DCU Superman Book Club Week 6: Steel, The Forging of a Hero!

@Jay_Kay I agree about the DCAU Metallo.

It’s interesting how stoic he is there, then in some comics Metallo is more of a wiseass/hired muscle kind of villain.

I like him that way too, but definitely prefer the more conniving way Malcolm McDowell played him. His is the voice I usually hear when I read Metallo in the books.

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Steel 1-5. It was nice seeing a DC comic not in any of the make believe cities, but instead in DC. While the whole “metagene” serum on the streets like a drug theme is a tad stale by now both at Marvel and DC, at least this was an attempt to show how the science behind the superheroes really should be affecting the ordinary everyday people around the heroes. My Discord pals have heard me whining more than a few times that both DC and Marvel should have man in space, the Moon, on Mars and in the asteroid belt much like on The Expanse by now in current day; it just isn’t logical that countries would stand by while the heroes zip around the galaxy while leaving us stranded on Earth, hoarding that tech like Larfreeze doesn’t go in step with the whole altruistic we want to assist others theme does it?

I got a real kick out of seeing Kevin West do the drawing honors in issue 3. At this same time he was the artist on Guardians of the Galaxy. I’m attaching one of West’s poses…that could be the hero from Jupiter in the other mag…

The animation of Steel was just fine. It did a good job of mixing in the family elements that stood out so nicely and warmly in the comics.

I’m always struck at how much they power down Superman in this animated series.

The sound effects of the battle with all the metal clanging reminded me very much of the antics done to create sound effects for radio shows back in the day.

One thing I’ll say I don’t like about this animated series in general: Metropolis looks very boring. No bushes, trees, animals. It looks like a sound stage that hasn’t been fully set up yet with zero trim buildings, no lawns, parks etc.

Thanks again Vroom for a fun trip in the past.

Oh, I was confused by the odd two page placement of a character from the Dakotaverse / Milestone line. I assume they were setting up for a future crossover which I may even have a few issues of. Icon with Superman - I think it was in Justice League around 2006? -was super cool. I’m not sure teaming up Steel with Hardware would go so well though…

That’s actually part of the next two issues after the issues covered for book club. I just wonder if it’s going to be a complete story or not. Definitely planning on giving them a try, though, because it seems like it’s going to be the only way to legally get a taste of Milestone any time soon…

So while I’m still real sure there was a Justice League event around 2006 with the Dakotaverse / Milestone / Icon group, there was indeed the other crossover that was company-wide in 1994, “Worlds Collide” that I still have issues of, and oh yeah they went there…oh well…

Looks like they didn’t invite Steel to the party in 2006, at least not that I can see…?

The artwork work is so good for that 2006 Justice league!

@Don-El Thanks for your thoughts. I’m glad you liked this week’s entertainment potpourri :slight_smile:

DC merged Milestone into the DCU in 2008. I believe McDuffie’s run on Justice League of America is where it was showcased the most.

Then of course, they both began as one universe during The New 52.

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I always thought this character was so cool. He was thinking, tinkering and trying to make a better suit. And really holds his own with the other heroes/scientist of DCU.
I always wanted to see him or even Icon on an episode of Static Shock but the show ended before it was thought of.

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When something needs fixing put HAMMER to it


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@dcfan78 Steel is indeed a great character. Whenever the next Superman animated show comes along, it’d be great to see him as a featured player on it.

Nice picture too!

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About to read issue #5 playing it close to the chest here times almost up!

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I liked this story and would now like to see him get a new movie. I will def be reading issue 6 and however many it takes to finish this arc. The only thing that would make me say I like him less in this comic was that in the show he seems more of a scientist. In this story he seemed a little more of someone who is just good with their hands and building. but really thats just me looking for something to complain about. This was a great story. I do feel Steel brought this on his family and that he should have laid low somewhere else.