DC Collectible News





'Bout time we got a new Hush figure.
:laughing: :drum: #IsThisThingOn

Seriously tho this Riddler figure looks snazzy. :+1:


Ooo- I want that Vic BAF. I’mma look for it on eBay after the entire figure series has been released. That’s how I got my Trigon figure:


He does look spiffy.

I wasn’t planning to get him when he popped up on product lists, but now?


“We may yet, Mr. Frodo. We may.”

As for Flashpoint Cyborg, bring. Him. On.

I hope Flashpoint (because of the Flash movie) is a recurring theme throughout next year’s Multiverse range.

Barry and other characters (Yo-Yo especially) in the basic assortment? Sold!

A two-pack of Barry and Reverse Flash (retooled and w/o the line work in his suit) or a two-pack of the TW Batman with his sword and Reverse Flash? Sold!

A Mega Canterbury Cricket? Sold!

From the Target wave, the silhouettes on the back of Art’s box indicate Wonder Woman may be the fourth figure.

I’m betting Superman will be in the group (especially since he was somewhat scrawny in Flashpoint and could come with large CTB pieces), and if Diana is in the mix, then that would leave…Deathstroke?

A likely choice, especially since he and Art rumbled here:

Either way, I’m excited for more Flashpoint figures. Bring 'em on, Todd and the DC crew!

Fun Fact: The trading card with Frankenstein features him as seen on this cover:

That means Mega Frank is Seven Soldiers, Flashpoint and New 52-themed. Pretty good for a guy made of other people’s body parts.


Yeah & you end up paying roughly the same as buying a whole wave you may or may not be interested in. I may do that too this time around. The Starro experience left me with a bit of regret.

Here’s the image from the back of the box. Who would you guess are the other three figures? Flash, Reverse Flash, and Diana? If they had skinny Supes in there I may consider taking another plunge.


My .02:


Yeah I took too long to type my post, so I saw yours after the fact. That’s what I thought too, but the two middle silhouettes are identical, which made me think of the Flashes.

I mean, if Supes is in there, does that mean I’m gonna go hunt down the Thomas Wayne Batman from the previous waves?

I just said… I’m trying to slow down… Todd doesn’t care apparently.


A possibility.

I’d rather we get Barry and Eobard in a two-pack (especially with a snazzy display base), and the Target wave feature Superman and someone else…like Lois:

Of course, a new Etrigan would be neat, too.

As would Grifter.

Mera would be nice, too.

Gah! Too many choices! Give all of them to us, Todd. P/TY. :slight_smile:

SN: For 2024, I wouldn’t at all mind the Target CTB wave being For Tomorrow-themed, and consisting of…

  • Superman
  • General Zod
  • Mr. Orr
  • Lois (white dress)

CTB: Equus.

Perfect 20th anniversary commemorative. :ok_hand:t2:


Feels like something Todd would do. Bring it on!



Besides being Lois (which is reason enough to make a figure of her :wink:), the scene in For Tomorrow where she’s wearing that dress as she and Superman embrace is beautiful, and definitely worthy of an action figure recreation.

Also, I’ve been wanting a Jim Lee Zod since I first read For Tomorrow. 2024 would be a prime year to get him, IF we don’t get him next year, as McFarlane has said they have a lot of Superman product coming in 2023.


I need a Canterbury Cricket. That is all I am going to say on that.



I’ve been wanting a Canterbury Cricket figure since 2011.

2023’s going to be the year…I hope. :crossed_fingers:t2:


I’ve seen the Cyborg Superman in the wild, I think it was a Target. I’ve never seen the SB or Eradicator as I might have bought something of Kon’s as I’ve been keeping an eye out for that.

The Jon Kent (EDIT: pictured above) that McFarlane did was something I was considering since I thought it might become more rare than not, like the Kon from the YJ cartoon in the white solar suit which is highly marked up, but the video reviews all complained about the eyes looking cross-eyed, which they really do when you see them in person, so that was disappointing.

In fact, even though I have gift cards for Think Geek/Game Stop that I can really only use on toys since I don’t own a console, and several GCs for Target and some other retailers that sell action figures, I have not been able to give anyone my money.

@moro The Legion of Super Pets (which I would only have considered a Krypto) was a disappointing selection, and even the Dr. Fate from Black Adam didn’t interest me and I haven’t seen a Hawk or Atom Smasher to even consider those. That Injustice Fate looks better but I really don’t want to pay scalper prices to find that on line somewhere.

@Vroom I found and bought the Speed Force Flash, at Target, on clearance and that was last summer, I think I may have even posted a picture here somewhere, but that’s on another external since I had to get my laptop upgraded.

The only thing coming down the pipe is that purple costumed classic Catwoman (with whip) from the Super Powers promotional material that @biff_pow posted above. I’d like to see more of those in person, actually. I miss actual conventions, sigh.


News of this broke a while ago, but I didn’t see a post about it, so here it is:

And if you want to buy in bulk, Costco/Kramer-style:


eBay photos of the latest Spin Master 6-inch releases hitting…somewhere (Big Lots? Five Below? IDK, as I haven’t seen them in-person yet, nor have I seen anyone on other forums find them):

Also, an eBay look at the reissue of Spin Master’s Green Lantern (now sporting a rad, minty-fresh, :sparkles: metallic :sparkles: deco):


From the Tamashii Nations 2022 event in Japan:



Jim Balent Selina!

MUST HAVE. :catwoman_hv_1: :catwoman_hv_1: :catwoman_hv_1:


It’s about damn time