DC Fan Art Club: Weekly Challenge #1

Oh, you mean something like…


For the record, that’s supposed to be Wally but he came out looking more like Barry in terms of facial structure. But the idea of an angry Flash reminded me of the Future Flash story arc from Mark Waid’s run, so it’s supposed to look like Wally’s shiny costume with the Batman eyes. I’ve always imagined those white lenses as reflective, so that’s Future Flash’s reflection there.

But also, this is my first time doing inks with anything more sophisticated than a ballpoint pen, and I think it came out surprisingly well.

(The building behind his left shoulder is pretty sad, though.)


Round 2.

My new enemy besides wonky eye is now suit lapels. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


@EasternShoreSpeedster thanks! I am really pushing myself because I have trouble with faces so it means a lot that you can tell what I was going for. I just had the thought of who else speaks backwards and Yoda came to mind. I couldn’t resist.


It came out really well. All the attention to detail, the eyes with the future flash and buildings being reflected plus the background. :+1:


@thelunarmouse your drunk Krypto was done so well! He was such a cute puppy! Just be careful he has a designated flyer.
@EasternShoreSpeedster your quick drawing of Ambush Bug was very well done. It was like he was advertising for candy. Baby Ruth! Sorry Goonie moment.
@stefanie.murr7 Zatanna is not the easiest to capture but I like the cartoon feel of yours. Silly rabbit Trix are for kids.


@CynicalPink Zatanna says “ti seod eh woh wonk t’nod llits I “


sighs I’ve still got weeks to redo my monthly!

@Kelex roll 1d99

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@kelex roll 1d99

:game_die: 14

Angry ambush bug it is!

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@JeepersItsTheJamags that came out great! i love the reflections in his lenses

@stefanie.murr7 so cool! and being namedropped in a piece of ambush bug art is a high point in my life :hugs:


you need to add a lines at the eyebrows, or something. Not trying to be mean, but rn he looks like he is giving a bad pickup line. For the most part he looks great, but his face isn’t angry enough.

PS: I can still do the Future’s End Flash, right?? The blue one, who murders all the bad guys.

When the dice rolled 19 I was like dear gawd I know nothing about this character except from your profile pic :sweat_smile: but then I saw this cover…


@Kelex roll 1d99

:game_die: 98

@Kelex roll 1d99

:game_die: 23

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Did you just try to change your assignment?
gasps in offended
I cannot believe it. Some of us got stuck with our assignments, too.

BTW, sorry for quality. But here you go, @JeepersItsTheJamags


@Kelex roll 1d99

:game_die: 16