DCUI: What Do You Like About DC Universe Infinite? And What Would You Change?

Hey @throwingS.H.A.D.E - I’ve added your suggestion and will pass this along. Thanks so much!


Am I missing something, or has anyone else had a hard time finding the Encyclopedia after the transition to infinite?


I had to look a bit but they still have it.


As Azrael said, it does still exist, it’s just a little harder to find!


How do you find it without this link



I was given two options with the link

Only the Chrome browser worked

Dc comics. Com has a very limited
Who’s Who
Which probably will replace Encylopedia

Just before News


The dccomics version
Has changed since
A few days ago
Way more characters
I don’t think it contains the same data

Dccomic is WordPress based
While the original
Encyclopedia was not


It is within


In folder


But link still displays
as first shown in topic

I think the suits
Wants us to use
For encyclopedia
Weird link notation
That may only be temporary avaliable


Honestly, I’m not 100% sure. It’s a little inconsistent and things are still in the midst of changing during the DCUI transition. I’ll ask the admins and see what they say on Monday!


I believe there are many issues here

  1. DCUI is under a pay wall

  2. In the old DCU, Community, News and Encylopedia were free to all

  3. Above was a fact known to few

  4. Dccomics is a better brand name than DCUI, since it not clear what that means, especially since it is only comics now

  5. Dccomics is free

  6. Free items should therefore be on dccomics

  7. News and Encylopedia should only be in one place

  8. Dccomics uses WordPress so it will take some time to convert the old Encylopedia.

  9. Without Community, News and Encylopedia, DCUI lacks all of its old personality and is soulless

  10. To lessen that, dccomics should be the main portal to

Itself, including News and Who’s Who
I think rhe free comics link should be there as well



DC Shop

DC on HBO Max


  1. That way, fans can learn about DCUI

  2. Dccomics serves its main function, to provide free info and engage fans, so that All things DC, including comics, tv, streaming, merchandise and movies will have greater profits


With the DCUI launch I’ve been reading a lot more comics. I’m loving it. But I have noticed a couple things that would be cool to change/update.

  1. Is there any way to stay in full-screen mode while reading issue to issue? It keeps dropping me out of full-screen mode when I continue to the next issue.

  2. Also, I see the ability to organize my comic lists by date or alphabet on my phone but not on my computer. (Android and Windows) Is there a way to do this on my computer?

  3. Some type of task bar for me to see how much of a certain series I have read when I am looking at the series page. Or, if not a task bar, just an easier way to see what I’ve read and not read. I went to go continue reading through a series on my phone but I couldn’t figure out where I had left off. Maybe a checkmark on an issue after I’ve read it? I’m not sure the best way to do that.

I think these might have been said already but I skimmed through and didn’t see it. Sorry for the repeat if that is the case.

Thank you so much to all the Mods that are fielding all of these requests and issues with this launch. You are all the best!


I just finish reading Batman #503, I really find myself enjoying reading ‘Days Of The Scarecrow’ When reading a ebook on google, I love the turning the page effects from them, is there a way that DC Universe Infinite can do like turning the page effect like a real book? If not that’s fine too, no problem.:slightly_smiling_face:
Looking forward to read more.


Hey Row!

Thanks for the suggestions. We’ve had a few come in for a way to see what you have and haven’t read, but the other 2 we haven’t seen so much of. I’ve gone ahead and made a note of them on our list for you :slight_smile:


I can always ask for you! :slight_smile:


Cool, Thankyou.:grinning:


Thank you!


Ahh, I see. Thank you and everyone else whose chimed in. It does seem like an interesting choice not to make it more accessible. But we are still in the early days of infinite. So here’s to hoping it comes back even stronger!


I don’t know where to say this but I’m trying here first.
Last night I tried to log in to the community directly frome my internet browser and I spent from 11pm -1am trying every way I could think of to log in to where it would let me in. Different browsers, restarting my device, incognito mode. This morning when I tried to log in to the community through my internet browser I tried through the app and now I’m on the community on the DCUI app. Which isn’t bad but I don’t know how long this is going ta last.

10:11am 2/1/2021


Hi @Jinx! I’m sorry you had so much trouble logging in last night, but I’m happy you’re logged in successfully now. If this does happen again, please take screenshots of what you are (or aren’t) seeing and send us a DM, and we’ll be happy to help!


Actually, I had this problem briefly this morning too. I logged in on my phone browser (andriod) and then went to open a thread and it jumped me into the app and wanted me to log in again. I backed out and just went into a different thread and it worked just fine in my browser. I didn’t really think about it until I saw this.

Not sure if this helps or hinders. I don’t remember which thread I was trying to go into. :woman_shrugging:


Thanks for letting us know about this, @Row.Harper. Is this happening with the default Samsung browser, or are you using a different one?