DC Universe's Meta Madhouse – Superman's Aliens – Round of 2!

Ch’p stores nuts in his cheeks

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I never said justice is corrupt. Merely that “justice” is subjective. You are merely supporting a person who believes they are above the law, since they are following this “justice”. The rule of law does not apply to this kryptonian. No rule of law…who is really living in tyranny?

So you agree that morality changes. I suggest you look at the definition of conscience. From the Oxford English Dictionary “conscience” A person’s moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one’s behavior.

If this premise you conscience you speak of is coming from Rao, it merely goes to show how flawed Rao is.

The examples used of 20th-21st century United States are but a few or a multitude we have seen over the span of earth and krypton civilization. Morality is a belief system, nothing more. Belief systems like laws change over time.

You have finally hit the nail on the head. (Perhaps there is hope yet for some followers of Rao, if they follow the paths of reason and rationality) There is no true “good” or “evil” and yes, everything “pointless”.

You reference the last WB Supergirl episode. A clone possesses the same volume of neural pathways as does the “original” Some pathways are more electrically excitable than others. (See genetic predispositions.) There is no “moral compass”, merely more likely firing pathways, that in the context are more excitable. Hence the premise of clone. Not to mention the “goto” stimulus function as hypothesized by Minsky in “Society of Mind”, which given a precise stimulus will “goto” a response directly as a shortcut, rather than extending down a neural decision tree. You mistake such action as inane morality, when it is simple genetic variation.

Villains are always heroes of their own story. (Ask any comics writer, including Geoff Johns, Marv Wolfman & Dan DiDio) So villains ARE just heroes with a different point of view on these subjective subjects of “morality”, “right”, “wrong”, “justice”, etc.

Once you acknowledge the flaws of absolutes/binary thinking for your “moral” base, rationality only leads one place. To the Darkseid.

The followers of Rao need not be tortured by Rao, they are perfectly adept at being their own tortures. Rao does not even care enough to tell them they are torturing themselves. A round of applause for Rao for being so…what would be your word for that…”heartless”, perhaps.

If you have no fear, than why the PEDs in the first place?

A tyrant versus a compassionate king (talk about two words creating an oxymoron.) A “compassionate king” is merely more devious than a bold faced tyrant. At least with the latter there is no delusion about who has power and authority to do what they will.

But, the difference is “what they will” I hear you cry. Poppycock, power wielded over another is still the same. Taking from the Bard: A rose by any other name would smell so rank and disgusting.

Desaad has been “killed” by Darkseid many times only to come back a few issues later.

As for insulting “the death and ressurection of the son of Krypton”. I am a follower of Darkseid, we dare anything, including your “sacred cows”. A pox upon the House of El and Rao.

If these kryptonians for the House of El are really about this “justice”, then how can they be just, having imprisoned persons in Fort Roz for non-life sentences, and not applied a principle for release regardless of whether Krypton existed or not. Their planet exploded, leaving those non-lifers trapped. How is it “justice” that the leader of the House of El, and therefore with this innate understanding of this premise that “justice” is absolute. How can they have held prisoners longer than “Justice” required and still be just in that action?

Let us look at “justice” as your absolute. If a person does crime-x which is “wrong” and “justice dictates a penalty of 20 years confinement for that action. If that person serves even 20 years and 1 day, because of Krypton exploding and being thrown into the phantom zone, was “justice” served?

As for the stars, even the stars aborning have a limited supply of fuel. Eventually they will all burn out leaving nothing but the darkness. Darkness always wins in the end.

Darkseid supports a meritocracy. No blindness in that. If the house of El would never do such a thing to their friends and family, than explain Astra and Alura, relative to Fort Roz, the phantom zone, and the destruction of krypton. You can’t. I know it and you know it. Congrats to the House of El for having trapped itself in the delusion of “morality”.

Check your history, you will find several continuities where Darkseid leads, as a general should, the female furies.

Check the results. https://www.dcuniverse.com/news/meta-madhouse-supermans-aliens/
As the DCU states “It has been a series of honorable battles, but only one can emerge the victor. Please join us in congratulating…Darkseid.”

Rationality, rather than popularity, comes to the DCU after all.

Good thing Barda was making that chicken soup and organizing the bake sale after all.

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@biff_pow Ch’p is just saying “Get your hazelnuts ready.” :smiley:

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Congrats, you win @DeSade-acolyte!

I enjoyed our battle and hope to see you again in the future.

It’s been an honor :smiley:

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Yeah, I should had been mpre specific but there was too much to write. I tripped on my words as I attempted to summarize. My fault. I should have said instinctive conscience vs learned behavior and morals.

Well, Apokalips won so no need to continue I guess. I had fun, I hope you did as well :slight_smile:

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there is no justice in this world throws hazelnuts


At last! Vengeance for Krypto!