Do You Know Where Your Fave Is?

@Dexertebigboi: As @RagdollRebel and @Vroom say, Firestorm did play a bit part in the Leviathan Special — and he’s a major player in Doomsday Clock, as he reckons with a mystery lurking behind his origin story. Martin Stein has been keeping secrets…

@DeadmanBrand: Maxine Baker actually made her first appearance in quite some time 2 weeks ago! In DC’s “Dog Days of Summer” anthology special, we do a little catching up with Buddy Baker, who’s taken his wife and daughter on a family vacation to Central America — and as Animal Man, protects them from an ancient lake monster.

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@BillyWhizz: Fire and Ice haven’t had a major role in a while, but they did make a recent appearance as two clients of Sanctuary in the final issue of Heroes in Crisis. It’s indicated that the two exhibit a co-dependency on each other.

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@DeSade-acolyte: The Legion hasn’t been playing much of a role in continuity lately- but Bendis has made some implications that they may be leading up to it in Wonder Comics eventually. In the meantime, Ferro-Lad appears with the rest of the Legion in “Batman '66 Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes” (available here) and Scooby-Doo Team-Up! Chapters 65-66.

@darkknights71901.4159 Tim is currently playing a starring role in Brian Michael Bendis’s YOUNG JUSTICE series, as sort of the team’s de facto leader. Once again using the name Robin, the team’s memories of their Pre-Flashpoint adventures have been returning to them as they reckon with the canonical fallout of DC’s many crisis events. Word has it that in the coming issues, he’ll be adopting a new codename!

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Thanks @HubCityQuestion! Just looked it up, actually checks a couple of boxes for me…Krypto, Bat-Cow hahaha…
Would this be G. Willow Wilson’s first DC work?


@DeadmanBrand Not at all! G. Willow Wilson‘s first work for DC was the Metamorpho/Aquaman issue of Outsiders: Five of a Kind in 2007. (Available on DCU!)

In 2008, Wilson wrote the excellent Vixen: Return of the Lion miniseries (also available here)!

In 2010, Wilson wrote Superman #704 and #706, interludes in the ongoing Superman: Grounded story arc. (Yup… both available here!)

And most recently, at the end of 2018, G Willow Wilson began a run on WONDER WOMAN with issue #58! It’s still ongoing right now!

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Every time I’m on the forums my reading list explodes haha

Thanks again Question! Dug Miss Marvel (one trade in) and am reading her Invisible Kingdom for Berger Books. Funny how someone pops on your radar and then you’re scrambling to catch up!


What have alternate Green Lanterns (Kyle Rayner, John Stewart, Kilowog) been up to?

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I read the first arc of Hal Jordan and the Green Lanterns the other day, and it had John Steward and Kilowog were both still part of the Green Lanterns. Stewart was acting as the leader and I think Kilowog may have been his second still in command. Some event had wiped out a lot of Lanterns and they were trying to rebuild and reclaim the universe. They scored a big victory against the Sinestro Corps and managed to get a contingent of Sinestro Corps to defect.

Of course that’s two years old now. Excellent arc.

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Kyle Rayner joined the TITANS for their last Rebirth story arc, which wrapped up in April (Titans (2016-) #30-36). Presumably, he continues to work with the Justice League alongside Nightwing.

Speaking of the Justice League, John Stewart is currently the main GL on the League roster. You can read about his exploits with the team in nearly every issue of JUSTICE LEAGUE.

Kilowog’s been a little more elusive. He’s still with the Corps, and generally shows up whenever the GLC gets involved in a storyline. He most recently played a bit part in SUPERMAN #8-9, where the aged up Superboy tells his parents about his adventures through the Multiverse. He also figures into a few storylines in the ongoing JUSTICE LEAGUE run, as well.

For a recent story that STARS Kilowog, check out “Old Scars, Fresh Wounds” from last February’s MYSTERIES OF LOVE IN SPACE anthology.


Reading through Starman right now. Has Jack Knight shown up anywhere recently?


Not since his series ended in 2001 — by design of creator James Robinson. He’ll show up for a crowd scene or flashback here and there, but for the most part the DC Universe has respected Jack Knight’s decision to retire.

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Not really a fav as such but one of the very first original DC characters: The Crimson Avenger? What’s up?

Bwana Beast I know is retired but how about Creeper?

Also what is Adam Strange up too

Hi Q,
With the new legion series set to debut soon figured I’d ask what they’ve been up to.

Matter-Eater Lad
The White Which

Crimson Avenger’s alter ego, Lee Travis, appears as an African American woman in the “Earth 2” comic series, now in the role as a reporter. Crimson Avenger also appears in the Convergence: World’s Finest tie-in miniseries.

Adam Strange last appeared in Grant Morrison’s The Green Lantern, where The Blackstars seek a deep cover Hal Jordan to prove his loyalty by killing the hero for them.

@DeSade-acolyte: For the last great adventure of the Legion of Super-Heroes, “The Infinitus Saga” in Justice League United is a must read.