DARK CRISIS - Live Q&A with Joshua Williamson, May 11th @ 2PM PST/5PM EST!

YES. Nightwing is a MAJOR piece of the Dark Crisis story. That’s why he’s on the first page. Wally and the Flash family are a big part as well. Wally’s story with Dark Crisis continues in the Flash tie-in issues starting in Flash 783 in July. I think we’re revealing a cover soon that will make a lot of Flash fans very happy.


Conner Kent/Superboy is in the Dark Crisis: Young Justice mini-series. I can’t answer too much of the rest as it gets too deep into spoilers for the rest of the main Dark Crisis series :wink:


I just keep getting more and more excited for Dark Crisis!


I didn’t really factor that in, to be honest? I mostly focused on how they would react to a Crisis based on who they are as characters.But they are not really around each other much in Dark Crisis.


Yes! The Justice League is gone, but as Nightwing says early in #1…they all need to work together. The idea there “is no Justice League” will become clear after you read #1.


There is no Justice League. People might try to form new teams…but it won’t go the way they hoped or expect.



My goal with this Crisis was to show it from different perspectives. Ones we haven’t seen before. To show how characters who have never been in a Crisis react to it. The last “Crisis” you could say was Heroes in Crisis? Then Final Crisis was a bit ago. I don’t really consider Metal or Death Metal a “Crisis” especially since Scott called Death Metal an “Anti-Crisis.” But I do get the feeling of “event fatigue.” That was a plot point of the Infinite Frontier mini-series we did last year.


Dark Crisis is 7 issues long. From June to December. Over the years at DC we’d have summits where we’d talk about events that we were planning. A few years ago I was taking down notes and ideas during a summit, and I started to think a lot about death in the DCU. What it meant. How do the characters feel about death knowing so many of them had died. In late 2018 I wrote down the words “death of the Justice League” in one of my notebooks, and it always stayed in my head. So over the years I worked on the idea. When we started to pull together the plans for post-Death Metal and Infinite Frontier, I pitched this story. It already fit in with some plans DC already had and they were excited about it, so we went with it!


I hesitate to get too deep into spoilers here. BUT…I love the JSA and I hope you read Dark Crisis. If you are a fan of the JSA you will be happy. :wink:


I’ve always LOVED the sidekicks of the DCU. The Generational history, and the legacy characters. My entry into the massive world of DC was with newer heroes like Tim Drake, Bart, Conner, Connor, Cassie, Kyle etc. Since then a LOT of new legacy heroes have been introduced, so I wanted to do a story about that. Not just heroes introduced in the last year or two. Or even the last ten years. But all the new heroes that have come since the first Crisis in Infinite Earths. 've seen a Crisis from the Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman perspective. So let’s see it from someone else’s pov. I was most excited about the Titans, Nightwing, Wally, Jon, and a few other surprises that will show up.


As a Hawkman fan this answer puts wind beneath my wings!


When is Telos going to show up? I hope he’s as important as Nightwing


Yes! Damian is one of my fav characters at DC. I love writing him. He has a big big moments in key scenes. Some of what happens in Shadow War will lead into Dark Crisis, so that impacts Damian. And yes we do see him with Dick and Jon.


Yep! She is crucial to a big scene later in the series. She has one of the bigger moments/fights later on. She’s super powerful and they really need it during a BIG fight in later issues. All of the Titans are important to Dark Crisis.


If it’s not too late to add a question - I’m going back and reading Crisis on Infinite Earths, The Saga of the Swamp Thing and then jumping forward to Infinite Frontier and Future State. How vital is reading back issues going to be for Dark Crisis? Can someone jump in fresh? How much would you recommend we read before this begins?


I’m sorry to be super vague here. But you will need to read the Dark Crisis: Green Arrow and Black Canary one-shot to get all those answers. It’s out in October.


Thank you!

I do know what is coming after Dark Crisis. I’ve already started working on it and talking with other creators about it. Very exciting!..to answer your second question: It’s way too early to share those plans. But thank you for asking!


Thank you for reading all of my work! Means a lot to me. All of that will pay off as you read Dark Crisis.

With the Titans. That is actually a point that Deathstroke himself brings up in #2. The most I can say that is to make sure you read #1 and #2. (and the rest of the issues. ) I love the Titans and hope they are elevated again during this series. But it is is a Crisis, so it’s going to be a wild ride for Titans fans. You will see all of those members, the Glass TT team, within Dark Crisis. OH wait…not Wallace. Wallace goes with Wally on their side mission.


Soooooooo the plan was for Roy to continue his search within TTA and Catwoman last year. But those plans changed and I’m picking it up again in Dark Crisis. I’m going to touch on it as much as I can. As I want Roy to be back with his family.