Community Office Hours--Ask Jitsu Your Questions Every Tuesday Night!

Hey @Jitsu,
Hope you’re doing well today, I was thinking about Round Robin tournament, the last year and this year tournament has been alot of fun, one thing I’m concern about, since there was voter fraud that abuse the poll and ruin the fun for everyone, will DC plan to continue doing the tournament next year or due to voting fraud, will not do it next year? I hope they’ll be back next year.
Thankyou for your time. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey @Jitsu , hope you are on the mend from your recent surgery. Now that Dark Crisis is going to begin, what DC Team past or present would you like to see step up and fill some of the void left by the JLA. After the round robin tournament went well, which I assume it did, with the minor cheating hiccups, what fandom participation events besides the awesome Q& A’s y’all continue to do, should we be looking forward to?


Hey J,

Not so much a question, but Fables was recently added to DCUI. There was a Tweet about it, but it would be nice if when a full series is added to DCUI like this, that DC would also make an official post about it here in the community.


Noted! Good call out, we’ll keep on top of this.


Thanks! It’s getting better day by day. Still have only about 25% mobility in my right arm, but I started PT yesterday, and I’m looking forward to the road to recovery!

Great question…Not sure how it would happen logistically, but I’ve been really into the Shazam Family lately, so I’d love to see them use their powers to take up some of the responsibility left behind JLA. Their powers are so “godly”, which resonates with me in terms of my crossover interests in high fantasy, so I think it’d be a great time!

It did go well! Aside from a few bad actors who worked (very) hard to ruin the project, I’m very pleased with how things turned out. A lot of us at DC put in so much work, so it feels good to have completed a good tournament. Going forward, there will be a lot to look forward to! Aside from the Q&As, we’ll still do question submissions for DC show producers, and some cool activations with movies as well. Community interactivity is a big focus of mine, so I’m always looking for new ways to add more touchpoints between all of us here and the overall DC brand. We’ll hopefully have some exciting news about in-person events too, so keep an eye out! :eyes:


Hey hey, likewise! Thanks for bein’ here.

As of now, we’re still on track to bring back Round Robin in 2023. We get great engagement and interactivity from DC fans (despite some folks trying to ruin it all), so it’s something we’re still excited about. That being said, we will be adding in some extra layers of security here on the Community Site, which will hopefully mitigate the fraud in 2023. Things may change, and we have many meetings planned to review this year’s tournament, but that’s pretty much where things stand now.


Apologies for missing that one! To be honest, I’m not full caught up on Doom Patrol, so I can’t fully answer those questions. BUT once I’m caught up, I’ll be all ears for Doom Patrol related questions.


Wonderful, I’m so happy to hear it. :grinning:Thankyou @Jitsu.


Great new about “Fables”


Hello @Jitsu,
When will the next book club will be and what book will we read next? Thankyou. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello @Jitsu as Memorial Day, officially kicks off Summer, any great vacation plans or attendance by DCUI and Community at the upcoming cons. Also, it might be a bit early, but are we having another FanDome this year.


It’s right now! → May/AAPI Month Book Club: Future State Swamp Thing! May 23 - June 3 :slight_smile:


Awesome, Thankyou @Alec.Holland, looking forward to reading it.:smiley:



Hey @Jitsu - I’m promoting DCUI over on the Discord for the Bat Cowl NFTs and have some people interested in joining us here. They’re asking about a potential discount on an annual subscription for Bat Cowl NFT holders. Any chance of something like that getting approved since the Cowls are affiliated with DC?


Hey hey! As far as I know, there is no DCUI discount program for Bat Cowl NFT holders. I think the DC NFT teams are likely still mapping out what benefits look like down the road, but I have not heard anything about an actual DCUI discount incentive. I’ll let you know if I hear otherwise!


Hey, Jitsu! What was the reason behind the digitization team’s choice to pursue the old WildStorm Wetworks series next? Seems like a pretty left field pick!


Great question! I’m not looped into all of those conversations, particularly when it is one of those left field picks, so I’m not sure what the reasoning was.


Whatever their reasoning, I’m pumped to see more WildStorm content finally hitting the digital circuit.

Captain Atom: Armageddon’s completion was a great new starting point, while Wetworks v1 is even better. Maybe one day, we’ll see the digital completion of WildC.A.T.S volume 1? One can hope!
:crossed_fingers:t2: :clark_hv_4:

The recent print to digital activity with WildStorm content has me optimistic that DCUI will finally be putting its WildStorm catalog in the spotlight to some degree, which is something the brand has been deserving of since Day One of DC Universe and DC Universe Infinite.


Howdy, @Jitsu what’s going on with the Black Canary project involving Jurnee Smollett? I read different things about it, and frankly, I’m confused. Maybe you could set the record straight on what’s going on?


Hey @Jitsu when will we get to vote for the next book club reading?:grinning:
