DCUI: What Do You Like About DC Universe Infinite? And What Would You Change?

I’ve identified a pretty major error/problem with my custom comic lists on the Android app. I have hundreds of lists that I’ve carefully put together, ordered either by issue # or chronological publication date if containing multiple series. However, all of my lists are now displaying in reverse chronological order, i.e. the last issue of a series is at the top of the list, and the first issue is all the way at the bottom. For example, I made a new list for the newly added “Harleen” series just this morning, after the changeover, and it’s displaying as issue #3#2#1. The only list sorting options available are “Latest Created” and “A-Z”, so there is no way to fix this on the user’s end. (Well, no way other than having to reconstruct my hundreds of lists containing thousands of issues in backwards order.) Please help! Thanks.

edit: Screenshot of what I’m talking about, using my “Harleen” list:

I made the list in ascending order (you know, like a normal person :grin:.) All of my lists are now displaying like this, some with hundreds of issues on them. So you can imagine the problem.

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