DC Collectible News

Been wanting a Reaction Trinity set for some time. Figure it would look neat on my desk at work :slightly_smiling_face:

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The possibilities with DC Reaction are endless. Maybe we’ll see something at Toy Fair next month.

It seems that there are some pre-order pages on walmart.com (without images) for a wave of the McFarlane stuff that is set to hit in May. Those figures include Arkham Joker, Arkham Batman, Golden Armor Wonder Woman (I assume from WW84), comic Wonder Woman, and another Harley Quinn (I assume from Birds of Prey).


great find @ashleywilbanks!

also found these two in depth reviews

batman YouTube
superman YouTube

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Arkham as in the games? Would be cool to get an Arkham Knight Batman.

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Watched the Superman review. Looking really good. My only knocks would be the single jointed elbows and lack of S on the back of the cape. The sculpted S on the chest looks impeccable. Head sculpt looks great too.

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I will put up some reviews of all the figures once they arrive. Hopefully soon…


In depth interview with Todd McFarlane about DC Multiverse.


I caught that interview a couple days ago. It was surprisingly good, given that that channel is very hit and miss in its DC coverage. I’m glad Todd is enthusiastic about a Joaquin Phoenix Joker figure.

Some more Spin Master news:

-Walmart has a swamp themed 4" three-pack with Killer Croc (he looks great!) and swamp suit versions of Batman and Robin. IDK if it’s an exclusive set, but the person in the review I came across (I’ll link it later) said they found it there. It’s $19.85.

-In addition to their exclusive basic assortment Batman and King Shark figures, Target also has deluxe figures of the two. King Shark has clip-on shark themed battle armor, while Batman (in his blue and gray suit) has a bat-glider with pop-open wings.

Target also has a new, exclusive 100 Page Giant comic, which looks to tie into the Spin Master toys, as illustrated renditions of the exclusive basic figures are on the cover. 100 all-new pages for $9.99 (same as the Primal Age Giant from last year).

Also, it’s being said that Target will have a DC endcap of assorted toys and merch, either on January 12th, or thereabouts. This is likely to include McFarlane and Spin Master product, along with the new 100 Page Giant comic.

Thanks for the info on those upcoming McFarlane figures @ashleywilbanks, they sound interesting. I imagine the comic Wonder Woman will be in her modern garb. It’d be nice if they highlight Wonder Woman #750 with it.

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Thank you for a very detailed update, @Vroom. The news of a comic that goes along with the Spin Master toys is rather interesting. I was never able to locate the Primal Age comic in a store, and I checked many times. Wonder if this one will be easier to find.
I’m actually liking these Spin Master toys a bit more than I thought I would. There is a certain charm to them I can’t put my hands on. Not sure if I’ll pursue though…maybe when I see them in person.


So, two more points about the Spin Master stuff:

  1. Their overall DC line is titled “DC Heroes Unite”.

  2. Their Batman line is titled “Batman: The Caped Crusader”.

I wasn’t sure what the exact titles of each line were, but from what I’ve sussed out, the above look to be the full names for each line.

@moro Good luck on the Batman: The Caped Crusader Giant. I was checking it’s availability on eBay and saw the DC Primal Age book as well. Prices seem to still be pretty reasonable for it, so have you thought of going the eBay route for that one?

I’m very excited for the McFarlane stuff, but the Spin Master offerings have alot of appeal to the kid and collector in me. They’re fun toys and nifty collectibles too.

Via Toyark, it looks like comic stores will start to carry the DC Heroes Unite line on 2/26.


I may have checked it out on ebay a time or two. One of those things where I was never really that interested, but those animated online ads kinda got me going a bit. If I saw one in person while shopping and liked what I saw inside, I may have snagged one.

From your posts I could always tell you were into toys that actually looked like toys. I understand the feeling you mention. Feel that way anytime I see a Super Powers figure or G1 Transformer :slightly_smiling_face:.

I almost strictly buy my collectibles online. Not one to do the whole store run thing, so hopefully online availability for all this stuff is not spotty.


On a completely different note from what we have been discussing, looks like Jim Shore are doing a few more DC mini statues. I’ve always liked these and have been wanting to indulge. Saw them in person in a Hallmark Store during the holidays.

Me: “Merry Christmas…any discounts on these?”
Clerk: “Nooo sorry, those are full price…would you like me to take one out for you?”
Me: “Humbug”.

Entertainment Earth Jim Shore DC

For clarity, the ones I saw in person were the single versions of Clark, Bruce, Diana, et al. The new multi character statues at the top of the list linked above have not been released in the wild yet.


On the left is a Christmas gift from my little brothers. The right is a gift…from me to me!


Love that red hood


Kenner’s Super Powers Collection makes the world go 'round.


I picked up the Snyder Batman Zero Year yesterday and saw a my comic shop 2 of the Super Power figures. GL & WW (they still had the little pamphlet also) I had the Batman and Robin ones as a kid and will probably pick up those 2 later this month or next if they are still there.


The little comics that came with those Super Powes figures were pretty cool.

Hope you enjoy that future purchase, @Aquamon!


In hand pictures and overall review from Toyark

C’mon Walmart. Ship my figures already!


I’m not into busts. I don’t buy Joker collectibles. Nonetheless this is a very striking piece.