Den Of Geek Reporting: Margot Robbie Wants A Live Action Harley/Ivy Pair Up

Honestly same. Uma Thurman had to plant the seeds so another Ivy could grow and take the lead (one day :pray:). :seedling:


Uma Thurman walked so that (insert future Ivy actor here) could run :green_heart:




The facts speak against a link between promiscuity and homosexuality and bisexuality. Less same sex couples break up than differing sex couples in any given year- about 1% of same sex versus 2% of differing sex. Same sex couples are roughly half as likely as their heterosexual counterparts to end up divorcing their partners. Roughly 20% of adult couples in the US have tried some form of ethical nonmonogamy at a period of their life- only 6-15% of Americans identify as any form of LGBTQ+, including heterosexual trans individuals. Thereā€™s absolutely no fact or research to support your claim. If you have some peer reviewed articles which support your views, by all means, provide them. Please ensure that they come from the last decade, and fulfil the rule of 5.
Once again, you are making a very insulting assumption about a woman you do not know, and making an judgement which is likely false. Some of us, a great number of us, deeply enjoy and understand the importance of media and representation in it. Allies are allowed to support and push for this without getting personal gratification of that sort from it. Sheā€™s somebody whoā€™s well versed in and adores the character she plays- and you get to see the best of Harleyā€™s connection to humanity when she has Pamela at her side, even if they are purely platonic.
Have you heard of the concept of death of the author? Itā€™s a literary concept I feel very strongly about. Itā€™s what makes media in all forms so wonderful, but particularly comics. One of the things I adore is that the multiple universes and earths allows for a plasticity of characterisation- the fact that we get to see so many different writers and artists tackle characters and their meaning and identity- is truly beautiful to me. There is not a character existing within DC universe whose been around more than a decade who holds the exact same identity and personality when they were first made. Comics are a medium which are flexible enough to adapt characters to the changing times. I personally feel that Ivy is best suited to the role of an anti villain- that is all the wrong things, all the right reasons. She has a sense of righteousness which is just as strong as Batmanā€™s, but stands in direct contrast to his ideals and personal code. She can be employed as an excellent foil as a result. Nobodyā€™s idolising my essay- theyā€™re agreeing that the points I made, on a whole, make more sense than ā€œa man no longer involved with these comics, or indeed the mortal coil at all, saidā€. He might not have imagined that people could have read much into the character outside of the basic two dimensions he wrote her within- she is, as a character, so much more than his original thought. His canon, whilst, given the latest, plays a part in her past, no longer applies given the several reboots the universe has gone through since his input on the character.
It is quite common, within all forms of sexualities, to date. Most people do not immediately end up marrying or spending forever with the first individual they have dated or shown emotional interest in. Your sexuality is who you have the potential to be attracted to, not the individual you end up with. For instance, a monogamous heterosexual woman might date several boys in high school or college before eventually settling down with her husband. The boys or men she dated before, dependent on her age, does not change or devalue the relationship and bond she then has with her soulmate. A monogamous bisexual woman might, in that vein, date two men and one woman. before settling down with that woman. That does not devalue the previous emotion or relationships she has, even if she then never feels attraction to anybody outside her partner. Nor does she necessarily have to engage in sexual interaction with any of those previous partners to ā€œverifyā€ her sexuality.
As mentioned by SuperBlueGrodd, most heterosexual people still occasionally feel attraction to people outside of their relationship. If they are monogamous, they will not act on it. If they are polyamorous because of an agreement based on trust and love with their soulmate, they might if the other person they are attracted to consents and is also open to polyamory. The key here is open, constant communication.


Temporarily closing this thread.

This is a very sensitive issue and I want to make sure we give it the time it deserves in the morning.


Our corner of the internet is unique because we identify with a very specific value set and are honored to uphold those values. You can read more about this here:

The company who runs this community and the individuals who oversee it are proud and vocal about standing by the LGBTQIA+ community and their daily celebrations and struggles without judgement or rebuke.

You can read more about WarnerMediaā€™s stance on representation here. :point_left:t3:

If you are participating in the DC Community, you are participating in a Pro-LGBTQIA+ community.

Next month, June 2021, we will be celebrating PRIDE month. We will be posting daily conversations about the queer experience all month long, and doing so with the foundational belief that the biology and choices of each lifestyle are valid and worthy of celebration. This will include the understanding that Harley and Ivy are in a relationship. The understanding that humans (and human-y, fictional characters) are capable of self-discovery and change.

We seek to evolve these conversations to a new level of compassion, equality, and inclusion. To deepen our exploration of these experiences and challenges, we will need to work from the basic agreement that all people are created equal, deserving of dignity and respect.

This is why, moving forward, we will continue to stand by the following remark noted in the topic referenced above:

Please also bear in mind that we will be removing off-topic remarks, which include conversations on both sides regarding assumptions about the talent involved.

To that end: We have decided to re-open this topic to allow those who seek to celebrate the very cool, and very sexy relationship, canonical relationship between Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn a place to share their excitement and hopes for the future!


Speaking of DC Pride in June, I canā€™t stop looking at this gorgeous variant cover by Jen Bartel! :heart_eyes:
Thisā€™ll be in the DC Pride Anthology released in just a few short weeks :00_dc_pride:


:raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:


I have this pre-ordered! Will be my first paper comic in quite a while and I am beyond excited!




Ivy WILL once again rise up into the live-action space and take her place by the side of the one that she truly loves. And I FULLY co-sign Mighty @Maeā€™s tag- #HarlIvyForever :00_harlivy: :00_harlivy: :00_harlivy: :00_harlivy: :00_harlivy:

:purple_heart:ing you always Mighty Mae. #GirlBatsGottaStickTogether


This really struck me in the heart. I donā€™t have a profoundly worded response for this, nothing clever to add. Iā€™ve always admired your awesomeness from the very start of my time here in the DCUI @Applejack, but today as the tears fall down my face and onto my keyboard after reading your heroic and thoroughly heartening post I can only say this, with complete unmitigated sincerity- today you are my gurrrl. And Iā€™m positive that even BG herself would agree that you. are. AWESOME.

:cry: :purple_heart: :yellow_heart: :purple_heart:


Iā€™ve pre-ordered this!
Along with the Superman one (I donā€™t generally read Supes solo butā€¦That Talaski cover was just too good and I want to support local artists and talent), the Nightwing one (I feels so nice to enjoy a Nightwing comic again), the Wonder girl one, the Harley Quinn comic one (Iā€™m hoping her and Pam are reunited in that, but it might be a bit soon for the storyline). (Iā€™ll also be picking up Marvelā€™s Voices Pride (the Coipel variant) and the Pride comic Omnibus)
Iā€™m a little bummed weā€™re not getting a Jo Mullein Pride variant for the final issue of Far Sector, especially given that sheā€™s canonically into multiple genders butā€¦still so much good content!


Literally no reason not to do it, their star wants it and itā€™s not like it would hurt them


The variant of the Harley issue for Pride is also gorgeous


And w/ Harlivy getting more and more popular every year, thereā€™s never been a better time to bring them to live action


Thank you.


I had no clue about how close they were until I started watching the HQ Animated Series - now Iā€™m like yaaas Iā€™m down for this :joy: made me also appreciate Poison Ivy in a different way


I didnā€™t know that, clearly I was misinformed. Does make more sense that was the reason.