Comic Book Library Challenges: The Lots of Issues Club

Welcome to another Comic Book Library Challenge! These are challenges that are to try to engage you in reading the DC Universe Infinite Comic Book Library. There are currently two others going:

RETURN of the A-Z Comic Book Library Challenge - 2024 Edition


This one is a bit different then the other two as it has levels within it and contains vastly MORE issues to have to be read. In my recent challenge that I requested a title from a friend, they had me read a title that had a LOT of issues (Teen Titans by Geoff Johns title). This got me to think about how it would be interesting to challenge ourselves with some of the larger titles in the comic book library. There are four levels for this challenge, due to the amount you would need to read to accomplish this one, there are only four levels. The levels are very specific in the amount you need to read to have reached each levels completion:

Level 1 - Read a title with 25 - 50 issues within it.
Level 2 - Read a title with 51 - 100 issues within it.
Level 3 - Read a title with 101 to 199 issues within it.
Level 4 - Read a title with 200+ issues within it.

One title may NOT be used for all four levels. Yes, this means you would have to read 4 different titles with this number of issues within it. As long as the item count falls somewhere in the range addressed above, you are golden. I know this one may take people awhile depending on their reading speed. I am going to try to keep coming up with new comic book library reading challenges for those that want to participate as well. One may start again on the first roughly. :slight_smile: