DCU Book Club Week 24: SUPER SONS (2017) Issues 1-5

In issue 1, Damien knew Jon’s powers were limited, so he knew Jon wouldn’t be much help in battle. I think the motivation is Damien really didn’t want to do the mission alone, and he likes Jon’s company.


My thoughts:

I liked the Rebirth Kid Amazo more than the one from years ago in JLA Classified.

When this one was with his family, I was reminded of The Twilight Zone. Specifically the episode where Bill Mumy played a kid that forced everyone to support what he wanted and those that didn’t were punished. Twilight Zone: The Movie adapted this story too.

Damian is still a weiner, but I feel having a peer is smoothing out his edges.

I think it was #4 that had the dichotomy with Alfred and Lois. I’ve read this issue three times (in print when it came out, in TT Giant #4 and now on DCU) and I always chuckle at that point of the story. Well played Tomasi.

Those are my dos centavos. Excellent pick Mr. McDonald =)


Sure Damian could have gone without Jon but I think his intentions were that Jon could do some heavy lifting while Damian could flaunt his detective skills. To the experienced Batman and Teen Titans, Damian is still a bratty kid but when he’s with Jon it satisfies his need to feel superior.

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My favorite series of all time! The chemistry between the two characters is just as sappy and endearing as anyone could ever suspect. It feels less like a kid story and more of a story about friendship and how it can work in many different circumstances. For example, Jon is a small town boy: Damian the big city. Jon the “normal” kid: Damian ready for college at birth. Jon is light and hopeful: Damian the ultimate pessimist. This is a phenomenal series that so perfectly crafts the tale of two young boys.

On a future note, Bendis has already written a script for a reunion post Jon’s puberty whatever. Will Damian and Johns relationship evolve from a friendship or fall apart. I have no idea! What do you want their future to look like.


I’d like for Bendis to keep their friendship intact. Jon could end up as a big brother figure to Damian. You just know Damian would be pleased as punch for that to happen.


I secretly want Damian to age a year or two and keep them 3 years apart instead of 4. Also let Damian go through Pube.


Sorry I’ve been a bit inactive here – when I’m not at work, I’ve been playing Anthem. :grin:

First, the initial question: I like Jon…in theory. I like the idea of him as a character, but more often than not I felt that he was taken too precious, that he was written to be more of an adult’s idea of an ideal kid should be than an actual kid; and it affected Superman during this time because he felt More like a sitcom dad than a fleshed-out hero.

That said, the time where I like Jon the most…is when he’s teamed up with Damian. Robin has a tendency to push at Jon’s buttons and put him out of his comfort zone, and makes him feel more like an actual kid, and these five issues perfectly illustrate that.

Also, on how Damian will react to Jon being aged up…I think it of everyone, he’s going to very what has happened the most. I think for as close as Damian has bonded with his father, as much as he gets that Bruce loves him for who he is, there’s a part of Bruce that wishes he knew what would happen and take him away from his mother, away from the death and torture. Even among other heroes, Damian knows he’s looked at like a freak, and he leans into it to lessen its affect, but it can still hurt.

So when Damian sees Jon now as a teen, how his parents look at him different because they wish they could have stopped it from happening…Damian will accept him for who he is now, and let things go back to how they were before. Ideally Damian’s first words to Jon should be “-tt- Don’t think because you’re older and taller you can just push me around now, Kent.”



Stoked you liked it! This is the book that I think sees Damian at his full potential. Yes, he’s an egotistical jerk of a kid, but it’s kinda charming?

The way it plays of Jon’s Happy go lucky attitude is perfect!



I agree. I think he really likes the company. He puffs his chest a lot but I think he just likes having a bud around.

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I absolutely loved that “busted” moment with Alfred and Louis.

I loved the beginning of that issue when they discovered the boys weren’t there. Too funny :joy:



I would love to see Older Jon our Damian in his place.

I’m interested to see how current continuity affects the supersons.

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I didn’t know that! I’m very curious about how Bendis will approach it. I’m trying to be patient with his Superman stuff. But I already miss the old Jon.

You’ve got some high praise for this book! Glad we got around to it!


Yeah that’s probably the real reason he invited him, but I’m gonna pretend he just wanted to hang with his bud


Okay last comment for the night. Sorry for spamming the board! I’m on mobile so I wanted to be able to read and respond to each comment.

Issue 2 takes us in a darker direction. Reggie (Kid Amazo) murdered his Mom, Dad, and Brother. Luckily his sister was able to escape.

With the information obtained through Breaking into Lexcorp our heroes are hot on his trail and discover the grisly scene.

Question: What I found most interesting in this issue is Jon’s detective work. He effortlessly kept pace with Damian (a hero known for his superior deductive skills). The issue even ends with the two character coming to the same conclusion at the same time. Why did you think Peter J Tomasi chose to approach it like this?

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I think it’s too play at Damian’s (and a lot of casual/non-Super fans) assumption that since the Super family are dumb because with their strength and invulnerabllity they don’t need to think or solve anything, just use their fists.

While I don’t believe any of the Supers are dumb, I feel like if all of them, Jon will likely be the stronger investigator and crime solver of them, because even if/when his powers are more reliable, due to his parentage he probably won’t be as strong as his Dad or his Aunt Kara (or would she still be a cousin? Family trees confuse me) because he’s half human, and he doesn’t even have additional powers to fall back on like Conner and his tactile telekinesis. So Jon will have to be smart and sneaky to fight the guys who are stronger and faster than him.


@Jay_Kay Yes she would still be a cousin. 1st cousin once removed to be exact.



I agree. I think if anyone in the “Super” family of characters has the potential to be an excellent investigator it’s Jon.

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No disrespect but Louis is an journalist therefore is an excellent investigative and kat time i checked she’s in the short family


Sorry for that horribly written post but I’m trying to say Louis is top investigator in the super family


I mean more in terms of actual super powered members. Jon would definitely get some lessons from Lois.

And thanks for the clarification. :blush:


Issue 3:

This issue kicks off with our heroes fight robot versions of their Dads.

Henceforth they will be known as dad bots.

But my biggest takeaway here is that we get to learn more about Reggie and his Family.

What’s your take on the family dynamic of Reggie and is Family pre Amazo virus? Did it seem realistic

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