DC Comics Congress

Congrats! If you are reading this, you have been chosen as a congressperson in the USA, or at least the DC version.

In this thread, the whole point is discussion potential political decisions that fit the DC Universe, such as laws on Metahuman powers or restrictions on Aliens landing on Earth. Go crazy! Just don’t make this thread like the REAL US Congress, which is to say a giant mess.


You do know this is the road to the Superhero Registration Act, right?


Nope, The Justice Society guranteed that will never happen by all quitting together until Earth realized the mistake they made.


I can’t believe I’ll say it, but a Superhero Registration Act would be smart, at least for the supervillains. That way, the government knows the weaknesses of those villains and they can be dealt with easier.


I’m…assuming your referring to a supervillain database, where the information listed is gathered from observation and field experience. Because a Supervillain Registration Act implies these people are voluntarily registrating with the government


So the Super villains would just tell their weaknesses? You know they are master liars right.


I’m in full support for Checkmate, Amanda Waller and I both agree that no heroes are above the law, that’s why I’m giving Lex Luthor or Oswald Cobblepott a right to sue these so call heroes.
Guys like Batman and his sidekick has no rights whatsoever to attack these criminals.
I demand a Vigilante Act where it’s against a law for a mask heroes attacking criminal.
If they do, they would be unmask and arrested for their crimes, and will be sue, starting with The Batman. :v::slightly_smiling_face::us_outlying_islands::chess_pawn:


Found Yindel’s account.


Who’s Yindel? I honestly never heard of him, or is it her?:man_shrugging:

Vigilante Act
  • Yay!
  • Nay!
0 voters

Ellen Yindel is the police commisioner of Gotham. For some reason she thinks I am guilty of child endagerment.

I wonder what gave her that idea.


Counterpoint: do you remember the Justice Lords incident from a few years ago? Superman had to tell us everything to get Luthor’s pardon? Some JLA members went over to that universe to help that version of Batman take down Lord Superman’s regime. According to the JLA members, Batman has plans and contingences to take down the Justice Lords and our Batman has confirmed that mental-state-wise, they share the exact same mind. He also has the highest rate of criminal takedowns out of the entire JLA. Getting rid of him would be ridiculous.

Side note: going by your logic, Superman is also a “criminal,” but you’d never go after him, no matter how many people he puts through walls. Why? Because of public support. Superman is HUGE, so going after him is career suicide.


Not unless you have a Kryptonite, once he’s down, we’ll put gold Kryptonite ring on his finger, and he’ll be behind bars for good.:slightly_smiling_face:

You know @BatMike-ThePunisher, love this thread already, it’s so fun playing a villain. :grinning:


Didn’t the army try that in the nineties? And weren’t they undermined by a nearly-dead Superman, a reporter, and a photographer? Plus, that won’t change the public perception of him. I mean, we all that he died and all that did was create Steel and Superboy. Face it: the Man of Steel is untouchable.




Appearing in Robin War. Following a rise in vigilante activity in Gotham, primary those who wore robin outfits. The Robin laws was a anti-vigilante legislation act that criminalize the activity or paraphernalia of anyone who acted or dressed like Robin.

Made to target the young vigilante team “We Are Robin.” It was overseen by the Gotham city council, who controlled all police activity relating to the movement, it was lead by head councilwoman Noctua who secretly worked for the court of owls who wanted to remove the young vigilantes from Gotham.

The actual robins: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, and Jason Todd came back to Gotham to help the young heroes fight the laws.


I guess you’re right. Instead, we could apply the information to a prison reform law.

You know Wonder Woman, legally speaking, is a member of the government and has that fancy lasso, right?


Ya know what? Let’s discuss it. What information has Batman Incorporated and the JLA made public about the Court of Owls?


From I understood in their recent appearance in WildC.A.T.S. the group still is operating in secret meaning the public doesn’t know them and Batman Incorporated or The JLA haven’t released information about the group publicly for others like the Halo corporation to be aware of their existence. They have stretched their activities in other cities and while no monolith like they once were. Gotham is there home after all. The group seems to have the influence to still be aware of competition like the Halo corporation and expose their members to the public.


With that information, I’d suggest investigations into both the Halo Corporation and the Court.