Dawn of DC

Looks like Ram V already announced his new project Vigil, and he is using both detective comics and his lazarus planet anthology story to promote his new project which maybe will get its own title soon. Vigil seems like some people fighting supernatural threats. The lazarus planet Vigil cover has 2 persons with masks.

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There will probably be a new team title that has Stitch, Red Canary and Flatline.

no its jason

Just make the art larger so can see the stitches on the hood, face and neck. Looks like a team of young heroines bec Stitch, Red Canary and Flatline are about the same age.

this is jason @colonyofcells_iamamachine


The cover has 2 people with masks which are the Vigil and Jason Todd is a guest star in the Vigil anthology story. The twitter of Ram V (dec 16) has Ram V saying the cover has 2 members of the Vigil:
To continue with The Vigil Sneaky peeks here’s
sumit kumar
cover to Lazarus Planet: Next Evolution #1 - which features a couple of Vigil characters and the symbol on the cover!

Detective Comics art from the dec 27 twitter of Ram V:

here’s another cover with jason


I think Jason Todd is just a guest star in the Vigil story altho he could also join the Vigil in order to help sell the Vigil. It can be hard to sell new projects like the Vigil. In detective comics, Batman is helping to promote the Vigil but I am pretty sure Batman is not joining the Vigil. If there is a new Vigil title, Batman will probably guest star. If there is a new Outsiders title, looks like it will have Jason Todd, Black Lightning and Katana as seen in Batman Legends Of Gotham 1. There was a past plan to help out a Gen 13 relaunch by including Conner Kent in Gen 13, but the Gen 13 relaunch never happened except for a small preview.

well the dc solicitations should be coming out soon we should hear more then

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Batman Legends Of Gotham 1 has Outsiders that includes Jason Todd, Black Lightning and katana. Outsiders tends to have either Batman and or a Batman family member in order to help sell the Outsiders. Probably harmless if they also want Jason Todd to join the Vigil to help out a future Vigil title.

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I know I’m getting it its a one shot

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Have to wait for the vigil story to come out to know if jason todd is just a guest star or joining the vigil. If jason todd is joining vigil, Ram V might announce it on twitter. The 20 anthology stories in Lazarus Planet are full of guest stars. The Power Girl story has Omen. The raven story has gar logan. the city boy story has Nightwing. The Firestorm story has Harley Quinn. The Circuit Breaker story has both Jay Garrick and Wally West (Jay Garrick and Wally West are on the cover instead of Circuit Breaker).


2023 Dawn, Forging The Future One Hero At A Time by Dan Mora


I think your right about it being stitch in this pic but I still think jason will be on the team

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So far, Ram V seems confident that his Vigil title will be approved by dc (maybe it has already been approved by dc). Will check out the ram v twitter every now and then to see if his Vigil title is really coming out.


I mean, with all the stuff being posted about it, I’d expect it to show up in either April, May, or June solicitations - perhaps June because we are supposed to get Green Lantern and Green Arrow solicits per the calendar graphic this month.


there is already a trailer for it

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Its going to turn out to be a miniseries or something

For the Dawn promo images, some do not have solo titles like Yara Flor who is surviving inside the Wonder Woman title. My guess is dc is hoping Wonder Woman can help promote Yara Flor so Yara Flor can have her own title in the future. The team of stitch, red canary and flatline might be part of Titans or they might be part of Teen Titans. White Adam will probably start inside the title of Billy Batson to gain more exposure. If the Jace Fox title includes Damian Wayne, that will definitely help boost sales for the Jace Fox title. For Flash Avery Ho, would like to see a Avery Ho title where she is being trained by Quicksilver Max Mercury, Jay Garrick, or Barry Allen (so far, no announcement yet of a Barry Allen title). Jo Mullein and Jackson Hyde had solo titles in the past.

I’m pretty sure that Adams would love to write a second Flash title, or work with a writer on a second Flash title. :slight_smile:

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