DC's Legends of Tomorrow Season 7 Thread (Warning: Here There Be Spoilers)

Good point, though hopefully this will be the last we see of him.


Well, I loved "“Lowest Common Demoninator” Reality shows are my least favorite television format. I absolutely loathe them, so it would be easy for me to believe most of them emerge from Hell. I was then predisposed to like any episode that parodied them. And this episode hit all of the tropes. Spooner is running around naked. Nate and Zari 2.0 are fighting. Sara is planning vacations. Ava is having to play house mom. I loved that it was B. who ultimately saved the day for a change. Anyway, I am really looking forward to next week. I figure there is no way the Legends are going to assassinate Archduke Ferdinand!

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Archduke Ferdinand sounds like a character from a Disney movie, LOL.


This episode is just what I needed after Superman & Lois, that show is getting on my nerves. I love how even the episode was filmed like a reality show, and it was so funny turning Gideon into the host and the other characters into reality show archetypes!



Hilarious episode

The reality shows were great. Spooner blurred. Nate tanned. Davies bony understanding anything and everything was just hilarious. Also like the details of censoring anything heaven related :joy::joy:.

The end was sweet with friendships and relationships growing stronger. B at the end was amazing. Bring up how they never even talked about his death was great. Just really awesome and sweet moments. And funny with the Archduke thing.

How will they get it out of Gary? Why do they need to resume Archduke? Where are the robo Legends? All this and more Same Legendary Time Same Legendary Channel

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Oh, the censoring of anything related to God or Heaven was funny! I hadn’t thought about it before, but they would do that in Hell!

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Yep at first I was confused why they were doing it then I realized oh yeah hell :laughing:

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Right?! Bwahaha!


I have a question about a sound in the latest episode:
After the third commercial break, when we we come into a Zari / Gideon scene, what is the audio cue that starts the scene?
It is so familiar but I can’t place it!
I feel like it’s cutting off some static from the end…


Okay, I absolutely loved “The Fixed Point” First, I think it makes sense the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand would be a fixed point. Second, I think the idea of a pub where they takes bets on people trying to stop Ferdinand’s assassination is brilliant. Third, I love the shout out to ELO’s Time. It is a brilliant album. Fourth, I loved how the Legends make multiple attempts trying to stop the assassination. Fifth, great seeing Spooner and Zari 2.0 bond. Sixth, loved Ava’s talk with Gwyn. Seventh, the real Thawne! Anyway, this was an absolutely great episode.


The reveal of who was in the top hat really caught me off guard. What a wonderful surprise!


This was probably the best episode in a while, and that’s saying a lot!

I’ll admit I’ve been shipping Spooner and Astra a lot this season, but Spooner coming out as ace was so unexpectedly amazing that I’m totally fine if they don’t get together because of this. Although they could still be a couple, just w/out sex involved. Whatever happens, this is such a fantastic move to increase the show’s already great representation!

And we got the return of the real Thawne! I saw the news that Letscher was coming back, but I didn’t realize it was gonna be this episode so I was still surprised to see him pop up. It’s interesting that his journey doesn’t account for anything that happened on The Flash since his last Legends appearance, so I’m thinking this either fits somewhere else in his timeline or maybe there are multiple versions of Thawne that have branched out across time


This was one of the best, if not the best episode of the season. Seeing Thawne again was annoying but this version is actually not as annoying, probably because it’s the real Thawne. Spooner coming out as asexual was so unexpected but extremely groundbreaking since it’s not really shown in television and movies.


I like that Spooner came out as asexual. It is something that simply isn’t acknowledged on television very often.


Great episode

The legends attempt to stop the pint. Interesting with the the bar. Makes sense though.

Spooner and Z2 hang out. Great stuff. Awkward to beat friends. Great. And Spooner coming out as Ace. Awesome™:+1:.

Davies and Ava great moments this episode. Very sweet stuff have a feeling he may take Sarah’s place to watch the pint as penance and for the team.

Then they kill montage was great​:laughing:. Then the Thawne reveal. Nice. Now they’re so close to getting back.

Can the legends stop Evil Gideon? What will happen if they can’t stop it in a 40 minutes? What will happen to Davies? All this and more Same Legendary Time Same Legendary Channel


I loved “Rage Against The Machines.” As usual, the Legends’ plan goes awry and they have to extemporize. I loved Astra’s realization that she is essentially Gideon’s mother. I loved how the Legends dispatched each of the Robo-Legends (particularly when Gary sent two of them to Hell, literally). I hated seeing Thawne die and I hope that our Gideon isn’t dead. On the other hand, I loved the way Zari 2.0 took care of Evil Gideon, even if it did cause problems. Anyway, I am looking forward to the next episode! I just wish it wasn’t a couple of weeks away!

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The epic music during the Zari slap fight had me laughing so hard! And kudos to Jess Macallan for directing this one. She did an incredible job!


This season just gets better and better!!! This was a relatively serious episode of the show and that’s unexpected.

Gideon better be okay!


Oh, that was so funny! And I loved that Robo-Zari was about as good at hand-to-hand combat as Zari was!