DC Universe Superman Book Club Week 9: The Unity Saga

Ooh…thanks for the heads up!

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You’re welcome. It’s worth noting that the figures in Spin Master’s two debut lines are in the 4" scale, by the by.

Spin Master’s L&C Superman would be awfully outsized next to a DCD/C figure. Ah heck, just blame Mxyzptlk. :clark_hv_4:


I thought this story was ok. It didn’t blow me away and all it really does is spin off from the other book Bendis was writing and then it concludes to another story. Overall this could have just been a storyline in Action comics. I don’t really care for the big bad and General Zod showing up to help was pretty cool dynamic. I was originally planning on buying the trade for this and now I’ll pass for sure. I thought Flash and Adam Strange seemed off for their characters too.


The Adam Strange here reminded me of the younger, more dudebro Adam from the Krypton series.


"Dudebro":joy: Didn’t see the similarity with Krypton’s Adam till now. Except that Adam didn’t have a space suit. Wouldn’t he just implode or something if he zeta beamed into the vacuum of space? RIP, Krypton.


Without trying to spoil, have you seen any of season 2?


Yep. Watched the whole thing.


Is this your first time reading The Unity Saga, as well as the current ongoing Superman title?

Yes, and overall I thought it was pretty good. There was a few weird dialogue choices (Bendis, why do you write Flash like this? Why? Why?) and I feel like they hyped up Zall a little too much and his potential origins to just…not give any new information. Still, I enjoyed it for the big, wide-screen action/adventure story of Superman and a group of heroes trying to save Earth from being trapped in the Phantom Zone.

Superman and General Zod or Rogol Zaar and Jax-Ur: Who was your favorite unexpected team-up from this week’s reading?

Superman and Zod, definitely. I mean, villains teaming up and ultimately betraying each other is kind of to be expected, but a hero and a villain isn’t an everyday occurrence.

Supergirl and Superman have a unity adventure of a different sort in this week’s video selection. Is Reverend Amos Howell one of the creepiest villains not only in STAS, but the DCAU as well?

Well, saying Howell is a villain is kind of a misnomer, because, by the time we see him here, I think it’s fair to say there’s nothing of that man left if there even was one to begin with. He was just an elaborate skin-suit of Unity. And Unity is definitely one of the more frightening villains in the DCAU.

Here’s the real question: Are the Langs growing rutabagas or turnips?


I’ve seen enough hentai to know where this is going…


Krypton’s dude-bro Adam Strange is a-okay with me, especially when he and Seg are giving the bird. Krypton kicked ass.

Anyhow, my thanks to this past week’s contributors:

-@Jay_Kay (Tod Browning would applaud you :wink:)

Some of us like Bendis’ work on Superman, while others don’t, which is fine. Both viewpoints have their value, and I’m glad we were able to have a spirited, lively discussion of the material.

Thanks folks! :clark_hv_4: