Birds of Prey


The first BOP book I read was Rebirth and I thought it was pretty good. I always liked Black Canary but never read a lot that focused on her, so I thought it was long overdue to check out the OG book. Started a couple days ago but already deep into the series.

I have to say, I really enjoyed Chuck Dixon’s run. There were touching emotional moments, fun spy thriller action, and plenty of humor. Also, while I like the fishnets for…reasons…this other look is actually on point!


FASCINATING! I really enjoyed the Batgirl and the Birds of Prey book, but I don’t know if I’d ever think of it as the first starting point for these characters and this team. So glad you enjoyed it!

Dixon’s stuff is really, really solid, and has some really awesome art! The 99 costume for Canary really threw me, as I was so used to Ed Benes’s design, but it’s very cool. There are three specific issues/arcs in Dixon’s run that I think are all time greats!


The reason the Rebirth BOP was my first was because at the time I was reading all the Babs as Batgirl solo books. I enjoyed the dynamic between all 3 of them and was a bit sad it didn’t last a little longer


Nice! Was this back in 2016, or more recently?


A couple of years ago I think. But kicking a$$ never goes out of style


Especially not for these Birds!


What 3 issues/arcs from Dixon’s run do you consider all time greats?


I spoke a bit too soon! There’s actually a lot more that I think very much stand the test of time!
This classic Dick and Babs issue: Birds of Prey (1998-) #8
The still unmatched confrontation between Babs and the Joker: Birds of Prey (1998-) #16
This classic geopolitical meditation (basically condensing all 12 issues of Tom King’s Omega Men into one hard hitting issue): Birds of Prey (1998-) #18
The intense Hunt for Oracle collected in this trade: Birds of Prey Vol. 3
And the awesome Big Romance arc, starting here: Birds of Prey (1998-) #31


:star_struck: :purple_heart:
:00_batgirl1: :00_huntress1: :00_black_canary:


Love that Marcio Takara Birds! :slight_smile:


Same. :purple_heart:


Babs having cybernetic powers and even a sort of digital avatar are actually cool ideas


I don’t necessarily disagree, but the storylines referenced definitely show why it could go very wrong! And other than the chip storyline (which is EXTREMELY negative overall, with only cosmetic positives), I can’t think of one where tech enhancements/cybernetics are written in a positive and nuanced way, sadly.


I’ve finally made it past issue 100 and currently working on the last stretch of the original BOP book. At this point, I’ve met Misfit and I understand why Babs doesn’t want her to be involved. But I also want to point out to Babs that she is already working with CHILDREN!


Misfit is fantastic! And she also gets a front row seat to the sadness that was War Games and Stephanie Brown’s status quo at the time - which made a big impact on me!


I finally did it! I have read through the original BOP book and it is truly a legendary series. My love for Babs has if anything grown, which I didn’t think was possible. I have more respect for Black Canary. And Huntress has made her way into my Top 10 Heroes/Comic Characters.

The Rebirth BOP may have been my first adventure with the group, and I’ll always have a soft spot for it. But the OG is admittedly the best.


:100: :raised_hands:


I decided to also check out the Gail Simone book that lasted 15 issues before “Flashpoint” rebooted everything. This run (which I refer to as volume 2) can be summed up in the same way I sum up the 2020 Candyman movie. It’s pretty good…but not great.

I really dig the art for this series, especially for the covers. There is plenty of good action and has a little bit of a sense of humor and fun, enough to balance out the more intense moments. And while I don’t really know much about Hawk & Dove, I actually really dig the idea of them joining the team. OK, maybe Dove more so than Hawk, but the potential with him is still there.

My biggest problem with the book is regarding how it starts. I think it tries to do a bit too much too quickly, and it has too much of a bite. The starting point of this volume just felt a bit too harsh. It does balance out a bit as it goes on, probably would have felt more like Gail’s run from the first volume if the entire universe wasn’t rebooted. But this was still an enjoyable book. Plus, this volume includes a moment where Huntress lays out Shiva and she responds by giving her a surprising amount of respect. And any series that includes The Question gets my approval.


I have not seen any Candyman movie, but I think you’re dead right about 2010’s Birds of Prey run.

Hawk and Dove are really fun characters, but I don’t think Simone quite figured out what to do with them until the very end of this run, and so it feels very tacked on.

To be fair to Simone, she was trying to deal with the fallout of Cry for Justice, and that is a mess I don’t wish on anyone. I still think that the first arc is REALLY weak, except for the final issue, where the amazing Huntress vs Shiva fight goes down.


It’s starting to sound like WW will make an appearance in the upcoming BOP book