DCU Originals Moving to HBO Max

I saw that story and I’m also pissed about this. Once again, loyalty to a comic book company means ZERO, it’s not about the money WE ALREADY paid it’s about the NEW MONEY they want so screw us. Just more greed from Warner Bros.

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How do they think it’s OK to lure us in to a year long sub. with “And lots of DC Universe originals that you can only see here” and change it to: “Well, now we’re taking 1/2 of our promise away from you so we can resell what you’ve already paid us for, and no, you’re not getting a refund, Silly!” I will not continue to pay $100 a year or whatever it was for comics only. I paid for the year for the old cartoons, movies and original shows that they were talking about and the BTS stuff that you usually only see on the Blu-rays. If DC Universe is comics only I’ll just go get a Marvel online sub. since I’m a Marvelite anyway. See, they were getting me to be a fan, and their greed is losing it now. Oh well, who cares about the fans, right?


Everyone has a right to be disappointed but i think they were expecting more subs i don’t even think DCU hit a million subs to help pay for alot of shows if more stuff leave they should drop the price

Sigh, well…on the bright side maybe HBO has the money to keep |Swamp Thing for a season 2.

It’s such a shame, that DC television is really just knocking it out of the park, and this service led the charge. I wish the current comics or the DC movies were as good. (there are a few notable exceptions, but they are…few)

I’m really tired of cosmic goddesses, and parallel world evil batmans, dead fathers who are now alive and evil, and total “shark jumping” elimination of secret identities.

We probably ARE looking at a soft reboot. They often take a wrecking ball to the continuity right before the reboots, like a college freshmen trashing his dorm on the last day of school.

(After the last 3 years of meta-events, how are there regular citizens even LEFT in Gotham?)

Dc Tv is awesome

Now HBO max seems to be bringing a new version of Gotham

I originally subscribed for the comics and the shows I loved growing up, but additions like DC Daily and new originals (Doom Patrol, Titans) made it feel like a community where I looked forward to watch alongs and discovering new DC content. I won’t unsubscribe from DC, but it does knock it down on the streaming list if they become HBO exclusive. I’m fine with sacrificing as a fan if it means the shows can continue to thrive. It’s a business and it doesn’t make it any less frustrating. Seems to me that DC is doing its best to keep fans happy while WB is making the business decisions.

I don’t pretend to know exactly how this plays out, but as long as they aren’t removing the existing content, this change is not a deal-breaker for me. They can’t be thinking anyone here would go sign up for HBO Max to see Doom Patrol season 2 at this point right?

Maybe not but u get current dc movies

I’m just happy that the comics and community will still be here. As a MU subscriber, the dc library at this price is a steal , imo.

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Do you not have a PS4 or Xbox One? Both consoles have the app.

This is DC Universe, they should have all the movies here. I browsed HBO Max and saw they have every Superman movie (scratching my head). C’mon DC, get the rights to your label, I don’t get it! I signed up exclusively for DC cartoon movies and started reading the first Superman comic series. I have all the Animated series on DVD but I’m looking forward to watching them again from here. Get your house in order DC and take back what is yours, I think that’s what we’re all paying for. Disney has just about all their Marvel movies and working on the X men series. Don’t give in, I don’t want to buy another streaming app.

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Kinda saw that coming

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I didn’t subscribe for comics. I subscribed for the original shows and animation. I alresdy spend $30 a week buying comics. I don’t need a digital format, I already own the print.

If I could get my money back I would. As soon as my year is up I am dumping this and filing it in bad decisions. Guess that’s what I get for being a loyal fan.


I think what pisses me off the most is no one at DC has even adressed it. Like we are all just hapless dopes who just hand iver our money and will always be there. This is classic bait and switch.

A simple, we understand what this means and we are making an effort to fix it would go miles.


I hear that they are thinking about reviving Swamp Thing at HBOMAX. That would be a good idea.

That’s the best argument for this site.


Just so you know

Applejack said

At this time the plans are already in motion to make HBO Max the only destination for video content.

No, it isn’t. They spend $30 for comics that were just released, not $7 for comics released 6 months ago.

This whole deal was nothing but a slap in the face to DC comics fans who came here for original content.

A six-month delay is well worth access to every issue that came out in that month. The actual entertainment value of a single issue (with rare exceptions) is barely worth $1, let alone $4. This isn’t the days where a single issue squeezed in 7 stories, or even 2 full stories. It’s a downright bargain when you get half a story in an issue nowadays. The service offered by Marvel Unlimited and the upcoming revamped DCU is like trade-waiting, but even better because there’s zero room for buyer’s remorse. Single issues have been a money pit for at least a decade.