Deathstroke CW Seed Launches This MONDAY!

…Speaking my language, @stuartbeausire1985! I am a huge Batman fan and find so many parallels between the two characters. Reading about Slade is hypnotizing, such an intriguing personality and skillset with a slowly unraveling mystique surrounding him in his relationships. The issues where Batman and Deathstroke fought had me on the edge of my seat like a really intense chess match! Once I finish Rebirth, I plan to revisit the earlier comics to get the complete picture. You have excellent taste in favorites! :smile:


Thanks! :slight_smile:

That was a great story, despite what I heard a lot of people say about it. I will be starting the whole run again in the next few days now that it has finished and I can read it without a month break between issues.

Have you picked up today’s issue of Batman, which has Deathstroke in it? I have a question for anyone who has read it, too?


Is this the issue, @stuartbeausire1985? I didn’t know it was coming until you mentioned and I saw it on this DC Daily post! I’ll connect with you when I read it. Thank you for the heads up! I’m looking forward to checking this one out!

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Just watched this tonight. Was happy to see the 30+ min run time and loved the story, even with liberty’s taken. How many episodes are we getting? Will this be a 2 part show which makes a movie or will it become a series? I’d prefer the latter but either way is pretty cool.


@KeyFamily. Yes, this is the issue. Great, let me know once you’ve read it.

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@OverSizedGeek. It’s supposed to be 12 episodes, but I’m not sure if that’s still the actual plan, because if it is with the run time staying roughly the same this is going to be a massive season! Here’s hoping! :slight_smile:


It will be a two part series just like Constantine, the ray, and vixen are.

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@LEXC0RP, it was stated to have 12 episodes tho? Constantine and Vixen were short episodes and then put together in 2 parts after they had finished.

That was like a 30 min episode though, how are they gonna make 12 of those?

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That’s what I thought, but it’s listed as 12 episodes. Maybe that was the original plan and then it changed to split it into 2.

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I just basically heard about it today and I watched it, and I was pretty blown away. The animation was great, voice cast was great, I mean, Kryptons General Zod was Wintergreen. The plot of the episode was good throughout and the end surprised me. I’m not super familiar with Deathstroke’s many iterations. Can’t wait for more.


I just started reading Priest’s Deathstroke run here on the DC Universe during the holiday break (kicking myself for not picking it up when it first debuted) so the cartoon came at the perfect time for me as I’m in a Deathstroke craze right now


@TaimurDar, Stick with it, it’s so good. There were 2 crossovers during the run with Titans and Teen Titans, so make sure you read those issues, too. I have issue one CGC signed by everyone involved with the book, that will be with me forever!


Just finished part one and I gotta say I’m impressed. Animation, the style and voice actors were good. General Zod, nice to hear him again as Wintergreen. These animated shorts on the CW seed were always fun to watch with Vixen, Ray and Constantine. Can’t wait to see the next part, especially that ending.


Probably my favorite dcw cartoon it was so good. I really liked the story even tho it’s a bit different. I think I liked it so much bc I didn’t kno what to expect. Im pretty sure the voice of jackal was the anti monitor


@SouthPark. I can forgive them changing a few things, the biggest being Rose. It will be interesting to see how they follow up her story in the next episode.


Just finished watching last night,REALLY liked it. While as stated above there are some changes I thought it was still overall true to the Deathstroke mythos. I am interested to see if they will address how he lost his eye since it is so different from the comics.

Did not know Wintergreen was Zod! One of the things I love about the forum is info like this. I actually wouldn’t have even known about the series of not for the heads up posted here.


Yea me too I really wanna see what happens with rose and Jericho. Im actually really surprised they didn’t advertise the show more.


@SouthPark, I know, it’s crazy why they wouldn’t of promoted it more than they did.


Did you like the Constantine show? Im a huge justice league dark fan so it was really cool to me also. But I think deathstroke wins out lol

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