DCU Book Club-Girl Power! Week 61: THE DARING NEW ADVENTURES OF SUPERGIRL (1982-) #1-3, Nov 11- Nov 17

Hi Meisaj,

For me, that was the most interesting part of this - See who she is before the Crisis. Thanks for reading with us!

Hey there! @Lecouch84

Good point. Everyone just immediately loved her. She was given a home, they unpacked her stuff, gave her a job. Just so much love so fast with barely any interaction with people. I agree, there was a whole lot of charm.

Yeah, I think - 1980s or not - unpacking a new neighbor’s stuff while they sleep is over-stepping boundaries :no_entry_sign: . But they meant well. They were just so swept up in her charm!

That’s a cool pick! I enjoyed all the interaction in that scene.

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts with us, as always!

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Maybe super-charm could be part of Kara’s power-set, like a more PG version of Spider-Woman’s pheromone powers. :joy:

The advisor guy was kind of funny. Not sure if a romance between the two like it’s hinted would work, or at least it wouldn’t quite work in a modern context nowadays.



  1. Is this your first time reading The Daring New Adventures of Supergirl?

  2. In this story, mostly everybody loves Linda. Has she charmed you as well? What do you think of this version of Supergirl?
    Yes and she’s a bit different then Kara

  3. What do you think of Linda’s neighbors overall?
    I think they’re great and funny and helpful

  4. What was the standout moment or panel to you?
    Issue #3, Page 14

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Hiya! @ProActress2O

She sure is! I am so happy you mentioned that.

They are. I didn’t trust them at first (cause I watch way too many TV shows that convince me not to trust friendly neighbors), but they are actually really good neighbors (even if a little too helpful for my comfort).

I pulled this one from Issue 3 Page 14.

I think that’s a gorgeous side view of her face on the right side.

Thanks for taking a trip to the 80s with us!

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Yep and no problem. Great to read to this one!

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I’ve been saying this non stop since I read it :rofl::rofl:


:rofl: @MattMcDonald Ok, now that’s gonna be stuck in my head when I read her fight scenes in COIE. :rofl:

Thanks again everyone for reading along and sharing your thoughts on Linda Danvers!

:alarm_clock: This topic will close at the end of the day, be sure to get any last thoughts in.

Linda will takes on an important role in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

We are currently hosting a discussion of Crisis on Infinite Earths through #dcubc-epics . Hope to see you there! :earth_asia: :earth_americas::earth_africa:

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All I can think now is that Family Guy bit where abstinence only sex ed starts at the school and it only causes kids to have ear sex instead. :smiley:

Also, quick question to @JLWWSM – is the Crisis epic read the main thing for this week, or will there be another DCU Book Club alongside it?

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Excellent question!

DCUBC will continue as normal (there will be a new book tomorrow and @MattMcDonald will be our esteemed host).

DCUBC-epics will run concurrently with DCUBC.

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  1. It is!

  2. I adored her. She’s so down to earth. I loved that even though she can fly as fast as a speeding bullet, she still enjoys taking it slow. Wether it be a train or a taxi.

  3. In the context of the book I thought they were fun and friends. But if I had neighbors like that I’d move ASAP. Especially the creepy actor guy. Yikes.

  4. The last page of Issue 3. (Well before the back up) seeing PSI take on the Decay was so so cool.

Pleasantly surprised with this one. It still was a super fun read despite its age. And a lot of it stood the test of time! Thanks @JLWWSM for a fun pick!

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I found the opening train scene to be really relaxing. It’s like we’re just hanging out with Linda on the train.

:laughing: Same!

Great moment! I think the pink rays are cool.

Thank sharing your thoughts! @MattMcDonald

Psi is okay and all, but pink psychic energy is Betsy Braddock’s bag and that’s kind of like a superpower faux-pas.

Now that I think about it, Psi does kind of feel like if you combined Psylocke with Magneto, with a dash of Dejah Thoris’ sense of fashion.

  1. This was my first time reading this.

  2. I liked Linda well enough but I wouldn’t say I was charmed by her. There were times she felt too perfect, I guess is the phrase I want to use. Everyone seemed to love her instantly and after a time it started to feel over the top to me. Overall I prefer Kara.

  3. Her neighbors were all fun and quirky but I think I liked the landlady best of all. I also found it odd that her neighbors unpacked for her as she slept. I grew up in the 80s and I don’t think I would have trusted my neighbors to do that while I slept.

  4. Favorite panel was Psi’s reveal.

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Hi @JasonTodd428

I agree. To quote @Jay_Kay it feels like Super-charm is one of her powers. By the time I finished this series, her super-charm power worked on me. She’s so sweet. My favorite version of Supergirl is Power Girl - she takes no mess from anyone!

The landlady is really nice. I feel like she would bake cookies for her tenants just to show appreciation for them. And they’d be the best cookies ever!

I’m trying to think of what decade this behavior would be appropriate and I’m drawing a blank. I think even in caveman days, unpacking a neighbor’s stuff while they sleep is a bit much. :laughing:

Cool :sunglasses:

Thank you for reading along and letting us know what you thought of the book!

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I think my favorite Kara is Power Girl too – she’s smart, she’s resourceful, she has some huge…business investments. :joy:

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Thanks for the selection this time around! Mission accomplished…An interesting mix of intriguing characters, fun unusual locale for a super hero series and Supergirl herself was presented well in her “civilian” role.

Lots in here is super-dated, the Ostrander (and maybe Adams) in jokes. All that paper reminds me of my Seminary “10 typewritten pages a day” era around that time. Now instead of paper clutter we face an unfathomable pile of internet data that drowns us much like that psyche prof.

Unfortunately, it’s also kind of obvious why series like this led to the decisions made about which characters stuck around as compelling and which ones were erased during the Crisis a few years later.

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Ha! yes indeed.

Thanks so much for reading this along with us and sharing your thoughts. It is very interesting to read this prior to the crisis, it colors the overall picture with Supergirl a lot more and her Crisis role (crisis spoiler: and her crisis fate. I think she comes back stronger in her post-crisis stories )

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