DC Universe Frequently Asked Community Questions đŸ‘„

I’ll be DM’ing you to dig in further, stay tuned!


I wish to cancel when dc universe goes comic only how do I do that

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Hi @Jenmoon1, I’ve responded to your DM and addressed this, please let us know if you need anything else!


I don’t have a question- I just wanted to say thank you-thank you-thank you DCU for updating my profile with these snazzy new badges! You guyz ROCK. :smile: :+1: :purple_heart:



Once again, no Q’s but I wanted to thank you all SOOO MUCH for the wonderful pins and posters. So very kind of you to send these to me- I absolutely love them! :hugs: :purple_heart: :yellow_heart: :purple_heart:


When will we see those sweet 25 dollar coupons for the store? I want to get me one of those sweet ZSJL shirts.


OK, random question, why is this section now called “Earth-2 Help Center”? As opposed to “Suggestion Box” or “Support” or just plain “Help Center”. What is the “Earth-2” a reference to? I mean, I know what Earth-2 is, I’m just not getting the “help center” connection. :confused:


Hey! You can expect to see them being sent out around Early February. Keep an eye out :slight_smile:

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It’s simple!

This is Earth-2 and this is the help center for it :wink:

In all honesty though, we felt that Help Center was a better name for the category than ‘Suggestion Box’ as it’s a wider term. It just felt right to give it a little DC Universe theme to it as well :slight_smile:


Why is the community not part of the app anymore. When I click on it t takes me to safari and opens the website? Is it ever going to be back purely in the app?


This is a permanent change to the way the community is functioning going forwards. Doing it this way allows for better integration and a better performance on the backend of things!


Any idea when we can expect our email or info on the credit for the store? Thanks.

Hi @KalEl123, welcome back! It should be soon. :slight_smile: Either today or shortly after.

what’s the use of qr code?

Hello! I’m returning after a bit of a hiatus and was wondering how changing profile pictures work. I did it on the MyDC section but community still seems to hold onto the old photo

I can’t seem to find the DC logo on the top left to get to the “MyDC” section. I see my current username, and my default profile pic, but when I click on those, I can’t find the “MyDC” section. I’m currently on browser.