DCU: What Do You Like About DC Universe? And What Would You Change?

Never aaked anyone to apologize for saying positive things and never meant to make you think you should either. The thing is I don’t like to be presumably lumped in with complainers and that’s what I felt happened. Sorry to be hyper sensitive about that but it’s happened one to many times to me in the past.


@JasonTodd428 no worries at all. Completely understand where you’re coming from!

Only one day here and I really love the service

Just wish like someone else had said if we could edit the lists like a playlist thus when you add comics in a order its easy to sort

Also wish comic reading would be easier to track similar to how the MU has it

Great service tho thats very unique. Worth it just for the comics

Wish more of the animated stuff was here

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Thanks, @LK3185! We appreciate your and others’ positive feedback, and I’ve gone ahead and shared your ideas with the dev team!

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New writers and directors for you’re original shows. They’re pretty bad. Maybe try some writers that have written more than a diary. Possibly people that actually like action, not just writing poor dialogue for sad people. (Throwing in an F-Bomb once in a while doesn’t make it gritty and raw, it’s still just sad people whining all the time) Also, way more content. It’s been a while, and there’s not much on here. I know you can’t compete with Netflix in terms of size, but it’s a pretty small library. Everything should stay on here permanently. Whoever had the idea to rotate content off and on, should be fired. It’s a terrible idea.

The rotation is due to licensing agreements with other services made prior to the creation of DC Universe. Those agreements are legally binding and have to be honored; otherwise, they’re in breach of contract and could be sued.

It has nothing to do with a sole person’s decision. I would never wish for someone to lose their job.

From.a post a couple of days ago

Mod @Pretty.Poison.Bombshell had just put my

Start Reading from News Section Topic

As an Essential Raad

But it was in the Suggestion Forum

And Purged with all the rest.

Could it please

Be put in Everything DC Comics forum

And put again in


It would be even better if SEARCH worked for the News Section.

Currently the results of a SEARCH query only give a random selection of recent News which has NOTHING to do with query.


All taken care of for you, @TurokSonOfStone1950! Sorry about that!


Thanks veru much

On.a related matter @Nathan.Payson used to have a very helpful Rebirth document that can only be found in Essential Readings. I used to bump it up all the time whem members asked about Rebirth

Helpful Resources including Essential Reading is very hard to find.

It is stuck on the bottom below the major community forums

And visible only when first entered

Is there a way to make these topics more visible especially Nathan’s Rebirth.document?

Thanks for the feedback, @TurokSonOfStone1950! I’m not promising anything, but I’ll get together with our team and the dev team and see what we may be able to eventually do to make this more visible on mobile devices. :green_heart:

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I know it may not be possible

It might be mentioned in one of those

Read me first

Topics in Counmunity

It is the same area where the Community Guidekined are and you want members to read them as well.

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Thanks i saw today that you can sort your list with the web browser version but you cant with mobile

Would be nice if it just worked like a playlist and you didnt have to go back to the list to read next comic

Just helpful ideas

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If you’re talking about Disney plus, it does freeze and back track once per episode ehen I watch some things.

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Well, obviously, a more complete archive of comics. Like your competitors have. Several times this week I’ve been reminded of some obscure book or another (and many not so obscure ones), get excited because I remember I have DC Universe, type in a search and…not there. I can read the Ostrander Spectre but not the Moench Spectre. I can read Golden Age and modern comics but a huge chunk of the Silver Age is nowhere to be found. Don’t get me started on the lack of material from other DC imprints. Obviously, creator-owned is creator-owned, but there is plenty of stuff published in other imprints that you have the rights to and could have here. Not to mention from the various companies that were swallowed up by DC/National.

Full comics. Meaning full. Letters pages and house ads included, even if you can’t get away with reprinting old 2nd-party ads. I went looking for some of my old letters and was sad to see they aren’t here or anywhere else (most of my physical comics were lost to me during a tragic move).

Also, a little honesty about where your scans come from would be nice. There seems to be a pretense that DC went back and remastered/scanned thousands of books but others have mentioned that a large portion of the content here was scanned by “private” scanners. Its your IP, you have every right to use it, but don’t pretend this was an effort for you.

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Complete encyclopedia. A list of all DC characters. Like the comic book series “Who’s Who”. There should be an entry for all DC characters, especially major important characters like Dr. Manhattan, Psycho Pirate, etc… As it stands now the current encyclopedia seems very weak and inadequate. But I suspect this post will go unread and unnoticed.

Another thing that would be super cool is the ability to save entire storylines to a list the same way you can save series or individual issues.

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A list of events in chronological order, from oldest to newest including all of the side stories relevant to the events.

They’re in the process of scanning and cleaning up several titles. These things take time. At the moment we’re up to over 22,000 books in the library, but they’re still going through what they can. I’d imagine there are thousands of books on their list and there are only so many hours in the day. Every week we get more comics added. The fact we have so much of what we have now is fantastic.

I totally understand where you’re coming from, but thanks to the message boards, we’re made aware of the situation with the comics and what’s coming up in terms of scans. The Watchtower forums are an amazing source of information.

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I’m very frustrated that I signed up for this service over a year ago thinking I was paying for exclusive programming. Now, Doom Patrol will be on HBO Max, Stargirl will be on the CW & you can watch Harley Quinn on TBS… I’m not reading the comic content (not why I signed up) and that seems to be where all the focus is with this service, which is fine, but again- not why I’m paying. I guess my concern is this is going to turn into a comic reading app and I’m going to have to pay more money for another app to watch the shows I thought I was getting here.


But you still get to see the content unedited and you get to see it first.

I get where you’re coming from, but there’s always a bright side :slightly_smiling_face:

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