DCU Book Club-Epics: CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS (1985-) Issues 1-12, Nov 17 - Dec 8

Now I think we need a thread for speculation on what will or won’t be incorporated into the show. Having just finished #4 I’m wondering since we haven’t seen Harbinger on CW who will play the traitor? I’m pretty sure we’ll see the old West as I think Hex is on the crossover.


I remember them as a backup to Sgt Rock and Easy Company in the old combat comics. I

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Ahhh - Aquaman! I wonder what’s happening in the seven seas. Great callouts for 1!

This moment is pivotal. Harbinger is sent to kill him, and the Monitor believes he’s key to survival of the worlds. So much is going on in the story that it’s easy to pass over the moment. I’m so happy you called it out.

:tada: :partying_face: Me too!


I’m curious if they will change Harbinger’s role a little in the show. We’ll see soon!

Lyla is already on Arrow. Lyla Michaels is John Diggle’s wife. I’m thinking Lyla’s early presence on the show this is one of the things @DragonLigerX.24318 is alluding to in this comment:


This is confirmed, and I am thrilled!


I wish they used Hawkman and Hawkwoman in Crisis. They introduced them in Legends and forgot about them.

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Doesn’t mean they won’t show up! It’d be great to see them again, especially knowing where vandal savage currently resides.

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Hear hear!

I’m curious if Superman and Lois’ son Jon will be the arrowverse’s answer to the fast growing Luther kid in COIE. I know a new Superman show is in the works featuring the family, but I’d really like them to fast forward Jon’s development a little in the crossover for more interesting stories (like a superboy attending kindergarten and manifesting powers)

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Did u see tonight’s Arrow? Diggle and Queen just found out about Lyla being Harbinger! Can’t believe they exposed her identity so early on. Real excited to see how this plays out next show!

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@CrystixSun I’ll watch it as soon as it’s available on the CW app (counting down the hours!), then I’ll reply to your comment!

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I thought i saw the pair in silhouette somewhere…

Holy smokes on Arrow Lyla is playing the Harbinger traitor role

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I concur

I think the best scene for 1-4 is that the Monitor knew he was going to die, probably also how, and most likely factored that into his plan(s). I read ahead a few pages and without spoiling out of turn, what i did read seem to inform the most likely factored into his plan(s). Also the Luthor child thought bubbled as much…

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@msgtv, @AntLeon or anyone who would like to,

Please feel free to create a speculation topic in the TV section (I’m not sure if one already exists).

This topic will inherently have a little discussion about the show - especially as we are pondering how the book will be adapted.

But yes, for a full speculation discussion, another topic would be fantastic! If a topic is created, I will be sure to add a link here to that topic for easy reference.


Wow, yes. It’s so sad - and also hopeful because he has a plan. I’ll post more reflections on issue 4 today,


That sounds great! I follow both actors in instagram but neither of them has shown anything that might suggest they are in Crisis.

Hi @CrystixSun!
I’ll reply to you about on the Crisis on CW Speculations topic later tonight! Arrow rocked!!!


Issue 4

So here’s the thing, her dad accused her of being “cold”, and she was, but I gotta respect her desire to go out completing her mission instead of cowering in fear.

I’m super interested in seeing how she is recreated.

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Yeah, she was supposed to be this heartless strawman, but she’s not even wrong, just a little mean about it.

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Definitely agreed about Doctor Light – though I suppose it is possible that there was a degree of societal expectations about her as a woman, and less that she is cold and heartless and more that as a woman she should be more warm and gentle…but it’s also possible that Wolfman/Perez were trying to do a different kind of woman character and fudged things up a little.

Anyway, finished up the first four issues this morning. My answers to the discussion questions:

Many characters have been added to the story so far. What character are you hoping to see that may not have been mentioned yet (if any)?

This feels like a cheat answer because while it was a little bit since I read it (and a LOT of frikkin’ things happen so I probably forgot a good chunk of it), I guess one could say that it would be interesting to see just what exactly is happening to The Flash in this – because in these four issues, I don’t think that’s entirely answered, the other heroes just know he’s suddenly appearing, screaming for help, and atomizing.

What is the most memorable moment to you so far?

Outside of some of the great moments already mentioned, I would have to say the last few pages of #4 were really well done. The way we see our heroes basically fail, and the world turn into a mix of white, pure nothingness, and a fade to black. I’m pretty sure this is the first time we see something like this happen, and other events like I believe Secret Wars use a similar tactic.

Makes me want to know what people were thinking back in 1987-ish when this came out and seeing this for the first time. Like, “That’s it? What happened to them all? Are they all dead? Aren’t there eight issues left? WHAT THE HECK, MAN?!”