DCU: What Do You Like About DC Universe? And What Would You Change?

Thank you for your help, @superby1! :slight_smile: Iā€™ve also made note of both of your concerns and recommendations for improvement, @TJUC123Official and @Cryptoplasm25.54136 - we appreciate your taking the time to share them!

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We love DC Universe and all of the incredible work already being done to make it such a special place! THANK YOU!

My Request: The Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth series ends at issue 40, with the entire series containing 59. Since it was last published in 1978, I doubt it works into the regular one year from publish date cycle to be added. Is there anything I can do to get the remaining 19 books to finish the collection? Please and thank you so much!

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One year later and still no ps4 app? Or LG smart TV app?


@KeyFamily they might not be digitized yet. I checked Comixology to see cause chances are if itā€™s not digitized there, itā€™s not digitized at all. But hereā€™s hoping they do get to them. Itā€™s such a fun series!

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Thank you for the tip, @superby1! I agree, itā€™s been a blast adventuring with Kamandi!

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So just wanted to put this out there. I love DC universe yet hating too. So pretty much it only has 2 shows I care to see and have to wait for them to come back for their next season. Doom Patrol and Titans. I have most of all the movies and birds of prey series on DVD or blu ray. and I dont care for the harley show as, I gave it a chance and there are many reasons I wont mention here but just cant stand it. Was cool that they had krypton for a while now thats no more, and the same with Swamp thing was loving that and now itā€™s no more. so here I am trying to post here to maybe hopefully create a spark for me to use the forms and have some other reason to be here. just so far I only 2 shows that atleast 1 of which I know will be back near the middle of the year, the other no idea of when it will ever return. so here i sit for months with no use for DC universe having to go to a competing service or playing video games or doing other stuff.


I really enjoy DC Daily and the videos, but I donā€™t always have the time to watch individual videos. Is there a way to introduce a weekly show in the form of a podcast via DC Universe or on podcast services (Apple Podcast, Spotify, etc)? Or even podcasts for DC Originals with discussions with cast and crew members? Keep the DC Daily content exclusive and make a weekly podcast free for all?

Just a nice simple way to format things for people on-the-go and also promote DC Universe if distributed via podcast services.

Could you add more story arcs or at least connect all the stories that go together with different series?

I started reading Batman and Iā€™ve noticed a lot of story arcs are not on here. I had to look up the reading orders online and add them to a favorites list I created myself.

It would be nice to see if you could just put trade paperbacks or omnibuses/absolute versions on here so you wouldnā€™t have to constantly look for other issues or open up and load another issue.

I donā€™t think it would be hard to add story arcs, all you would have to do is just add comics to a list and put them in order.

Itā€™s very frustrating and time consuming to have to search for a bunch of different issues in different series just to read a story arc.

For the Batman cataclysm storyarc which is 34 issues had 10 different series involved if you include the 3 one shot issues. Thatā€™s a lot of searching.

It also doesnā€™t help that the search engine doesnā€™t always look up what you type when looking for specific issue numbers.

So I would suggest upgrade the search engine.

Also it would be very nice if you could somehow make a character reading timeline. Make it to where you could start reading at a certain point and just keep reading issues back to back and they would be in order, story wise.

It would take some time to do on your end but their are already list online available so you wouldnā€™t have to do any research just copying a list.

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@fishin4bass.66054 I too must agree with your points on trades and story arcs.

I love everything about this app except when it comes to arcs. I wish that you could save an arc to your lists and every crossover is contained in that saved list.

Trades and omnibuses would also a neat quality of life update, when it comes to contained story arcs.

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This is a very, very tiny thing but I noticed in the badges section that the Violet Lantern Community badge has the symbol of the Indigo Tribe and vice versa. As a GL fan I couldnā€™t help but notice :slight_smile: Iā€™m loving this service so far! Thank you!


A way to bookmark news articles would be nice.

For example, the recent articles on decadeā€™s best, most underated, etc., comics would be nice to bookmark. That would allow members to come back to those articles when time permits to read the comics referenced therein.

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Why canā€™t we download movies for viewing offline. Why is the content so few? No new DC movies?

I wish when I select to read an entire series, like Blackest Knight for instance, that when a book ends the next in the series begins, instead of the next book for that title. Currently when I finish a book I have to hit the back arrow a couple of times to get back to the entire list of titles in a storyline just to select the next book to read.


DC better up their game with Disney plus out
Why donā€™t they keep the Batman movies ? And they need to add some more new live action series


DC Universe is not a competitor to Disney+.

How about these sentiments instead?

A. HBO Max better up their game with Disney+ out.
B. Marvel Unlimited better up their game with DCU out.

That said, someone really dropped the ball by not sticking Batman Returns on here for Christmas.


Theyā€™re getting Star Girl soon. Along with Bizzaro Tv, and what ever shows the fans make that win the competition. Of course Titans and Doom Patrol are getting their newer seasons as well.
HBO Max is said to have what, three shows? DC High, Green Lantern, and Strange Adventures.
The CW is having their big crisis event and Pennyworth just got renewed for a second season. I really fail to see where DC needs to step their game up.

Wish they would bring swamp thing back really loved it or bring the original series and movies to dc


Itā€™s always strange to see someone invoke Disney Plus. Itā€™s not a one-to-one correlation. DC Universe isnā€™t exclusively a streaming service. Itā€™s got comics, a store and message boards as well as streaming.

As for why movies get rotated in and out, as has been said before, itā€™s because of licensing agreements made before the service was created.

Some of my family have Disney Plus and I got to see it first hand over the holidays. Itā€™s nice but Iā€™ve noticed with my family that they donā€™t watch it often. Itā€™s something they have and might watch one movie or an old show and then they move on to something else. Then again, thatā€™s just my family and might not be the universal experience for everyone.

I find thereā€™s more for me personally here.


Merged a few posts into this thread that were related to the topic, and wanted to thank you all for being kind enough to share your feedback with us - weā€™ve made note of the latest posts to share with the team!

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In a week or so is gonna be my first month using the service. Im planning to renew for another month.

What I like:
1.Comic Selection.
2.Animated series and originals.
3.4k Content and hd remasters.
4.Community. (Specially the
reading order post, ty)
5.Price of the service.
6.Harley Quinn.

What I dislike:
1.Comic quality on desktop
browser, it look blurry.
2.Not having the ability to choose
Streaming quality on certain.
3.Rotation of movies (yeah yeah I
Know, but still.)

Hope the best for the service future.

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