DC Round Robin 2022: The Final Face-Off! Voting is CLOSED

No, he’s still Superboy. That was just a typo I didn’t bother to fix because I trusted everyone to understand what I actually meant LOL


Hope superboy wins! :00_superman1:


The original article that informed me of this, which focused specifically on the cyborg story, seems to have fallen through the cracks of the internet, but this piece offers a really great explanation of the run as a whole. If you just want the cyborg stuff, start from the bottom and scroll up, but honestly, the whole article’s worth reading.


This is what I get for responding to posts before reaching the end of the thread.


Again, I was reading and responding to the thread chronologically, so if I’d bothered to finish catching up before responding I wouldn’t have posted that one.


Thanks. I was aware of it at the time, but never saw it, and had since forgotten it existed.


Nothing but apathy. With the algorithms on Twitter and Instagram drawing non-comics readers into the vote early, then asking them to register here for the finals, how many are going to think, “Eh, I really don’t care that much”? So yes, there’s no actual obstacle, but choosing to take the step is generally indicative of a higher level of investment in the outcome.


True, but they are, by definition, paying DC a certain amount per month (or year) for access to the library, so DC is still making money off of them. If I consider canceling my subscription, I might think, “Oh, but I want to read that Superboy book we voted on”, and then further think “Well, I guess I can buy it the old fashioned way” if that’s my only reason for subscribing, or “So I’ll just keep my subscription active”. Either way, DC profits from my decision.


Or at the very least, that it wouldn’t be enough to reverse the vote without also looking into whether it was a factor on Instagram.


Not sure how many new folks have joined just based on the totals, because in round 1 we had over 5000 votes for one contest and around 3200 for the rest, afterwards it’s been around 2800, so hopefully they had enough new subscriptions to justify it.


I’m a bit of a lapsed reader, so I just wanted to make sure, especially since it would make sense for Connor to have adopted another name. I’m pretty sure he and Jon were both only being published as Superboy at the same time while Jon was in Legion of Super-Heroes and Connor was in Young Justice, so they were separate enough for the two Superboys thing not to be too confusing, but now that those books are both done and the characters are both taking on solo roles, it can be more of an issue.

And yes, Jon is Superman now, so Connor can go on being Superboy, but after roughly 30 years of publication and a very recent Existential Crisis (let’s see someone pitch that as an event), Connor has grown enough that calling him a “boy” seems to ignore a lot of relevant character growth, even if would appear to be biologically true. I might even argue that while there’s great drama being derived from Jon trying to prove himself worthy of being called a man, Connor’s grown enough as a person to deserve it more.

In fact, the fact that he seems to be seeking his purpose outside the Super Family, makes me think it wouldn’t be shocking if he adopted a new code name at the end of the story. Keep in mind, the full title of the pitch simultaneously refers to him as Superboy, and The Man of Tomorrow.


Aside from at least the same number of posts on those platforms that there were to get out the vote when they had their own polls.

EDIT: Misread your post. Thought you were talking about where to host the polls, not the previews. As I pointed out above, I fully agree with you on that note.


And while I appreciate that—I intentionally waited to vote until I read the previews for the same reason, even though it just confirmed how I already wanted to vote—I also understand DC being more concerned with the “most people” you admit to being “not like”.


Jeez last time I checked it was over 3800 :sweat: That botter just doesn’t know when to quit


Only 6 hours left and then we don’t have to worry about it anymore :slight_smile: Just cleared out a few more!


Yeah… a few…

Talk about a hard day’s work!


Sorry you have to do this on your vacay, but you are appreciated :pray:


Is Suicide Squad Dark cheating again, those Bas——-. Talk about Dark !


6 more hours and then we can all finally rest!

Anywho looking forward to hopefully having a fun new book to read later this year/early next year. Whenever the 2022 Round Robin winner gets released!


You know what would be cool, is if maybe for the year DC They could do a “choose your own adventure” and for each DC book they pick 10 Plots, Tell you what they are, and they do a round robin vote pick from the fans. Whichever gets the most votes they do a book on that plot. So you would have 52 or so books with 500 and 20+ to choose from. That would be interesting. Maybe one would be to have a hero meet another hero they haven’t, or fall in love with them or some thing.