Best Political DC Comics?

Thank you so much

Mark Russell’s comics, mentioned by several posters already, are nearly always political, with Flintstones, Prez, and Snagglepuss being the most obvious, but even on Wonder Twins, in the brutal takedown of the prison-industrial complex, proved itself to be very political. I even remember the Year of the Villain Sinestro special, which played around with religion and issues of political science.

In another thread, I mentioned my great affection for the recently-concluded Billionaire Island, from Ahoy Comics, which full-on targets out-of-control capitalism and its domination by amoral corporate interests.

Russell, by my reckoning, is the top political commentator in modern comics.


Batman The Cult is very politically prescient right now.


That’s another comic I’ve been wanting to read for awhile

Agreed, Didn’t think about it until you mentioned it. Good eye there man (Also, Welcome to the Community)


Great stuff, I would say it is the only Jason Todd story you will ever really need to read other then Second Chances and Death in the Family

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Early Action Comics!

O’Neil on GL/GA.

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Jason Aaron’s Vertigo book, Scalped is amazing. Oh, and Brian K. Vaughan’s Wildstorm book Ex Machina.


80s Hawkman, by far. The series that happened in the wake of the mini-series, when Katar-Hol goes to earth. The reaction to the Declaration of Independence is incredible.

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What issues/Run is that? Mind sending a link?

Are either of them on dc universe? I don’t see them?

Both are creator-owned books from other wings, so I don’t know how likely either of them will be on the service even when it becomes Infinite.

Since we’re talking about Vertigo, I’ll add:

Y: The Last Man, which is about a world where a plague has killed all the men on the planet…except for a early 20s slacker and his pet monkey. It touches on a lot in terms of gender roles and how society tries to rebuild after large tragedy. It’s probably top 3 at least in terms of best Vertigo books ever made.

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I’ll have to check my local comic shop or local barnes and noble to see if they have any copies.

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No mention of DC Universe: Decisions, one of the most overtly political comics they’ve ever done. Maybe too topical to still be relevant, but…?

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Don’t forget the original:

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I think people tend to not mention it because, from what I’ve seen, it wasn’t very good.

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Oh, it was subtle as a sledge-hammer. But they tried. The high point was Superman’s explanation of why he wasn’t publicly endorsing ANY candidate.

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Hey people said Brian k vaughan run on swamp thing wasn’t very good but I personally liked it. So I might like decisions

I’ll check that out both of them out when I can.

They did? I’ve been curious about that volume, because of the character and Brian K. Vaughn is a consistent hit as a writer.

But fair enough, always better to try. I might give it my own try in a little while.

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