DC Announces "The Death of The Justice League" in 2022

Evening news stories completely misexplaining why comic nerds are excited/upset.


Like reprising his BatBane mantle to form a better Justice League? Or just full on Bane Bane being Bane, doing drugs for Justice and all that?

Good for Ollie! :wink:

Let’s celebrate one of the most iconic storylines in the DC universe by killing off the major fan favorites. :laughing:


I have plenty of fan favorites not there. This would be nothing compared to Zero Hour.

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I read the report for the first time last night and I also got the vibe of either Ollie or Dinah returning.

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The JLI being forced to include Bane as a member do to Bane being a folk hero in Latin America

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I don’t think I’ve read Zero Hour, so I wouldn’t know. I still have a lot of catching up to do.

Basically the death of The Justice Society.


Oh that sounds interesting

Honestly, I’m not in the mood for big death drama or the removal of beloved characters. Since this seems to be an “anniversary” event of sorts for Death of Superman, I hope it’s resolved quickly and/or retained within confined series (and hopefully not the ones I’m currently enjoying).


I think at the very least the Justice League as a team concept won’t be dead for long. Enough to feel an impact, for sure, but I imagine we’ll get a Justice League book that will be a mix of new legacy heroes and more b-list characters.

As for characters, I imagine that depends on just how long and where Williamson’s going with his story that started with Infinite Frontier. But I imagine that at least the big characters will have certain books out around this time that will feature them outside the current continuity.

For example, at this point we’ll have Mark Waid’s World’s Finest out which will feature Clark, Bruce and Dick as Superman, Batman and Robin. We’ll DEFINITELY get some Black Label books that feature Batman, though we’ll likely continue to see stuff with Superman and Wonder Woman there too.


That’s a good point. We’ll probably still see some of the characters elsewhere. I have more confidence in the big 3 in that context than Arthur though. We’ll see. My more immediate concern is really the impact to other books. Are all the bat-adjacent characters going to get super angsty? Is Mera going to become a red lantern? Is Jon going to be a mope? I like the more hopeful vibe some books have right now, and I’d prefer not to lose that across the board. The idea of the JL being lost and others stepping up to battle in the wake is fine. It’s more the fallout that concerns me. Like you mentioned, Bruce will be Batman somewhere!


Its more why should I care?

Because it will make Hawkman happy.

Seriously: That is up to you. If you do not care about a work of fiction you do not have to care. You do not have to be interested in every DC storyline. Find something you enjoy and then enjoy it.

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From one of the links that @KookieSuperApe posted earlier in this thread:

Remember, it was only one year ago at this time Wonder Woman died/ascended to a higher plane of being in Dark Nights: Death Metal #7 while saving the Multiverse from the Darkest Knight, only to eventually return to Earth months later as plain 'ole Wonder Woman.

Bingo. Whatever happens in this book won’t be permanent but it will do what it’s already done - get attention on DC Comics. Nobody was talking about Justice League #74 but a lot of people are already talking about Justice League #75. Mission accomplished.

So check this space in August or the same time next year when we’re talking about the inevitable ‘Return of the Justice League.’ And until then, enjoy the ride. It’ll be over before you know it.


@Don-El: Could not agree more! “Radical changes”, constant deaths, and reboots all to sell a few extra copies. It is insane! DC, Marvel, do you want to up sales and be relevant again? Try telling good stories that don’t involve stunts and cash grabs!


I agree that these stunts are frustrating and more likely jumping off points.

I don’t agree that telling good stories without stunts is the way. Hawkman - great story, no stunts - died a miserable sales death (though I still cherish the run). Deathstroke - a really hard sell of a title, but managed to survive thanks to three different stunts - “Deathstroke is a good guy now” “Batman fights Deathstroke” “Deathstroke DIES”. The sales spikes for these three stunts is clear.

I think what we need is good stories that USE stunts to get attention. The problem is most people willing to use stunts aren’t really of the capacity to provide that good writing.


Looks like I’ll have to expand my collection of Justice League action figures so I can create my own story lines in the future and post those on the web.