Decoding Comments By JL Screenwriter Chris Terrio

Hey!! How’s everybody do- - -


Lol! When it comes to problems In this country, it’s generally the guys on Wall Streets fault. After all they run the show. It been a horror show the last few years.

Dude, these forums were made for trivial bs just like this.


Batman 89, Superman I & II, Wonder Woman. I take it you are talking about live action. There are a number of very well done DC Animated movies.

Thor, CA 1, Civil War, Black Panther and Dr Strange are all stand outs, IMO.

I actually quite liked Suicide Squad, but it’s not a great movie. It did one thing really well, it didn’t take itself to seriously. I think the same could he said about Thor 2. Frankly, IF and Endgame weren’t that good. They should have given Thanos the same motivation they did in the books. Craving the attention of Lady Death. They would have both been much better films.


Apologies if I came across too self serious… and in my defense I added the laugh emoji at the end to note the absurdness of it all.


Liked Infinity War very much. Was consistent in the level of excitement throughout. Thought Endgame was a slog up until the second half, which in itself is a very good movie.


I ate it up.

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Because were fans (short for fanatics) and a little banter and squabbling is to be expected. Hell, I’d even say encouraged. Fans will debate these things for years and that’s a good thing, IMO. A fan base is nice but a passionate fan base is better.

No one will ever convince me there has been a better Flash than Barry Allen or that Darkseid (when done correctly) isn’t the best villain in all of 20th century fiction.
Are there people who vehemently disagree. Yep, there sure are. But, I will argue til my dying breath about those.


I disagree with both. Kalibak is more interesting than Darkseid.


To keep the faith and look forward to the future slate- I’m definitely interested in, James Gunn’s Suicide Squad, and of course Black Adam.


I wanna see Henry Cavill’s Superman go up against The Rock’s Black Adam. That would be cool. These two gym rats going head-to-head.

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I just found that Thanos lacked an internal character logic. So did Ultron. So did Cheetah in WW84. (I won’t even mention Max Lord)


I always thought fanatic was an extreme derivative of fan; didn’t know it was the other way around :thinking:.

Squabbling about characters and events in movies and comics is one thing, but the Snyder movies discussions sometimes take it to a whole other level. If everyone is enjoying themselves though… then I stand corrected :slightly_smiling_face:


Of course. We’re discussing movies and comic book IP.


Yep we do disagree. I think kalibak can be summoned up as a character in 2 words…”daddy issues”.


Ugh… Ultron, I disliked that character & movie with passion. Least intimidating villain ever. Everything about the movie was “meh”.

I only know Thanos from the movies (same with all the Marvel characters really). Just struck me as an anarchist that wants to burn down the house, and was convincing in that regard.


He wanted to burn half, right?


It’s all good. I think as long as folks are willing and able to “ the attack hat” rather than attacking the person, that’s :+1::+1: in my book.

And as was said in the Friends of Voltaire, I may disagree with everything you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it. :sunglasses:


Did you guys give, Zach Snyder’s Justice league a chance? I know some on here didn’t even watch it.


Was waiting for you to come out with that one, DeSade :slightly_smiling_face:.

Truth be told I thought about you more than once since ZSJL came out. I know you probably haven’t watched it, as a matter of principle, but I’d be curious to get your take at some point. We disagree on the movies, but you’re one of few naysayers that I felt opened up my eyes to seeing and understanding things from the other side of the debate.