay’s personality of any of the various personality states. Anyway, I am glad we found out how Rita got her memories back! Next week should be interesting. I wonder if The Doom Patrol will confront the Brotherhood of Evil in the present?


Not only that, but it’s going to be aired on November 20, so that would be perfect timing.



Crazy deep episode.

Larry dealing with his stuff. Seems like he had the nicest experience with his sub. And now taking care of the Parasite.

Cliff fun intro when he met his sub. The things got bad. Poor Cliff. He knows he screwed up.

Cy dealing with deep stuff too. Very cool stuff and now he human but does he regret it.

And Jane had it rough. The muppets thing was fun. And Henry’s murder was great :laughing:. But Kay wants her dead. And all those others.

Rita got her memories back and kept the others. All for revenge. Is like Rogue is Dada’s Chief. And thing seem to be getting Evil next week.

What will happen to our heroes? Can Rita stop Rogue? What will happen with the Brotherhood of Evil? All this and more Same Doom Time Same Doom Channel


I don’t know how many of you follow the official Doom Patrol account on Instagram, but yesterday they posted a bunch of Doom Patrol inspired Halloween costumes. One of them was a really cool recreation of Rita’s uniform from the episode “Penultimate Patrol” (inspired the classic red and white comic book costume). April Bowlby shared that one.


Does anyone besides me think the people behind Teen Titans Go need to make a Doom Patrol spinoff? That way, we would have two Doom Patrol series to watch.


That would be cool!


I enjoyed “Evil Patrol” a lot. Somehow I knew the Brotherhood of Evil was still around in modern times, although they now seem content not to rule the world. I also knew that when Madame Rouge kidnapped Cliff that it was so Brain could place his own brain in Cliff’s robot body. Of course, I figure Cliff is probably stuck in Brain’s tank. I hope Jane and Kay are both all right. Somehow I knew Kay getting rid of the other personas was not a good idea. Anyway, it will be interesting to see what the finale entails!


Another great and totally healthy episode at Doom Manor !

Didn’t realize the finale is next week :astonished: :pleading_face:

Dig the double-edged sword take on these new status-quo changes plus the sorta self-aware commentary that Rita called out on the others and their lives.

I wonder if Brain’s tank has some sorta healing capabilities to keep his brain healthy and can help Cliff get better idk he also looked like a Roomba rolling around I thought was funny.

Poor Vic being so gitty about his change just to have everyone be kinda petty about it (it was that sad-funny thing this show does so well).

This season been pretty subversive in several ways so not sure what to guess for the finale. Kinda wonder if we’ll get some sorta cliff hanger idk

Can’t wait !



Another crazy episode.

The gang dealing with change.

Rita wants revenge and is trying to get the team to help even if they are no up for it.

Cy. Great chat with his dad. Then happy for his look while the others not so impressed. Fun stuff with Kay though.

Jane and Kay. She experiencing the top while the underground is in shambles. Now there’s something wrong with it all.

Cliff trying to reconcile and go to the hospital leading to a crazy Baby Rouge fight.

Larry is trying to dad. Has the positive man Hawaiian shirt. But the baby is out of control.

The BoE is retired. Fun stuff there. And a double cross. Classic. RoboBrain was fun and now we near the end.

Is team all right? Can Cliff be saved? How weird will it get? All this and more on the exiting conclusion. Same Doom Time Same Doom Channel


I’ve been watching Sn 3 over in the Doom Patrol Club thread with @ProActress Excellent @xLOVEandDoomPatrolx Mr. @biff_pow and the always wonderful @TheCosmicMoth and this season has been so much fun! It’s so awesome to see The Brain and Monsieur Mallah IRL!

:grinning: :+1: :doom_patrol_club:


Thought the same thing. :laughing:
DC needs to make it real.


Boca Raton means Heaven, @DC89


i was just catching up on Teen Titans Go yesterday and found out about the multiple episodes set at Doom Manor. In the TTG universe Cliff is German and Larry’s a little girl!


:notes: When it was Season 3, our Club was down to continue with the story, uhh!
There with DC89, watching Doom Patrol on TV :notes:

:notes: Patrol, I’m never gonna stop . . . :notes:




There have been so many members of the Doom Patrol down through the years, Negative Girl is probably just a different member of the group. She’s probably Negative Woman’s daughter, or perhaps someone unrelated to either her or Larry. As for Cliff, he probably got rebooted or reprogrammed along the way. But in any version of Doom Patrol, Rita always looks super fine!

As a follow up, does anyone want to do a watch along of those episodes? And maybe we could add the Beast Girl episode with Madame Rouge.


:laughing: :+1:

