DC Headcanons

Dinah and Hal are BESTIES and they gang up on Ollie together to make fun of him


Hal and John are SHOCKED and somewhat offended when the younger Lanterns don’t get their 80s movie references

Eventually John and Hal decide The Young Folk need to experience some CULTURE
Kyle, shaking: Guys what are you doing
John, locking the door: Sit down.
Hal, pulling out his VHS collection: we are going to watch Raiders Of The Lost Ark AND YOU ARE GOING TO ENJOY IT


Ollie and Barry may be frenemies but Iris and Dinah are BESTIES. Ollie and Barry are a LITTLE bitter that their best friend and now their WIVES are forcing them to stand each other


I actually found it! This was bugging me so I put some leg work in. There was an old head canon thread that got turned into a pm because of copyright (it was a thing). Someone on there said they had a head canon that Cass learned to cook from YouTube and Alfred was thrilled. This was about the same time that an issue of detective comics came out the one right after Clayface “dies” where Alfred takes Cass into the kitchen to get her help and to distract her from the meeting the bat fam was having. These two combined with a few random things from her Batgirl run! Ha! … I’m kinda disappointed it wasn’t completely canon but am thrilled there is at least two instances of comic to back it up. I stand by it.


when Tim gets nervous, he starts quoting stuff. people, books, shows, movies, songs, etc. this is just how he reacts to stressful situations.


John Stewart is a Christmas Music Enthusiast.


DC characters as chronically underrated bands/artists I like (if y’all know any of these artists I will personally give you a hug)
Johnny Thunders: The Heartbreakers (hahahehe yes yes I am so clever)
Eel O’Brian: The Pretty Things (Midnight to Six is, incidentally, also his time)
Booster Gold: Sparks (when WILL he get to sing “My Way”?)
John Stewart: Gloria Jones (he’s rocking to “Tainted Love”)
Dinah Lance: The X-Ray Spex (some people think little girls should be seen and not heard. . . )
Oliver Queen: Phil Ochs (Ollie can 100% play “Love Me I’m A Liberal” on guitar and whips it out at protests)
Guy Gardner: The MC5 and also The Dictators
Hal Jordan: Deep Purple (LET’S GO SPACE TRUCKIN’)


Whenever Tim and Kon are hanging out and Tim leaves the room or whatever when he gets back Kon says “Bella where the hell have you been loca?” and will also deny being a Twilight fan.
This is so real to me.


Bart Allen listens to Chloe Moriondo


Stephanie Brown + Bernard Dowd = Best Friends
Tim thought it would be awkward between them with the whole Tim’s ex gf/ current bf thing but Bern and Steph immediately bonded over sharing stories about what it’s like dating a dorky nerd insomniac


@Jurisdiction Aliens shouldn’t have an innate sense of opposite sex coupling, and given that reproduction in Krypton canonically didn’t even require sexual intercourse, makes it even more so.

That said, I think it’s more proof of how alienated from others they both were until they found something in common with someone.

My head canon is that Gotham is a figment of Bruce’s imagination and doesn’t really exist, and he’s actually the assistant to the head janitor at the Watch Tower and the rest of the staff and the Justice League humor him because J’onn said that the inside of Bruce’s mind is a lonely and scary place and all Bruce has going for him is his work, and having an overactive imagination, as long as Bruce doesn’t act on it (and he’s too scared of his own shadow to ever act on it), no harm will ever come from letting it go wild.

Oh, and the head janitor is a nice Brit named Alfred.

Everyone else in Gotham are just made up characters in Bruce’s head that are simply not real.


If Alfred had made the cake it would not have been this much of a disaster. This is the work of Timothy Jackson Drake.
Comic Excerpt] Happy first Pride to you too, Tim Drake. [DC Pride 2022 #1]  : r/DCcomics


I don’t understand why I was tagged… Did I say something?


Smallville Clark’s “super crush” on that version of Bart.


Oh yeah! I still stand by my headcanon


You say a lot of things Mr. Diction.


Please, call me Juri!


Alfred made that cake. In transporting it, Tim got it mushed and turned it into a disaster.


Agree to disagree. Even after the transportation issues, you can tell that beforehand it already looked like a disaster.


Booster Gold is canonically like
A massive history nerd (for money-making purposes more than intellectual zeal, but still)


Booster: Hey Ted wanna hear a cool fact about ancient rome?
Ted: Sure as long as I get to tell you a cool bug fact
Booster: omg babe you know I always love ur bug facts
Guy Gardner: GET A ROOM