Comics You Love That Everyone Else Hates?

The current Nightwing run


Totally right about them being products of their time. Id love to see some of the big comic brands take on a modern, more socially relevant/accessible romance saga in comics.


There are romance comics that are successful and sell copies to this day (Strangers in Paradise XXV just wrapped up, and Love & Rockets hardcovers are still in print), they’re just not published by Marvel and DC anymore. But that isn’t to say that the Big Two haven’t done any (relatively) recently. DC did a few forays into the genre in the 2000s (Young Heroes in Love, anyone?) and Marvel frequently does one-shots and spin-offs that pay homage to the romance stories of the ‘50s and ‘60s, such as Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane (which, just to stay on topic, is secretly the best comic published in the ‘00s and I never hear it talked about) or the I :heart: Marvel series. And, none of that is to talk about manga or webcomics, where romance is practically the only genre. Point being, they aren’t gone, they’ve just changed.


Certainly manga does dominate that genre. And there have been toes dipped into the water by the big two. A few independents have found a niche.

I think a modern take on romance comics is a double edged sword. Do you include non-hetro-normative, which is going to have attacks from certain groups or just stick to hetro-normative which will bring attacks from different groups.

It is not a dissimilar situation as you had in the late 60’s early 70’s when the “sexual revolution” Was in full swing. If they didn’t include it, they were cutting out audience for not being relevant. If they included it, conservative groups would have been on the war path.

So to bring them back in a modern way, they are gonna get big flack from some areas regardless of what they do, and that impacts the big two, more than the independent.

I will go so far as to say that, IMO, had Young Lust not ran as long as it did, the genre would be all but extinct except for manga.


I’m with you. I can understand why it’s disliked but I think it has a lot of good stuff in there. Funnily enough it wasn’t until a re-read that I got squicked out.


Wonder Woman: Amazonia is a really bizzarre book. It does a lot of strange things with Diana and Steve Trevor. But it’s got a painterly quality to it and I love the victorian setting.


All Star Batman and Robin
Tom King’s Batman run


Love those two!


wait, do people dislike it?

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Countdown to final crisis isn’t THAT bad. At least not all of it. I enjoyed the trickster/piper and challengers from beyond storylines. I just think there were too many things happening at once, but once you dissect it you get some decent stories. I wouldn’t go as far to say that I LOVED it, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as all the hate i’ve read about it