Do Thanagarians Lay Eggs?

Nope! Good ol’ Wayne Farms eggs my friend!

“Wayne Farms. It’s good ol’ fashion hometown cookin’!”

That’s what the bagger at LexMart told me when I bought them at least.

pours some orange juice Hey look, Booster Gold is on the carton! Small world.

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80 posts and not one consideration of whether Thanagarians have a cloaca. Fun fact: they do (I have no evidence for this). But if you ever see Hawkman just chilling lower half submerged in water, he’s probably just taking a drink, as cloacas are an in/out situation.

Is he missing AGAIN?

Booster Gold, I mean.

Nah brah. It’s just a pic of Booster (with Skeets hovering in the back, natch) doing a wink with double pistol fingers while saying “Hey kids, Booster Gold here! All super heroes drink at least one glass of pulp free Kord brand orange juice to get their daily allotment of super powers! Get your drink on buddies!”

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You’d better hold onto that carton, @Vroom, could be worth something. I heard that Kord is discontinuing that line. Something about a tragic accident with the CEO of the company or something. Either way, I know the packaging for the Hourman Apple Sauce Wayne Farms produced in the late forties goes for crazy money on T-Bay now.

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What about this Ma Hunkel jar of grape preserves? Never opened?

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I did some brief checking on T-Bay, and it looks like an unopened jar sells for between $200 and $500, depending on the condition the wrapping is in. By far the limited edition Wildcat vitamins produced by Tyler Chemical are the most expensive of the JSA foodstuffs produced in the 40s, given that they were only on shelves for about a month before Congress outlawed the “mystery men”.

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New evidence has been uncovered! In Justice League Unlimited (Season one episodes 12 and 13), we find out that Warhawk, a member of the JLU in the Batman Beyond era, is the son of John Stewart and Hawkgirl. Given that human biology is unfit to… fertilize a bird egg, Thanagarian biology must be close enough to that of humans to produce a living offspring. This would mean Thanagarians do give live births, right?

This evidence seems empirically conclusive!

But there will always be egg birthers who will be impossible to convince…

I’ve been gone for a few days and this suckers still going strong. Hahaha


So I guess that’s that then.

Gentlefolk, its been an honor exploring this subject with you.

Genetic engineering is a powerful thing. And with the JL regularly dealing with Project Cadmus… all I’m saying is that anything’s possible.

Are you suggesting that Cadmus might want to invade Thanagar with a new species of bird people that actually do hatch from eggs? That’s such an evil plan!

cue Birdman’s entrance from the Hanna Barbera Universe into the DC Universe


Vroom has provided us with more note of absolute fact. “Avenger” did, in fact, hatch from an egg.

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We can all agree that Avenger was born from an egg for he is a hawk in the textbook definition sense of the word, unlike Thanagarians who are mammalian humanoid aliens that give live birth to their young.

Or is Avenger an eagle? Oh well, he’s purple and follows Birdman’s commands. Maybe he’s an Eawk or a Heagle.

As you can see, when you bring science into a discussion, controversy is always possible