DC Universe Book Club Week 1 Live: Action Comics #866-870

On behalf of our buddy Matt who is mysteriously missing today, let the DC Universe Book Club Week 1 Live: Action Comics #866-870 begin!!!


Great 5 part mini series had a heartbreaking ending to it and i thought i would never felt this way about a Superman story


I remember this when it first came out. most striking thing to me really is that Gary Frank artwork
did you notice the lowest Lane looks just like Margot Kidder?

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Yeah she did

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The look of Brainiac was amazing

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As someone who is not into Superman this was a good read!


Absolutely. I thought Cat was a little over-the-top how they presented her. later in the series Geoff J has the sports guy making moves on Lois.

Isn’t that Lois and Clark are married in this series right?


I loved Brainiac, and I loved the Kara bits. Her interaction with Cat Grant was just amazing. I also loved their depiction of Clark Kent, and Lois was kind of interesting, but I feel Kirk they downplayed her character a little bit.

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Like* lol

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Just before this storyline they had Richard Donner the director of Superman the movie co-writing with Geoff, was called Last Son storyline. Might explain Lois looking like Margot Kidder.p

Oops! My thread went up late (it’s been a busy morning) before i saw this. Gonna see what I can do to take it down! Thanks for taking care of this for me!

I love this book. Brainiac is so unbelievably creepy in this, the art is phenomenal, and it’s just a damn good Superman story. It checks all the boxes (for me at least) of what a good superman story needs.


I’m honestly not sure if Lois and Clark Lois and Superman get married again in this run with so many reboots by DC… I know back in 1996 they got married and of course now with the alternate universe Superman they’re married.


Concerning the overall plot there’s an interesting moral of the story here: Superman decides to kick a nest of hornets and almost gets the Earth destroyed because of his trouble …some food for thought there in modern-day politics.


That freaking horseshoe… :sob:


Matt. I’m sure I speak on behalf of like 20 or 30 people here thanks for pointing this out to us in the comics section here in DC Universe. I guess I’ll call it a forgotten gem with all the turmoil and change in the DC Universe since this was out it’s easy to forget the quality and the fun of the storylines like this back like in 2010.

The interaction between Kara and Cat Grant was funny

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Braniac is an awesome villian who honestly is underused a lot. I think what works with him so we’ll is that he is just the right bit powerful and personal to the story of Superman!


Okay now for the critique side there were parts of the way that Geoff Johns did the storyline that I didn’t find believable. For instance why is Superman helplessly trapped with Brainiac, and Brainiac can take it when Superman hit him…
but then suddenly miraculously Superman’s tearing the place apart and Brainiac is down. there was no explanation why Superman could suddenly overwhelm Brainiac.

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